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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on the Impact of Ownership Structure, Firm Size, and Audit Quality in Producing High-quality Financial Statements

Faculty of Physical of Administration and Economics – University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled “the impact of ownership structure, company size, and audit quality in producing high-quality financial statements.”     The thesis, entitled (The impact of the ownership structure, company size and audit quality in producing high quality financial statements – an applied study in a ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on the impact of Competition Methods in Learning Basic Basketball Skills among Female Students

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled” the impact of competition methods using educational techniques in developing self-efficacy and learning some basic basketball skills aming female students”. The thesis presented by Enas Jassim Obaid. It includes five chapters dealing with competition methods using educational techniques, knowing their impact ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis on “Effective of Application of Ice Bag with Direct Pressure in the Prevention of Early Complications after Femoral Sheath Removal of Cardiac Catheterization”

Faculty of Nursing – University of Kerbala discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “Effective of Application of Ice Bag with Direct Pressure in the Prevention of Early Complications after Femoral Sheath Removal of Cardiac Catheterization”. The thesis presented by Abbas Bakal Hammood. It aims at learning about cardiac catheterization in common for the diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis on “The Role of Engineering Dimensions Value in Promoting High Performance of Human Resources”

Faculty of Administration and Economics – University of Kerbala discussed the M.A thesis in Business Administration which is entitled “The Role of Engineering Dimensions Value in Enhancing High Performance of Human Resources – An Applied and Analytical study of views of a sample of employees of General Company for Foodstuffs Trading / Middle Euphrates”. It is presented by Falah Naeem ...

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University of Kerbala Holds its Service procession for the Visitors commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Imam Hussein

University of Kerbala has held its own procession to provide services to the visitors of the 40th of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, with the participation of professors and employees. The President of the University, Prof. Dr. Basim Al-Saedi, says that the University devotes all its capabilities to serve the visitors of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) in ...

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Medical detachments of University of Kerbala Provide Health and Treatment Services to Visitors commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Imam Hussein

With the support of the Presidency of University of Kerbala, the medical detachments of faculty of Medicine, in cooperation with health institutions, continue providing their health and treatment services to the visitors whom participate in the Husseini march towards Karbala. The detachments attended by professors and students of the faculty and under the supervision of Dean of the faculty. Treatment, ...

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A Group of Students of University of Kerbala Participate in a Scientific Course at Amirkabir University of Technology

Within activities of summer training system, a group of students from Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology participated in a scientific and technical course at Amirkabir University of Technology – Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran. The students accompanied by Asst. Lect. Ali Muhammad Reda Kamel. The training course included two main parts: academic training and practical one, in ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Scientific Symposium entitled Developments of Mechanism of Scientific Promotions

Department of Scientific Affairs and Central Scientific Promotion at University of Kerbala have organized a scientific symposium on explaining developments of mechanism of scientific promotions, in presence of promotion committees of faculties of the university and private universities. The symposium, which is attended by vice president for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Najim Abdel-Hussein, Chairman of Promotions Committee, Dr. Waqid Hameed ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled “The Impact of Marketing Knowledge on Achieving Outstanding Performance”

Faculty of Administration and Economics – University of Kerbala has discussed the impact of marketing knowledge on achieving outstanding performance. A higher diploma thesis, which is entitled “The Impact of Marketing Knowledge on Achieving Outstanding Performance – A Field Study of Views of a Sample of Private Bank Managers in Holy Karbala Governorate,” presented by Huda Wafeeq Kareem. It aims ...

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University of Kerbala Signs an Agreement to Enhance Scientific Cooperation in Field of Training Students and Doctors of Faculty of Dentistry

President of University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nile, has signed a scientific agreement to develop scientific cooperation between the University and Al-Masoudi Dental Training Center. The vice president for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Najim Abdul-Hussein Najim, says that the agreement aims at cooperating in field of training dentists and students of Faculty of Dentistry by organizing specialized and ...

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