Latest News and Events

Kerbala University Discussing the Mediating Role of Strategic Flexibility Scientifically

Karbala University discusses in a scientific study the mediating role of strategic flexibility scientifically, the Faculty of Administration and Economics at Kerbala University discusses a mediating role of strategic flexibility in the relationship between TQM practices and sustainable organizational performance in an analytical exploratory study. The study  has submitted by PhD student Sahar Abbas Hussein  which aims at testing the ...

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Kerbala University Organizing the Periodical Meeting of the Guidance Division Managers

In the presence of the President of Kerbala University, Dr. Basem Al-Saidi, and the Assistant president of the University for administrative affairs, Dr. Akram Al-Yasiri. the Psychological Guidance and Educational Guidance Division in the presidency of Kerbala University  has organized its periodical meeting with the participation of managers of different faculties of the University and its internal departments at the ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Training Course entitled ” Isolating fungi from their places and Developing and diagnosing them in the laboratory “

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the College of Education for Pure Sciences at Kerbala University  has hold a training course entitled isolating fungi from their places and developing and diagnosing them in the laboratory.       The course aims at exploring the presence of fungi everywhere and the possibility of isolating them from multiple places. It also sheds light on the ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Course entitled “Diseases of the maxillary joint and its relationship to diseases of the neck, head and limbs”

With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists, the Faculty of Dentistry at Kerbala University has hold a course entitled “the relationship of diseases of the maxillary joint to neck, head and limb diseases“.       The course includes a discussion of the relationship between diseases of the temporomandibular joint and neck, shoulder and back pain that are caused by systemic diseases that affected ...

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Publishing a Scientific Research on Fixed-frequency Beam Steering in an International Journal

          Dr. Mwaffaq Kadhim Al-Hasnawi, at the Faculty of Engineering – Kerbala University, has published a scientific research on fixed-frequency beam steering using the double-gap technique for the leaking wave antenna in the international journal issued by (IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS) which is specialized in wireless communication science and antennas issued in America, which is classified within  a category ...

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Kerbela University Holding the 5th Scientific Conference for Postgraduate Students

With the participation of researchers and students, the Faculty of Science at Kerbala University has hold its 5th scientific conference for postgraduate students. The conference includes many scientific research which will contribute to build the scientific capabilities of students and researchers and upgrading the scientific reality so as to keep pace with the development of scientific aspects in the institutions.       The conference aims at providing graduate students with different methodological ...

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Kerbela University Holding a Training Course on DNA Extraction

   With the participation of a number of researchers and specialists,  The Faculty of Pharmacy at Kerbala University  has hold a training course entitled (extracting DNA molecules from samples preserved with paraffin wax from the archive of patients with lymphoma) .        The course aims to preparing a general viewpoint about the possibility of extracting molecules of genetic material from pathological samples and making use ...

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Kerbela University Holding a Training Course on Dental Fillings

      With the participation of a number of dentists, the Faculty of Dentistry at Kerbela University has hold a course entitled ” Light cure composite filling for posterior teeth“.       The course includes the basics of making Light cure composite filling for the posterior teeth and comparing them with amalgam, the most important advice and modern materials used in this field for the purpose of improving and ...

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Universities Getting a Patent

           A research  group team at the universities of Kerbala and Babylon  has obtained a patent from the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control. The team prepares a new polymer joint so as to use it as a drug delivery system,       The research team consists of Dr. Muhammad Nazim Bahjat, Dr. Hamida Idan Salman from the Faculty of ...

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