Latest News and Events

The Engineering College in the University of Kerbala Conducted its Second International Conference

The College of Engineering conducted its second international conference. 240 international and local researchers participated in the event. The conference aims at strengthening the scientific research, publicizing engineering innovations, and participating in solving the problems faced by the society. Moreover, the conference discussed the latest advances in engineering research, the newest scientific discoveries, as well as the latest methods of ...

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Kerbala University Organizes a National Conference about Peaceful Coexistence and Psychological Health

The College of Human Sciences in Kerbala University conducted its first national conference about peaceful coexistence in Iraq. Representatives from the United Nation’s refugee agency participated in the event as well as various representatives from different organizations and students. The conference, which was entitled ‘Psychological Health and Peaceful Coexistence: The Vital Pillars needed in Building Society’, discussed the consequences of ...

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