Latest News and Events

Faculty of Physical Education / University of Kerbala Holds a Symposium on Drugs and their Related Harms Healthly and Legally

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/ University of Kerbala has organized a scientific awareness symposium on drugs and the harms related to them from health and legal sides, under auspices of Dean of the faculty , and with participation of a number of faculty and students of the faculty . Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein Manati Sajit, Head of Theoretical ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on Benevolent Leadership and its Impact on Achieving Happiness in Workplace

Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled “benevolent leadership and its impact on achieving happiness in the workplace.” An analytical survey of opinions of a sample of employees in private universities and colleges in Holy governorate of Karbala. The study included an exploratory and analytical study of the opinions of ...

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World Health Organization Adopts a Research paper by a Lecturer from University of Kerbala as the Best Model for Investigating Corona Pandemic

World Health Organization has adopted a scientific research by a lecturer from faculty of Administration and Economics /University of Kerbala as the best model for investigating Corona pandemic. The World Health Organization published the paper which is entitled (MODEL FOR ESTIMATING WITH THE NUMBER OF INFECTIONS WITH THE COVID-19 VIRUS UNDER FUZZY ENVIRONMENT) on the website of the site and ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Course on Analytical Chemistry at Crime Scene

Faculty of Dentistry/ University of Kerbala had organized a course which is entitled (Analytical Chemistry at Crime Scene), in presence of Dean of the faculty , Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhannad Salah Abdel Sattar, vice Dean for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ayed Hamid Al-Moussawi, and a group of faculty and staff of the faculty . The course includes an introduction to ...

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An American Journal Publishes Research paper of a Lecturer from University of Kerbala

American Journal of Structural Engineering has published a scientific research by Dr. Mustafa Muhammad Raheem / faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbal. The paper which is entitled “Novel truss analogy approach to analyze reinforced concrete deep beams strengthened with externally bonded FRP systems” includes development of an applied and innovative structural model for analyzing deep concrete beams reinforced with ...

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University of Kerbala Hosts the Poet and Writer, Basem Furat

Faculty of Islamic Sciences / University of Kerbala has held a scientific symposium in which the poet and writer Bassem Furat has been hosted. In this symposium; the poet speaks about his literary journey in his collections of poetry, which include a number of poems that sang love of the homeland, the mother and the child. The symposium is attended ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Training Course on Basics of SPSS Statistical Analysis Programme

Division of Continuing Education / faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences /University of Kerbala has organized a training course which is entitled (Basics of SPSS Statistical Analysis Programme) with participation of a number of professors. The course aims at familirizing researchers with how to analyze data through SPSS programme, where the researcher can better analyze and understand the data, ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Participates in the 1st Arab International Scientific Conference in Kingdom of Bahrain

Prof. Dr. Aziz Karem Wanas, who is a professor at faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kerbala, participated in the first Arab International Scientific Conference (Arab Sport.. Reality and Ambition) in Kingdom of Bahrain with two scientific researches, his second paper cooperated with , Dr. Ali Hammoud Abdel Zahra, faculty of Education for Pure Sciences / ...

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President of University of Kerbala Participates in Closing Ceremony Project of Partnership with Netherlands

President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nile , and his accompanying delegation have participated in the closing ceremony of partnership project with Netherlands side, which is held in Erbil Governorate. The president of the University told Netherlands side that the project that has been agreed upon in partnership with the Netherlands last year and with the participation ...

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During His Visit to University of Kerbala .. Minister of Education Opens Laboratories and Classrooms of Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, and Stresses Completion of Requirements of Developing University Environment

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, opens specialized laboratories and new classrooms of faculties of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy at University of Kerbala. Minister of Education, in presence of Governor of Karbala, Mr. Nassif Jassem Al-Khattabi, a number of deputies of the province and President of the University, Dr. Basim K. Nile, make a tour at ...

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