
University of Kerbala Discussing A Thesis on Changes of output Structure in light of Development of Components of Aggregate Demand

Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “changes in structure of output in light of development of the components of aggregate demand – Iraq, a case study”. The study presented by Maryam Hussein Nasser Al-Kindi, focuses on inability of Iraqi economy to address structural imbalances of gross domestic product through ...

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A Lecturer from Faculty of Islamic Sciences / University of Kerbala Publishes a Book on Islamic Realism in Jurji Zaidan’ Novels

A lecturer from Faculty of Islamic Sciences / University of Kerbala, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Rahi Saadoun Al-Zaidi, has published a book on Islamic realism in Jurji Zaidan’ novels. In his book, which is printed in Iraq / Basra, on authority of Dickens House for Publishing and Distribution, the author deals with novels of Jurji Zaidan, one of high figures ...

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A Researcher from University of Kerbala Innovates an Early Fire Detection System

Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala, has discussed the M.A thesis which is presented by Zahraa Shihab Ahmed whom has invented a system for detecting fires in outdoor open spaces using video imaging and computer processing systems. The researcher provides a solution to the problem of increase in fire cases in Iraq through a research she submitted to obtain ...

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Two Researchers from University of Kerbala Participate in a Session of Centers Forum

Dr. Firas Hussein Al-Saffar and Asst. Prof. Ali Murad Al-Nasrawi, Center for Strategic Studies / University of Kerbala, have participated in a dialogue session (Forum of Thought Centers), which is organized by Department of Policies and Public Relations in Office of Prime Minister, and in presence of a number of heads of research centers and academics, to present studies and ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Compaign on Combating Corruption

Department of Media and Government Communication / University of Kerbala has organized a campaign to combat financial and administrative corruption by publishing advertisements, awareness posters, and hotline numbers for receiving complaints about financial and administrative corruption in corridors of the university. This campaign comes in line with Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s assertion of the need to spread ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a Study on Compatibility between Islamic Accounting and Sustainability Standards

Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis which is entitled “compatibility between Islamic accounting standards and sustainability standards and their implications for achieving sustainable development : a prospective study on a sample of Iraqi Islamic banks listed in Iraq Stock Exchange”. The study aims at measureing compatibility relationship between Islamic accounting standards and ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation on Capabilities of Human Resources and their Impact on Product Quality

Faculty of administration and Economics / University of Kerbala has discussed “fundamental capabilities of human resources and their impact on product quality”. The study aims at determineing the impact of fundamental capabilities of human resources in its dimensions: (knowledge, skill, commitment) in achieving product quality through interactive role of quality of work life. The study finds out a set of ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala being Selected to be one of the Committee to Develop Curriculum of Faculties of Physical Education

A lecturer from Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Hussein Hassoun Abbas, has been chosen as a member of Committee of Development and Modernization of Curricula for Scientific Specialization in Faculties of Physical Education. Abbas states that he has been chosen as a member of one of committees of developing and modernizing curricula ...

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A Study at University of Kerbala Discussing entitled Simulation Traffic to Change a Roundabout to an Intersection with a traffic Light

Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala has discussed simulation traffic to change a roundabout to an intersection with a traffic light. The study, presented by Ali Fadlallah Hussain, aims at evaluating performance of some roundabouts in Karbala Governorate on their current status and evaluating them after converting them into roundabouts and intersections with light signals. The study concludes that ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a Study on Relationship between Emotional Intelligence andLlegal Knowledge of Referees’ Decision

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “relationship between emotional intelligence and legal knowledge of football referees’ decisions”. The thesis, submitted by Ghaith Haidar Daher , aims at identifying emotional intelligence, legal knowledge and decision-making of first-class football referees, as well as determining (reciprocal) relationship between emotional intelligence, ...

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