Latest News and Events

Faculty of Physical Education Organizing a Charity Bazaar to Support Pediatric Muscular Dystrophies

Student Activities Department of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science – University of Kerbala has organized a charity bazaar to support pediatric muscular dystrophies. Head of Student Activities Department, Asst. Lect. Abbas Ali, says that the bazaar aims at helping and supporting child (Hussein) who suffers from muscular dystrophy, in addition to support graduate students and encourage them to ...

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University of Kerbala Celebrating the Birth Anniversary of Imam Al-Mahdi (May God Accelerate his Appearance)

Students of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – University of Kerbala has organized a celebration on occasion of te birth anniversary of the Promised, Imam Al-Mahdi (May God Accelerate his Appearance), with participation of a number of teaching staff members and students. The celebration includes reciting verses of Holy Qur’an, reading poems from the Awaited Imam to celebrate this anniversary.   ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Virtual Course on Electronic Programmes of Examining Committees

Faculty of Tourist Sciences – University of Kerbala has organized a virtual training course on electronic programmes of examining committees, with participation of professors. The course, which is entitled (electronic programmes of the examining committees and their activities), aims at informing professors, in particular the examining committees, the nature of electronic programmes that deal with in conducting exams, , downloading ...

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University of Kerbala Closing a Training Course on “Combat of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances”

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – University of Kerbala has closed the activities of the training course which is entitled “combat narcotics and psychotropic substances” which has been held by Divisions of Continuing Education and Student Activities and the Psychological and Educational Counseling Unit, in cooperation with Directorate of National Security of Karbala. The training course deals with many axes, including ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Publishes a Scientific Research in an International Journal

Prof. Dr. Haider Hameed Mohsen, who is one of the teaching staff members of Faculty of Science -University of Kerbala, has published his paper in Ukrainian international Journal which is entitled “Chemistry and Chemical Technology”. It is classified within Scopus containers with an impact factor of 1.5. The paper includes Preparation, Characterization and Biological Activity of Mixed Ligands Complexes (imine ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Workshop on Ethical Principles of University Students

Faculty of Science has organized a workshop for undergraduate students entitled “Ethical Principles of University Students”. The course aims at clarifying the value of university student as being one of the most important aspects of culture in the country considering that the university in the first place that should take care of him and molding moral commitment. It also discusses ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing Interpretive Criticism of Sheikh Al-Tusi in his Book Al-Bayan fi Tafsir Al-Quran “Representation of Interpreting Holy Quran”

Faculty of Islamic Sciences – University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled (Interpretive Criticism of Sheikh Al-Tusi (d. 460 A.H.) in his book Al-Bayan fi Tafsir Al-Quran: Presentation and Analysis). It has been presented by Khitam Algam Farhan. The thesis aims to shed light on the phenomenon of interpretive criticism and its importance of clarifying the ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Symposium on Positive Behaviour in accordance with University Discipline Law

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences – University of Kerbala has organized a scientific symposium on “positive behaviour of students in accordance with student discipline law” in which a number of professors and students have participated. The symposium, titled (Positive Behavior according to the University Discipline Law), aimed to familiarize students with the most important behaviors that they should ...

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University of Kerbala Holding a Seminar entitled “Use EEG Signals in Data Science”

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology – University of Kerbala holds an electronic panel discussion which is entitled “Use EEG signals in Data Science”, with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists. The seminar has been presented by Dr. Aqeel Abdul Karim Al-Saqqa, via Google meet platform. It aims at introducing the importance of data and its ...

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Faculty of Islamic Sciences/ University of Kerbala Holding its 5th International Scientific Conference under the Slogan “Al-Zahraa: An Approach and Doctrine”

Faculty of Islamic Sciences – University of Kerbala has held its 5th international scientific conference under the slogan of Al-Zahra, peace be upon her, an Approach and Doctrine, with the participation of researchers and specialists from inside and outside Iraq. The conference, which has entitled (The Right Approach in the Righteousness of the Ummah to Correct Deviant Beliefs and Ideas) ...

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