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Ministry of Education Approves a Book from University of Kerbala as a Curriculum for Colleges of Islamic Sciences

Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Apparatus / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has approved the book which is entitled “Al-Jami’ fi Ilm al-Ma’ani” (Comprehensive Science of Meanings) authored by Prof. Dr. Jassim Abd Alwahid / Faculty of Islamic Sciences / University of Kerbala as a basic curriculum for colleges of Islamic sciences in Iraqi universities. Prof. Dr. Jassim Abd ...

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University of Kerbala Organizes a Scientific Symposium on Illegal Immigration

Faculty of Nursing / University of Kerbala has organized a scientific symposium on impacts of illegal immigration and its impact on individual and society, with participation of a group of researchers and specialists and presence of students. The symposium, in which Asst. Prof. Dr. Safi Dakhel Nawam and Asst. Lect. Nihad Abdel Hameed deliver it. It aims at focusing on ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on Molecular Characterization of Biofilm-forming Bacteria

Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “molecular characterization of predominant biofilm-forming bacteria and identification of some biochemical parameters associated with diabetic foot infection”. The thesis, submitted by Sarah Muhammad, aims at determining virulence of biofilm-forming bacteria present in diabetic foot ulcers and determine their resistance to commonly used antibiotics. The study ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Scientific Symposium on Dangers of Harassment Phenomenon

Faculty of Dentistry / University of Kerbala has organized a scientific symposium on causes of harassment phenomenon and its dangers. It is presented by Asst. Lect. Fadhil Nehme, and it is directed to a group of employees and professors. It aims at highlighting the concept of harassment phenomenon and explaining factors that help spreading of this phenomenon, in addition to ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Course on Documenting Terrorist Attacks against Heritage Sites

Faculty of Tourism Sciences / University of Kerbala hosted a course on documenting terrorist attacks of cultural heritage sites in Iraq, which is organized by Holy Shrine of Hussein in presence of a number of professors and researchers from various Iraqi universities. The course deals with scientific method in project of documenting terrorist violations of cultural heritage sites.

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University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation on Association between fungal infection and some immunological Parameters

Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala has discussed the Ph.D dissertation which is entitled (association between fungal infections and certain immunological parameters as predictors of severity among COVID-19 patients). The dissertation, submitted by Samar Rafieh, aims at identifying fungal species associated with Corona disease and determining level of some “immune markers” and “blood markers” in those infected. The thesis ...

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Lecturers from University of Kerbala Participate in a Training Course on Life Skills in Agricultural Curricula

A number of Lecturers from Faculty of Agriculture / University of Kerbala participate in the course organized by Faculty of Agricultural Engineering Sciences / Salahaddin University-Erbil in cooperation with Dutch organization “Nuffic” within “Orange Knowledge Programme”, on integrating entrepreneurship and life skills into climate-smart agriculture curricula. The participation of teaching staff, Dr. Adnan Abdel Jalil, Dr. Kadhim Muhammad Abdullah, Dr. ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Selected as a Scientific Reviewer in an International Journal

University of Kerbala announces selection of a lecturer / Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Sabah Ghazi Shareef, as a reviewer member of “SABRAO” international journal for education and genetics with an impact factor of “Q2” affiliated with Japanese universities and research institutions. The journal is interested in publishing research on topics of breeding, plant improvement, genetics, and molecular genetics, as ...

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University of Kerbala’s Research Team Conducting a Study entitled First Report of Cockscomb Root Rot Caused by Fusarium solani in Iraq.

A research team from Faculty of Agriculture / University of Kerbala is able to diagnose causes of root rot disease of the ornamental plant, “Cockscomb,” which causes significant economic losses in many ornamental plant nurseries in Karbala and Babil governorates. The study, which is co-prepared by Dr. Adnan Abdel-Jalil u, Dr. Raja Ghazi, Asst. Lect. Safa Jamil Sheikhan, and Dr. ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation on the Role of Colibactin Production in Development of Inflammatory Diseases

Faculty of Science / the University of Kerbala has discussed the role Ph. D dissertation which is entitled “the role of colibactin production in development of inflammatory bowel disease”. The dissertation, submitted by Huda Najeh, aims at studying the role of toxins from E. coli bacteria isolated from patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease in development of intestinal diseases ...

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