Latest News and Events

Kerbala University Discussing a thesis of the Higher Diploma Investment Economics and Feasibility Studies

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has discussed a higher diploma thesis entitled” investment economics and feasibility studies” via the Zoom application. The thesis, submitted the student Shahad Saud Ajmi from the Department of Economics, aims at setting a practical and scientific approach to highlight the importance of the technical and financial feasibility study and the criteria ...

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Two M.A. students from Kerbala University participate in an Electronic Conference of Al- Ain University for Scientific Research

The two M.A. students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala, the student Muhannad Muhammad and the student Alaa Al-Rikabi participate in the international conference of Al-Ain University for electronic scientific research through their research which is cited in their M.A. theses. The student Muhannad Muhammad participates in the research of his seminal ...

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A Lecturer from Kerbala University Publishing a joint Research on the Images of rabies for Coronavirus patients

Dr. Ali Abdul-Redha Abu Tahin, a teacher at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Kerbala publishes a joint scientific research with a group of doctors in the holy Kerbala governorate / Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital entitled “Spectrum of opaque crushed glass in the images of the screwed helix of COVID patients 19 in Kerbala, Iraq” This research is published ...

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Kerbala University Holding an Electronic Workshop entitled (How to Use the Appropriate Teaching Aids in the Lecture)

Under the supervision of the President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Nayel Al-Saedi, and the Dean of the Faculty of Education for Human Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hassan Habib Al-Kareiti, the electronic workshop has been held entitled (How to use the appropriate teaching aids in the lecture) . It has been delivered by Prof. Dr. Samir Al-Mauali and Lect. ...

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Kerbala University Discussing a Scientific Study entitled “The Aesthetics of Narrative Construction in Hamid Al-Aqabi’s Novels “

The Faculty of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Kerbala has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled “The Aesthetics of Narrative Construction in Hamid Al-Aqabi’s Novels”. It has been discussed in the Department of Arabic Language and submitted by the student (Asmaa Muhammad Kazim) The thesis aims at revealing Al-Aqabi’s attempt to experiment with new methods in writing his ...

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Kerbala University Discussing the Role of Banking Information Technology in Maximizing the Value of the Bank

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled “The Role of Banking Information Technology in Maximizing the Value of the Bank :An Analytical Study of a Sample of Government and Private Banks in the holy city of Kerbala for the period 2019-2020” The thesis, presented by the student Ali Suleiman Muhammad Al-Hayali, aims ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled “A Diagnostic Study of fungal flora isolated from local herbs and the effect of some plant growth regulators on them”

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at Kerbala University has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled (a diagnostic study of fungal flora isolated from local herbs and the effect of some plant growth organizations on them) and some members of the committee also communicated through the ZOOM platform. The thesis, submitted by the student (Zahraa Majid Jassem), aims at purifying ...

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Kerbala University Discussing in an M.A. Thesis the Efficiency of Zinc Nanoparticle (ZNO) and Green tea Plant Extract

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at Kerbala University discussed an M.A. thesis entitled” Assessing the efficiency of the zinc nanoparticle (ZNO) and green tea plant extract in reducing the toxicity of patulin toxin produced by the isolation of the penicillium mushroom:, and some members of the committee are contacted through the ZOOM platform. The thesis, submitted by the ...

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