Latest News and Events

Kerbala University Organizing a Course on Advanced Statistical Rule with Basketball

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sportive Sciences at the University of Kerbala, and in cooperation with the Iraqi Central Basketball Federation, has organized an initial training course on advanced statistical rule in basketball, with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists. The session aims at preparing statistical judges for basketball in the Kerbala governorate and being acquainted ...

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Kerbala University Holding its 4th International Conference for Agricultural Sciences

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Al-Saedi and the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Thamer Al-Janabi, the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Kerbala holds its fourth international conference under the slogan: (With scientific research we guarantee food security) This has been done with ...

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A Scientific Course at the University of Kerbala on E-Learning

With the beginning of the new academic year, the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Kerbala holds a course entitled (E-learning: a comparison between the Classroom platform and the Model platform, the Merits and Demerits) and with the participation of a number of specialists and researchers. The course aims at mentioning the merits and demerits of both platforms. All ...

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An M.A. Thesis at the University of Kerbala about Predicting the Level of offensive skill performance in terms of mental Alertness and positive thinking among young football players

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sportive Sciences at the Kerbala University has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled “Predicting the level of offensive skill performance in terms of mental alertness and positive thinking among young football players”. The thesis, presented by the student Abdul Redha Al-Asaedi , aims at identifying the level of offensive skill performance, mental alertness and positive ...

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University of Karbala Holding a Training Course on the Hirsch Factor

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala has organized a training course entitled “Introduction to the H-index factor”, presented by, Dr. Ali Reda Abd, with in the presence of a number of teaching staff. The course aims at improving the quality of scientific research in addition to knowing to develop its value by researchers. The course also ...

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An M. A. Thesis at Kerbala University Examining the Impact of the Russbach Model on Cognitive Achievement and Teaching some Basic football Skills for Students

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kerbala discusses the thesis entitltd “the effect of the Russbach model on cognitive achievement and the learning of some basic football skills for students”. The research , presented by a M.A. student, Amjad Hussain Aliwi Al-Nasrawi, aims at identifying the effect of the Russbach model on cognitive achievement ...

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An M. A. Thesis at Kerbala University studying Design and Evaluation of a New Experimental Filter for Graywater Reuse.

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled” Design and Evaluation of a New Experimental Filter for Graywater Reuse ”. The thesis presented by student Batoul Hassan Ibrahim, aims at using gray water from home and restaurant environments for agricultural purposes after treating it in simple and economical ways. The thesis deals with ...

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A Scientific Study at the University of Kerbala Discussing the Impact of the Strategy of Practical Presentations supported by multimedia on mental defense and Learning the Skills of cutting and dispersing the ball and various defensive movements with handball for students

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kerbala has discussed an MA. Thesis entitled ” the impact of the multimedia support strategy on mental defense and learning the skills of cutting and dispersing the ball and various defensive movements with handball for female students”. The study presented by the student Nidal Habib Ureibi aims at ...

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An MA. Thesis at Kerbala University Discussing The Effect Of Hyperhomo Cysteinemia On The Osteoclasts Activity In Male Rabbits

At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Kerbala has discussed An MA. Thesis entitled “The Effect Of Hyperhomo Cysteinemia On The Osteoclasts Activity In Male Rabbits” The discussion takes place in the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Medicines, which is submitted by the student Muhammad Majid Hamid Al-Qanbar. The thesis deals with the effect of the increase ...

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