Latest News and Events

Dean of Faculty of Dentistry /University of Kerbala Chairs Meeting of Deans and Heads of Departments of faculties of Dentistry in Karbala

Dean of the faculty of Dentistry/ University of Kerbala, Asst Prof. Dr. Muhannad Salah Abd al-Sattar, chairs the meeting of deans and heads of departments of faculties of dentistry in Karbala, which is held at Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Ameed University, in presence of deans and heads of departments of the faculties of dentistry in Karbala. The most important axes ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis entitled “The Effect of Internal and External Determinants on Stock Performance Using Logistic Regression Model”

Faculty of Administration and Economics /University of Kerbala had discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled (The effect of internal and external determinants on the performance of stocks using logistic regression model). It is presented by Mays Imad Kadhim Al-Obeidi. The thesis aims at knowing a number of determinants that have a direct impact on performance of shares, by identifying ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Training Course on (Types of Fire Extinguishers and Methods of Use)

Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Directorate of Civil Defense in Karbala, has organized a training course which is entitled (Types of fire extinguishers and methods of their use), with the participation of a number of teachers and students. The course aims at introducing fire extinguisher and how to use it to extinguish ...

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University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Ministry of Youth and Sports, Holding a Symposium on Reality of University Sports and Ways to improve it

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences /University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Department of Studies and Development of Youth Staffs and Leaders / National Observatory Department of Ministry of Youth and Sports, has held a seminar on reality of university sports and ways to develop them, and in presence of a number of professors and students. The symposium aims ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Symposium on Student Discipline Law

Under supervision of Dean of Faculty , Dr. Wefaq Al-Bazi, Registration Division / faculty of Veterinary Medicine / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Registration Department at Presidency of University of Kerbala, has organized a symposium on Student Discipline Law in institutions of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and instructions in force in the presence of students. The ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on Behavior of hollow steel sections strengthened with CFRP

Faculty of Engineering/ University of Kerbala has investigated behavior of transversely curved concrete beams containing openings and reinforced with polymeric carbon fiber sheets. Faculty of Engineering has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled (Behavior of hollow steel sections strengthened with CFRP). It is presented by Sajjad Firas Abdul-Amir. The discussion aims at studying structural behavior of those beams under ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Training Course on First Aids

Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Red Crescent Society, Holy Karbala branch, has organized an In-person training course on first aid, with participation of a number of professors and students. The course aims at introducing the importance of first aid and how to use it in various accidents. The course includes theoretical and ...

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University of Kerbala Holding an Awareness Symposium on Danger of Drugs

Media Division and Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit /faculty of Agriculture /University of Kerbala has organized an awareness-raising symposium which is entitled ” Danger of Traditional and Digital Drugs and Their Effects on Society”, with participation of a number of specialists, researchers and students . The symposium aims at spreading community awareness about dangers of drugs and their negative ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Participates in a Scientific Symposium at Al-Afnan Academy for Livestock Services in United Arab Emirates

Dr. Latif Ibrahim Kadim; faculty of Veterinary Medicine / University of Kerbala , has participated in a scientific symposium held by Al-Afnan Academy for Livestock Services, in cooperation with MSD for Animal Health, held in United Arab Emirates. He presents a scientific lecture which is entitled the most important Poultry Diseases in Iraq. The symposium includes a series of different ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Training Course on War Media and International Protection

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kerbala has organized a training course which is entitled (War Correspondent and International Protection) with the participation and presence of Department of Media and its divisions / University of Kerbala and a number of faculty members, staff and students. Asst. Lect. Saeb Muhammad Nadhim, who is one of the lecturers ...

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