Latest News and Events

Kerbala University Holding a Workshop on Preparing the Strategic Plan

The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Kerbala, in cooperation with the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department at the University Presidency, has held a workshop on preparing the strategic plan for the years 2021-2026 with the participation of a number of specialists and researchers. The workshop has been delivered by Dr. Muhammad Nimah Al-Ghanmi, Head of the Quality ...

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A training course at the University of Kerbala entitled (The Effect of Agricultural Circles in Isolating and Diagnosing fungi)

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has held a training course entitled (The effect of agricultural circles in isolating and diagnosing fungi), and in the presence of a number of professors and teachers of the faculty., The aim of the course is to introduce the agricultural circles used in the development, diagnosis, examination and ...

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A Scientific Symposium at the University of Kerbala entitled (Women’s Health Awareness in light of the Corona pandemic)

Under the patronage of the President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Nayel Al-Saedi, and with the support of the Dean of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, the Women Empowerment Committee at the University of Kerbala has held its scientific symposium entitled (Women’s Health Awareness in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic), and with ...

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University of Kerbala discussing an M.A. Thesis “Measuring Respiratory area and diameters of red muscle fibers and eggs in two types of local bony fish”

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (measuring respiratory area and diameters of red muscle fibers and eggs in two types of local bony fish), The thesis, presented by student Fatima Hussein Al-Asadi, aims at knowing the level of locomotor activity of fish through the phenotypic characteristics of the ...

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A Researcher from Kerbala University- Faculty of Pharmacy Publishing a Research in a peer-reviewed Journal

A researcher from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Kerbala has published a joint research in an international journal within (Scopus) containers, entitled: (Convenient synthesis of dipropargyl ether derivative of D-mannose) The teacher Lamia Saleh Mahdi says that the research includes the preparation and diagnosis of new organic compounds of great importance in industrial and pharmaceutical chemistry as ...

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University of Kerbala discussing to build a probabilistic model to load traffic congestion in the holy Karbala governorate

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled”building a probabilistic model to load traffic congestion in the holy Karbala governorate”. The thesis presented by the student Shaima Mahoud Muhammad aims at identifying a modern idea, which is knowing the distribution of crowded times, especially when the situation calls for finding a ...

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The College of Veterinary Medicine organized an electronic workshop about fishkeeping and the most important viral diseases

Under the supervision of the President of the University Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Al-Saeedi, and the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Dr. Wifaq Jabouri Al-Bazi. According to the Ministry’s directives and within the scientific activity of the poultry and fish Diseases Branch, in cooperation with the Veterinary Hospital in Holy Kerbala, an electronic workshop was held about ...

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Discussing a Ph. D. thesis for a professor from the College of Veterinary Medicine in Kerbala University about the determining the causes of poor response of treatment in patients with schizophrenia.

The teaching staff at the College of Veterinary Ass. Prof. Rana Fadel Moussa from the University of Karbala – College of Veterinary Medicine / Physiology Department, Discussing her Ph.D. thesis named (study the correlation between the immune biomarkers with the endogenous opioides and their receptors in treatment resistant schizophrenia patients ) at the Faculty of Science / University of Kufa. ...

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A professor’s participation from University of Karbala in the training program of chemical safety for women leaders

Participation of Prof. Dr. Eman Talib Karim from the faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Karbala / Public Health Branch in the training program for women leaders in chemical safety sponsored by CRDF GLOBAL, the foundation of global civil research and development and sponsored by Global Affairs – Canada . And the prof. Dr. Iman received a certificate ...

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