
Publishing a Paper in an International Journal by two Researchers

Assist. Lect. Yasmin Hatam Al-Ibrahimi, Faculty of Tourist Science- Kerbala University and assist. Lect. Muhammed Radhi Halhool, Dept. of Studies and Planning of the Presidency- Kerbala University have published their paper entitled” The Myth of Noah’s Sons; Sam; Ham and Japheth and Refuting Human Racial Discrimination of Mankind” in the International  New Arts and Sciences Research Journal  in Chicago. The study ...

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A Workshop in College of Sciences- Kerbala University about the Principle of Security and Safety in Educational Laboratories

 With the attendance  of a number of teaching staff members of the  and some specialists, College of Sciences- Kerbala University  has organized  a workshop entitled “the Principle of  Chemical Security and Safety in Educational Laboratories”. It aims at acquainting the participates  with the methods of safety and professional health in the laboratories. It also deals with the latest technical ways ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Training Course entitled “Balanced Scorecard and its Role in Supporting Education Quality

With participation of a number of researchers and specialists,  Faculty of  Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has hold a course entitled “ Balanced Scorecard and its Role in Supporting Education Quality“. It aims at developing the employees’ skills and acquainting them with the significance of job description  and ways of dictating it in evaluation in accordance with the formula of card ...

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Scholarships Announcement

Kerbala University is pleased to announce a set of programs that it offers as free fellowships for foreign student. For more information and to know the programs , click here For any  inquiries on how to apply, contact us at : To apply for fellowships, fill the form at the following link:

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Kerbala University in Cooperation with the British University of Aberystwyth Inaugurates the Project of Digital Robots

      As part of the University’s programs to promote E-learning and benefit from pilot experiences, University of Karbala has make cooperation within University of Aberystwyth concerning the project of digital robots.  President of the University, Prof. Dr. Bassem Khalil Al-Saidi, says that Karbala University, in accordance with the development of modern technology, is keeping pace with modernity within advanced scientific ...

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The University of Kerbala Holds a Symposium

The College of Engineering in the University of Kerbala held a symposium entitled ‘Developing the Petroleum Engineering Departments with the Aid of Society of Petroleum Engineers’. This event is intended to exchange knowledge and expertise between the College of Engineering and international organizations to achieve the advancements needed for the future of the college. The head of the Petroleum Department ...

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The Veterinarian College in the University of Kerbala Conducts a Scientific Conference

A scientific conference, which discussed students’ graduation research projects, was conducted by the Veterinarian College in the University of Kerbala. The main aims of the conference are to develop the students’ research potentials as well as to conduct studies that can positively impact the animal wealth and food security of Iraq. The dean of the college, Dr. Wifaq Albazi, stated ...

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The University of Kerbala Conducts its 11th International Conference

The College of Administration and Economics conducted its 11th international conference. More than 322 researchers participated in the conference and 142 research articles were presented. The conference included five main themes, which are Iraq’s security, Iraq’s financial system, the sustainable development of the country, Iraq’s infrastructures, and government performance. The undersecretary for administrative affairs in the Ministry of Higher Education ...

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The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Conducts a Workshop in The University of Kerbala

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research conducted a workshop with the aid of Kerbala University about the development of university leadership skills. This workshop is essential in the governmental program of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the years 2018-2022. The president of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Saadi, stated that this workshop is ...

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The University of Kerbala Organizes its Second International Conference

Sponsored by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Qusay Abdu-Alwahab Al-Suhail, and supervised by the President of the University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Saadi, the College of Education for Pure Sciences conducted its second international conference which included 140 research articles as well as 13 scientific posters that incorporated solutions to several public problems. ...

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