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As part of the OKP-Iraq projct “Efficient Water Management in Iraq by switching to Climate Smart Agriculture: Capacity Building and Knowledge Development” University of Kerbala in Iraq is hosting a workshop about Partnerships and Gender Equality in the Iraqi universities.

The participnats in this workshops are from Salahaddin University-Erbil, University of Mosul , University of Anbar, University of #Kufa , University of #Kerbala and University of Basrah) as well as several local stakeholders from Kerbala province attended to this workshop. The aim of this workshop is to strengthen the partnerships between the participating universities with the Dutch organisations and other ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Training Course on Antibiotic Resistance

Faculty of Science/ University of Kerbala has held a training course on antibiotic resistance for the students of biology department. The purpose of the course is explaining uses of drugs to prevent bacterial infections and treat infections as well as antibiotic resistance when the bacteria themselves change, The participants recommend the need to set up training courses for students about ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Scientific Symposium on the Influence of Drugs on Mental Health

Faculty of Dentistry /University of Kerbala, has held a scientific symposium entitled (anti-drug and its impact on mental health and public) with participation of teaching staff members and students . The symposium includes lectures on definition of drugs scientifically, legally and types according to the methods of production, physical and mental impact and effects on human biological and living organisms ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Training Course on basics of Writing Theses and Dissertations

Faculty of Science holds a training course on writing these and dissertations using latex programme for postgraduate students and researchers. The course aims at clarifying the importance of the programme in writing Latex theses and dissertations to keep pace with global programme used in research and studies. The participants recommend the need to set up training courses for postgraduate students ...

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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine / University of Kerbala Organizing an Awareness Campaigns about Hemorrhagic Fever

Divisions of Continuing Education and Student Activities / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kerbala, have organized an awareness about hemorrhagic fever which has been carried out by third-year students under supervision and follow-up of a group of professors. The campaign aims at raising awareness and avoiding hemorrhagic fever and ways of preventing it.  

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Faculty of Islamic Science/ University of Kerbala Holding a ceremony honoring the participants in an annual festival of Creativity and Exhibition of Scientific Miracles of Noble Qur’an and Sunnah

Faculty of Islamic Science/ University of Kerbala holds its annual Festival of Creativity and Scientific Miracles Exhibition in the Holy Qur’an and the Noble Sunnah to honor the participants.. Dean the Faculty of Islamic Science, Prof. Dr. Durgham Al-Moussawi, praises such activities that develop talents and hobbies of participants and raise the level of the faculty in field of various ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Training Course entitled “Subject-verb Agreement and Parts of Speech”

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology /University of Kerbala has held an electronic training course entitled “Subject-verb Agreement and Parts of Speech English”. It has been delivered using Google meet. The course aims at developing participants’ skills to handle errors concerning agreement. The course includes addressing common errors in formulation of sentences once writing articles and research in English. ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis “Real- time Scheme for Speech Security Based on Embedding into an Audio Channel Regarding Public Communications”

Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled (Real- time Scheme for Speech Security Based on Embedding into an Audio Channel Regarding Public Communications). It has been presented by Baneen Qassem Abd Ali. The study includes proposing a real-time covert communication approach based on generation of a secret communication channel within a public ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis entitled “Improving the Performance of Self -controlled Electronic Surgery Devices”

Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “improving the performance of self-controlled electronic surgical devices”. The thesis, which was carried (Designing high-frequency and self-controlled electronic transducers for output power of medical applications) by Husban Abboud Saber, aims at developing advanced and smart control systems for electronic surgical devices in order to reduce ...

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