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Discussing a Ph.D. Dissertation entitled (Cultural References of Shiite poets in Umayyad Era)

Faculty of Education for Human Sciences/ University of Kerbala has discussed Ph.D. dissertation which is entitled (Cultural References of Shiite Poets in Umayyad Era), which is presented by (Adel Abd Majeed). The study discusses the religious references that poets invoked in building their poetic material, Qur’anic culture with its two textual and indicative forms, and honorable modern prophetic culture. It ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis entitled ” Grammatical Structure of Sentences in Reading of Isa bin Omar

Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Kerbala, has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled” grammatical structure of sentences in the recitation of Isa bin Omar, d. 149 A.H ; presented by Muslim Jawad Kadhim Taher. In his thesis, the researcher points out that Qur’anic readings assumed an important position in field of linguistic studies, as these studies provided valuable ...

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University of Kerbala Implementing Self-Correction Program

Faculty of Dentistry / University of Kerbala started applying the electronic correction program in assessment exams for dental faculties in Karbala governorate, by adopting technology of (REMARK OFFICE) program. Dean of the faculty , Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhannad Salah Abdel Sattar, states that the new technology works to correct examination answer sheet electronically through a special program on the computer ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a PH.D. Dissertation entitled “A New General Impervious Fuzzy Bayesian Method for Probability Distributions

Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed a Ph.D. dissertation on Statistics Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mahdi Wahhab Nehme. The dissertation, entitled “A new, fuzzy general impervious Bayesian method for probability distributions”, presented by Bashar Khaled Ali /Department of Statistics. It aims at suggesting a method for converting any traditional probability distribution into ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Symposium on Bee Pests

Within mechanism of scientific and research cooperation between Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and to promote the exchange of scientific experiences, Faculty of Agriculture / University of Kerbala has held a symposium which is entitled “Bee Pests”, in cooperation with Directorate of Agriculture / Karbala, with participation of a number of specialists and researchers. ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis entitled “the Impact of Modern Technologies on Palm Cultivation and Production in Karbala Governorate”

Faculty Education for Human Sciences /University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled (modern technologies and their impact on palm cultivation and production in Karbala governorate). It has been presented by (Safaa Sabih Khazal). The thesis aims at knowing the impact of modern technology on palm cultivation operations, as well as the role of geographical factors in ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Publishes in an International Iraqi Journal within Scopus and Clarivate Classification

Prof. Dr.Nargees Hadi Mansour / Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala has published a research in an international Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences within Clarivate and Scopus Q2 classification . The researcher says that her research deals with a simple, cost-effective and environment-friendly development method for making green nanoparticles, with the aim of using the extract of leaves of ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a an Electronic Scientific Symposium on the Aesthetic Education of Muslim women

Faculty of Science / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Women Empowerment Unit, have organized a scientific symposium on the aesthetic education of Muslim women, with participation of a number of researchers and specialists. The symposium aims at identifying the concept of aesthetic education, and its importance in Muslim women’s life, as well as clarifying the dimensions of aesthetic education ...

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University of Kerbala Closing the Activities of Discussing Graduation Projects for Students of Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala closed up the activities of discussing the graduation projects of the fifth stage students of the current academic year 2021-2022, which consisted of 30 projects that have several investment and service orientations, urban planning and others, and in multiple governorates. The discussion committees included members of faculty in the department, in addition to ...

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Univesty of Kerbala Organizing a Training Course on ” Statistical Programme SPSS and its Engineering Applications”

Faculty of Engineering /University of has held a training course which is entitled USING SPSS APPLICATION IN FORECASTING ARIMA MODELS, with participation of a number of researchers and specialists. The course aims at developing skills of administrative and technical cadres and introducing the important use of the statistical programme. The course deals with SPSS statistical programme, programme interface, how to ...

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