Latest News and Events

Kerbala University participates in a Workshop on the Role of Telecommunications and Mobile Phone Companies

Kerbala University has participated in the scientific workshop, which has been held at Hall of Imam al-Hassan (peace be upon him) at the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine, and in cooperation with Al-Taff University College and the Ministerial Team for E-Learning from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The workshop entitled (the role of telecommunications and mobile phone companies ...

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Kerbala University organizing an Electronic Workshop entitled “Basic Crawl Algorithm”

The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Kerbala has organized an electronic workshop entitled (Basic Crawl Algorithm), with the participation of researchers and specialists from inside and outside the university. The workshop has been presented by lecturer Maha Sabry. It aims at explaining the uses of the algorithm in education, its role E- learning and ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Virtual Course entitled” Higher Education Management”

In cooperation with the Center for Applied Sciences in Iran – Holy Mashhad, Faculty of Tourist Sciences at the University of Kerbala, has held a virtual course entitled (Higher Education Management). It has been attended by a number of researchers and specialists. The aim of this course is to introduce participants to more advanced concepts and applications of total quality ...

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A Training Course at the University of Kerbala about Deep Learning using the Python Language

The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of Kerbala has held an electronic training course entitled (Introduction to deep learning using the Python language), with the participation of a number of professors and researchers. The course aims at introducing to the importance of Python language and its uses in education. It shows that Python is a ...

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A Research Team from Kerbala University participates in an International Conference

     A research team consists of Prof. Dr. Thamer Karim Khudair, Prof. Salam Marza Suhail, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sura Safi Obeis and Asst. Prof. Dr. Salah Mahdi Katea’ from the Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kerbala  have participated in the “International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Food Security”.  The study is entitled “The impact of sex-linked ...

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Kerbala University Discussing a research paper on the Role of Ethical Leadership in Building the Entrepreneurship of the organization

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed the study which is entitled “The Role of Ethical Leadership in Building the Entrepreneurship of the organization: An Analytical Exploratory study of Employees’ Opinions of Al-Jood Company for Modern Agriculture Technology” A study, presented by Nafeh Mohan Hashem Al-Masoudi, aims at determining the role of ethical leadership ...

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Discussing the Students’ Research papers for having the B.A. in Tourist Sciences

The Faculty of Tourist Sciences at the University of Kerbala has discussed the graduation research papers using the Google meet electronic platform. The topics focus on tourist sciences, mechanisms for developing the tourist sector and ways to promote recreation activities, which constitutes an important resource of sustainable tourism. The studies deal with the problems and obstacles faced by specialists and ...

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The University of Karbala holds a scientific symposium entitled (Dangers of Drugs on Society)

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has held a scientific symposium entitled (Drugs….extending dangers from the individual to society), which has been delivered by Director Of Drugs Control in Kebala Colonel Jabbar Fadl Shukr, Prof. Dr. Haider Al-Yaqoubi and Asst. Prof. Dr. Ishraq Sabah Sahib, with the participation of a number of researchers and ...

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A Workshop at Kerbala University entitled “Evaluation of the Efficiency of Educational Services”

The Faculty of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Kerbala has held a workshop entitled “Assessing the Efficiency of Educational Services in the Musayyib District”, with the participation of a number of specialists and researchers. The workshop deals with the most prominent educational services available in the district at the level of primary, secondary and preparatory schools, and ...

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