
University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on Employment of Time-oriented Product Life Cycle Budget and Reverse Engineering

Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis on the use of time-oriented product life cycle budget and reverse engineering to support target costing technology  to achieve a competitive advantage – an applied study of men’s clothing factory in Najaf. The study, presented by Siham Abboud Hussein, aims at demonstrating the impact of this ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on Impact of Strategic Lenses in Enhancing Creative Performance

Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis on the impact of strategic lenses in enhancing creative performance – an analytical study of opinions of a sample of managers at Asia Cell Company / Iraq. The study, presented by Thamer Hamid Al-Karafi, aims at testing correlation and influence relationships between variables of strategic lenses ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis on Molecular Diagnosis of two Types of Physalis spp Introduced in Iraq

A master’s thesis at the College of Science at the University of Karbala discussed the molecular diagnosis of two species of Physalis spp introduced into Iraq based on Variation in Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). The study, presented by Ahmed Saghir Jalab, aims at documenting and knowing evolutionary relationship of two species of genus “Physalis spp” introduced into Iraq using molecular indicators ...

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Vice President of University of Kerbala for Scientific Affairs Receives a Delegation from Lorestan University to Discuss Ways of Cooperation between the two Universities

Vice President of University of Kerbala for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul Hussein, receives a delegation from Lorestan University / Iran to discuss ways of cooperation between the two universities in a number of fields. The visit aims at discussing ways of cooperation between Universities of Kerbala and Lorestan. It is the first visit after University of Karbala has ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis on Evaluation of Inflammatory Factors in Patients of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis that deals with evaluation of some inflammatory factors in patients of polycystic ovary syndrome with insulin resistance. The study aims at evaluating level of inflammatory factors (HS-CRP, IL-6) in patients of polycystic ovary cysts and insulin resistance and compare them with a healthy group. The ...

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Karbala Journal of Physical Education Sciences Obtains Arab Impact Factor

Karbala Journal of Physical Education Sciences has obtained Arab Impact Factor, which refers to the importance of the peer-reviewed journals in their research specializations and an indicator for the quality of the journal and the extent of its recognition by the refereed journals in the Arab World. The Arab Impact Factor relies on various criteria to classify journals, including reviewing ...

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A lecturer from University of Kerbala Issues a Book on Cost Accounting – 1

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Wafi Abbas Al-Shammari, published a book on “Cost Accounting – 1”. The book consists of five chapters in 175 pages and provides information and knowledge about cost accounting and mechanism of benefiting from information contained in areas of cost measurement, planning, control and decision-making. The first chapter of the book is entitled Introduction to Cost Accounting, the ...

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University of Karbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis on Predicting Appearance of Different Phases of Two-spotted Mite

Faculty of Agriculture / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which deals with predicting appearance of different phases of two-spotted mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) in field, by calculating thermal units (Degree-Days) in laboratory conditions). The study aims at investigating seasonal occurrence of two-spotted mites in field by calculating their numerical density and their relationship to temperature ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Symposium on Mechanism of Activating Electronic System

University of Kerbala has organized a scientific symposium on mechanism of transferring administrative work from paper to electronic system, in presence of President of the University, Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile, Vice president for scientific affairs, Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul Hussein, and a number of university professors and employees. Prof. Dr. Basim K. Nile says that the course comes to ...

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University of Kerbala /Faculty of Tourism Sciences Organizes its Second Annual Festival

Faculty of Tourism Sciences / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with Nahj Al-Arbaeen Cultural Charitable Foundation and Baratha Intellectual Forum, has organized its second annual festival on birth of Prophet Muhammad and Imam Sadiq, in the presence of religious and academic figures and students. Prof. Dr. Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, states that the University has always ...

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