Latest News and Events

Kerbala University Holding a Scientific Symposium Entitled “Legal Protection of National Products”

     With the participation on a number of researchers and specialists, The Faculty of Law at Kerbala University has hold a scientific symposium entitled “Legal Protection of National Products” .  The symposium aims to clarifying the legal aspect of protecting the national product, preventing import and encouraging the local product in accordance with Iraqi law and protecting consumers, as well as ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Training Course Concerning Features of Good Laboratory and Successful Management

With the participation on a number of researchers and specialists, The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences – Kerbala University has organized a training course entitled (GLP Lab Features for Successful Management). The course aims at being acquainted with some of the laboratory practices of a good laboratory GLP  in accordance with the global requirements so as to improve the educational ...

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A Workshop on Silver Nanoparticles

      With the participation on a number of researchers and specialists, The Faculty of Dentistry- Kerbala University has organized a workshop concerning” the Methods of preparing nanoparticles and knowing their medical and biological applications“. The seminar aims at explaining the chemical and physical methods, as well as the biological ones so as to prepare the silver nanoparticles and reviewing scientific research studies and being acquainted with theories proven by scientists ...

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A Ph. D. Dissertation Discussing the Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Boswellia serrata and Commiphora molmol on some Biochemical and Histological Criteria

      The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences -Kerbala University  has discussed the doctoral dissertation which is entitled (the Effect of the Aqueous Extract of Boswellia serrata and Commiphora molmol on some Biochemical and Histological Criteria in Rats induced renal failure),       The study presented by the Ph.D. student Ahmed Neama Issa Al-Mousawi, aims at explaining the preventive and therapeutic role of ...

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An M.A. Thesis Discussing Preparation and Diagnosis of highly Branching Polymers

Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences- Kerbala University has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled” Preparation and Diagnosis of High-branching Polymers containing Melamine Derivatives: A Physical Study. The study presented by the M.A. student Mustafa Muhammed Hasan aims at manufacturing five types of Emirates polymers of highly branching which contain derivatives of melanin and studying the physical properties  of them such as: electrical conductivity ...

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An M.A. Thesis Discussing Feminine Speech in the Holy Quran

Faculty of Islamic Sciences- Kerbala University has discussed an M.A. thesis concerning Feminine Speech in the Holy Quran: A Rhetorical Study. The study presented by the M.A. student Hassanain Emad Jasim aims at investigating the feminine discourse in the Holy Quran so as to reach the miraculous rhetorical nature of the Holy Quran and attaining its ultimate goal; namely, the very idea ...

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A Training Course in Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences- Kerbala University about Security and Safety

With the attendance of a number of teaching staff members of the and some specialists, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences – Kerbala University has organized a workshop entitled “ Chemical, Bilogical and Radiological Safety and Security “. It aims at introducing the chemical safety requirement to be met in educational laboratories. It also deals with the latest technical ways available ...

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A Seminar on Anti inflammation

With participation of a number teaching staff members, Faculty of Pharmacy- Kerbala University has hold a seminar entitled” Anti Inflammation and its Effects on the Body Immunity”.  It aims at increasing the level of awareness of the excessive use of drugs especially arthritis medication and replacing them by using drugs which strengthen the body’s immunity to avoid the side effect ...

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A Training Course Discussing the Airline Reservation System

With participation of a number of specialists and researchers, Faculty of Tourist Sciences- Kerbala University has hold a training course  entitled” Reservation of Airline ticket on the International System”.  It deals with the a general view concerning types of flights, airlines and tickets categories. It also comes across some terms of reservation to book airline ticket in accordance with the ...

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