Latest News and Events

Karbala University Holding the Second Meeting Concerning Seismic Safety Factor for Facilities in Karbala Province

Karbala University  has hosted the second meeting of the committee to determine the seismic safety labs for establishments in the city of Karbala, and the problem is chaired by the Governor of Karbala, Engineer Nassif Al-Khattabi, and the membership of both Professor Dr. Najm Abdul Hussain Najem, Assistant Head of Scientific Affairs and the teacher Dr. Hussein Jawad Ahmed Al-Manqoushi , ...

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Karbala University discussing in M.A. thesis entitled” Monitoring the Condition of the Gas Turbine Column in Hilla power Station”

The Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University  has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled ” monitoring the state of the gas turbine column in the second Hilla power plant and using vibration scales in different environments”.      The thesis, submitted by the M.A. student Hussein Ibrahim Mansour, aims at studying the vibration of the invading turbine gas station in the second Hilla ...

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Karbala University Holding a Training Course on Laser Effects

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists,  the Faculty of Medicine at Karbala University has organized a training course on the effects of laser and treatment costs for the temporomandibular joint, treatment of wounds and infections of the face, neck, nerve pain, vertebrae, and muscles, especially the chewing muscles.        The course deals with the mechanism of laser ...

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Kerbala University holding a Seminar on the Problematic of the Linguistic Term between Translation and Rooting

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Kerbala University has organized a seminar entitled “The problematic of the linguistic term between translation and rooting“. The seminar shows that the term is a branch of linguistics, as it is a specialty generated by linguistics, and it depends on some theoretical frameworks that ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled “Quranic Readings in the Book “The Arabization of the Quran and its Explanation”

The Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Kerbala University has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled (Quranic Readings in the Book “The Arabization of the Qur’an and its Explanation by Mohiuddin Darwish”). The thesis, submitted by student Hala Haidar Muhammad Jallu, aims at shedding light and revealing the book of a linguist and literary scholar. It also aims at explaining the Qur’anic ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a Course on Introducing the Vienna Test System

With the participation of a number of teaching and graduate students,  the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at Kerbala University has organized a special session to introduce the system of Vienna Test for the sports field, the way they are used and the most prominent psychological variables that are used in the sports field in the discussion hall ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled ” Energy Effect of Lasers on the Structural and Optical Properties of Silver Sulfide Films”

The Faculty of Science at Kerbala University  has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled  Energy Effect of Lasers on the Structural and Optical Properties of Silver Sulfide Films deposited on indium tin oxide using a pulsed laser sedimentation technique.     Thesis submitted by the M.A. student Louay Abdel Halim Hamed aims at depositing thin films of silver sulfide compound deposited on bases of indium ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a workshop entitled “Application of Procedural Methodologies “

With the participation of laboratory accreditation officials, laboratory officials and quality assurance staff in university faculties, the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance in the Presidency of Kerbala University  has organized a workshop entitled Application of procedural methodologies.  Dr. Mohamed Nima Al-Ghanmi, director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department at the University Presidency, says that the workshop ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis on Vibration Control of Car Suspension System using Smart Dampers

 The Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University has discussed  an M.A. Thesis  entitled (Control of vibrations of the car suspension system using smart dampers)  The thesis  presented by the student Ali Tabaan Hasan aims at designing a smart damper by designing worthy control valves, producing a smart damper in addition to producing a quarter-car model for the purpose of conducting experiments.     The study ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis on Strategy for Human Resources Development and its Role in Building Smart Organization

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled “strategy for human resource development and its role in building smart organization“.  It is an analytical research for a sample of opinions from a higher administration in colleges and private universities in the city of Kerbala. The study has been presented by the M.A. student ...

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