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University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation on Early Warning of Banking Crises

Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed the Ph.D dissertation which is entitled “early warning of banking crises using Markov model – an applied study on a sample of country economies of the period (2000-2023)”. The study aims at proposing an early warning system to enhance ability of governments and central banks in the countries studied ...

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Central Library – University of Kerbala Organizes a Symposium on Women’s Role in Jihad

Central Library / University of Kerbala has organized a scientific symposium on women’s role in jihad, with participation of a number of researchers and specialists. Asst. Lect. Muslim Sadiq and Asst. Lect. Sarmad Muhammad have delivered the symposium, which is held in cooperation with Women’s Empowerment Unit / University of Kerbala. The symposium deals with various topics within framework of ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation on Al-Zahraa and her Daughter Zainab (peace be upon them) in Modern Iraqi Poetry

Faculty of Education for Human Science/ University of Kerbala has discussed the Ph.D dissertation on Al-Zahraa and her daughter Zainab, peace be upon them, in modern Iraqi poetry from (1650 AD – 2020 AD): An Analytical Study. The study aims at highlighting some of obscure Iraqi poets and explaining their poetic, intellectual and ideological productions, as well as explaining their ...

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Deputy Minister of Education and Scientific Research Opens Research Laboratories at University of Kerbala

Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Hayder Abed Dhahad, and President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basem K. Nile, open research laboratories of College of Veterinary Medicine after their rehabilitation. Dr. Haider Abd Dhahad states that Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research continues its cooperation with international institutions to reach highest levels of safety ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation on Synthesis of Dendrimers and Imidazoles

Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala has discussed the Ph.D dissertation which is entitled ” Synthesis of Dendrimers and Imidazoles Derivatives and Study their Biochemical and Biological Applications”. The study, presented by Sawsan Khudair Abbas, aims at synthesizing of organic polyamidoamine branched compounds, preparing heterocyclic compounds such as imidazoles, studying their biochemical applications as anti-urine stones, and knowing their ...

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Head of Petroleum Engineering Department and Head of Iraqi Engineers Syndicate Discussing Ways of Scientific Cooperation with Delegation of University of Ostrava (Czech)

Head of Petroleum Department / University of Kerbala, Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Nadhim, and Head of Iraqi Engineers Syndicate, Eng. Zulfiqar Hoshi Al-Maksousi, have discussed with delegation of Czech University of Ostrava mechanism of scientific cooperation between local universities and the University of Ostrava. The meeting includes discussing ways of cooperation in completing joint research projects, exchanging students and teachers, ...

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University of Kerbala / Faculty of Islamic Science Organizes a Training Course on Publishing in Scientific Journals

Faculty of Islamic Sciences / University of Kerbala has concluded its training course on how to publish in scientific journals in Scopus and Clarivate containers, with participation of postgraduate students and a number of researchers. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hadi Abdel Ameer, Prof. Dr. Thaer Mahdi Madloul, and Lect. Dr. Sajida Falih Hassan, under supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Hassan Al-Judhaili, ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Symposium on the importance of Breast Cancer Early Detection

Women’s Empowerment Unit / Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Department of Human Resources Development in Holy Shrine, has organized an educational symposium on the importance of early detection of breast cancer. The symposium aims at raising community awareness about cancer, the importance of quickly dealing with its symptoms, and the necessary measures to reduce it. ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis entitled “The Representation of Vladimir Putin in CNN online news reports in pre and post Ukraine Invasion: a Critical Discourse Analysis”

The English Department at the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis entitled (The Representation of Vladimir Putin in CNN online news reports in pre and post Ukraine Invasion: a Critical Discourse Analysis). The study lies in portrayal of Vladimir Putin as a political figure through media discourse, via CNN pre and post ...

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President of University of Kerbala Participates in Activities of First Conference of Industrial Advisory Board in Iraqi Universities 2023

President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basem K. Nile, accompanied by Vice President for scientific affairs, Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul Hussein, participated in activities of the first conference of Industrial Advisory Board in Iraqi Universities 2023, which was hosted by Gilgamesh Private University in presence of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi and a number ...

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