Latest News and Events

A Training Course at Kerbala University of entitled “Microsoft Office Excel”

The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at Kerbala University has held an electronic training course entitled “Microsoft Excel”. It has been delivered by Asst. Lect. Huda Ragheb and Asst. Lect. Zahraa Najm, with the participation of a number of specialists in this program. The course aims at developing the employees’ skills in their administrative tasks. The course includes ...

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The Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University Holding a Training Course in Cooperation with the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate

The Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University, in cooperation with the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate, Karbala, and sponsored by the British DCP Company, Iraq Branch, has conducted a training course entitled (Applications and Optimal Choices for Implementation Problems and Modern Building Materials). The course has been attended by more than 40 engineers. The course aims at developing the participants’ skills and ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled” The Role of Dialogic Leadership in enhancing Job achievement

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled “The Role of Dialogic Leadership in Enhancing Job achievement – An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of teaching staff Members in Private Schools in Baghdad”. It has been presented by Haider Abdul Obaid Al-Tai. The study aims at ...

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Beginning of Final Exams “Second Semester” – Kerbala University

Most faculties of Kerbala University start the final exams, whether the electronic or face to face exams for the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021. With strict preventive and health measures, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nile Al-Saedi, says, the students of Kerbala University stars to perform their final exams for the second semester of the ...

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Get the Vaccine to Safe lives (Let’s Vaccinated)

Within COVID19 awareness campaign, Kerbala University encourages the students, employees and teaching staff members to get vaccinated. Saving Lives, The University recommends to register in the state scheduling system and find designated vaccination sites.

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Kerbala University Holding a Training Course entitled “pediatric and adult basic life support”

Faculty of Nursing / Kerbala University has held the course which is entitled “pediatric and adult basic life support “. The curriculum of the first day, a theoretical lecture on the anatomy and physiology of the heart and blood circulation of the fetus and its difference from adults and neonatal resuscitation has been included , the second day theoretical lectures ...

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A Scientific Symposium at Kerbala University entitled “Understanding Culture”

The Faculty of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Kerbala has held an electronic scientific symposium entitled “Understanding Culture” with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists. It has been presented by Asst. Lect. Sarah Abdel Ameer. The symposium, which has been delivered in English, aims at introducing different cultures of the world, their types and ...

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Kerbala University Discussing the Students’ Research papers for having the B.A. in Computer Science

Under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hadi, the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Kerbala has discussed the graduation research papers which is one of the the requirements for having the in computer science for the academic year 2020-2021, The research include a number of projects ...

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The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Karbala Center for Studies and Researches at Imam Hussain Holy Shrine

In order to expand the scope of science and knowledge, invest the skill and achieve the goals set, Faculty of Engineering has signed a memorandum of understanding with Karbala Center for Studies and Researches at Imam Hussain Holy Shrine. The memorandum includes holding some training courses in educational fields, joint research, exchanging ideas, and social programs. It also included cooperation ...

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A Workshop at Kerbala University entitled “Mechanism of Preparing Electronic Exams”

The Faculty of Education for Human Sciences at Kerbala University has organized a workshop entitled” the mechanism of preparing E- exams”, with the participation of a number of teaching staff members. The workshop aims at identifying the modern mechanisms used in electronic systems to develop education and conducting examinations. The workshop includes the mechanism of preparing E- exams and ways ...

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