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University of Kerbala Discussing “The Effect of Wheatley Model as Cognitive Activators on developing inferential thinking and learning the students some offensive formations in volleyball

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Kerbala has discussed the problem of the M. A. thesis entitled” The Effect of Wheatley Model as Cognitive Activators on developing inferential thinking and learning the students some offensive formations in volleyball “. The study, presented by student Riyad Amory Shaalan, aims at investigating the effect of Wheatley ...

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University of Kerbala Orgnazing a training course “Agricultural Cost Accounting

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University of Kerbala has organized the training course entitled (Agricultural Cost Accounting). The training course presents an introductory remarks about the concepts of agricultural cost accounting through an introductory introduction on the concepts of agricultural and animal activities, as well as a defining the agricultural and animal cost accounting and the most important objectives. Prof. ...

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A Joint Research Team from the universities of Kerbala and Babylon obtaining a Patent

A research team from the universities of Kerbala and Babylon has obtained a patent from the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control affiliated to the Ministry of Planning and entitled “Drag Reduction of Iraqi Crude Oil Flow in Pipelines by Polymeric Additives” The team consists of Dr. Farhan Lafta Latif from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of ...

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A Lecturer from Kerbala University Publishing a Scientific Research in a German Journal

Prof. Dr. Waqed Hammed Hassan from the Faculty of Engineering has published a scientific paper in Climate Research Journal. The publisher of Climate Research is Inter-Research Science Publisher. The paper entitled (Climate change projections of maximum temperatures for southwest Iraq using statistical downscaling) includes a study on the effect of global climate changes on the expected increase in maximum temperatures ...

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A Study at Kerbala University Recommends the necessity of providing an appropriate climate that supports the Employees’ Creative Behaviour

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed a paper entitled (The Role of Innovative Work Behaviour in Enhancing Strategic Vigilance). The study, presented by student Rahman Taher Jaber Al-Salhi, aims at explaining the relationship between innovative work behaviour(idea generation, idea promotion, idea implementation) and Strategic vigilance, which includes dimensions of (Technology vigilance, competitive vigilance, ...

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The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala relying on the Applying the practical training period inside the classrooms

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala starts to apply the practical training period inside the classrooms. As a result of COVID-19, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, says that the faculty relies on applying the practical training period inside the classrooms as to avoid gatherings and keeping pace with social distancing. ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a Training Course on the Scanning Electron Microscope and its Applications in the field of Scientific Research

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala has organized a training course entitled (Scanning electron microscope and its applications in the field of scientific research). It includes an explanation of the electron microscope, its types, parts, and methods of its scientific uses The course shows the working of Scanning electron microscope used electrons to analyze samples. There ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a First Aid Training Course

The Faculty of Nursing at the University of Kerbala has organized a first aid training course, with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists. The course aims at identifying the important first aid steps that paramedics should master certain procedures that are followed in the event of an emergency. The course includes some accidents that can happen in ...

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