
Kerbala University, in Cooperation with the Al-Abbas Holy shrine, provides buses to transport sixth preparatory students to perform their final exams inside the University

To undertake a humanitarian initiative, Kerbala University, in cooperation with the Al-Abbas’s shrine, have provided buses to transport sixth preparatory students to perform their final exams inside the campus. The President of the University, Prof. Basim Khalil Al-Saedi, says that the holy shrines in Karbala are an essential support for completing the requirements of the academic year 2020-2021. He explaines ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an MA. Thesis entitled “Weighted Mirra Distribution to estimate the reliability function

The Faculty of Administration and Economics/ Kerbala University has discussed the MA thesis which is entitled “Constructing the weighted (Mirra) distribution to estimate the dependency function A Practical Study” The thesis, presented by Ali Hussein Nuri Al-Awadi, aims at identifying the use of the theory of weighted distributions in constructing a new proposed probability distribution known as the Weighted Mirra ...

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The Governor of Holy Karbala Visits Kerbala University to inspect the Exams for the “sixth preparatory” Students

The Governor of Holy Karbala, Eng. Nassif Jassem Al-Khattabi, accompanied by the Director of Education, Mr. Abbas Odeh, have visited Kerbala University to inspect the Exams for the “sixth preparatory” Students. The President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Al-Saedi, has welcomed them on Tuesday, for an inspection visit at Kerbala University. Prof. Eng. Nassif Jassem Al-Khattabi expresses his ...

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Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences adopts a unique Electronic System for distributing students’ Results of Final Exam

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences/ Kerbala University has finished uploading the students’ results for the academic year 2020-2021 electronically and with great success for the first time without any significant problems. Dean of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman mentions that with exceptional continuous efforts, the results of the final exams for ...

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Kerbala University Designs an Electronic ECG programme

A group of fourth-year students/ Faculty of Nursing/ Kerbala University have designed electrocardiogram (ECG) programme for mobile phones. The programme is part of the practical and scientific partnerships to develop the laboratories of the adult nursing branch / critical care nursing laboratories. The Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Ali Karim Al-Jubouri, indicates that the programme reveals electrical heart diseases, as ...

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Students of the Faculty of Nursing /Kerbala University Practice their Summer Training

Under direct supervision from Prof. Dr. Ali Karim al-Jubouri, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing Kerbala University, students practice their summer training for the second stage in Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) Medical City, The training aims at refining the students’ skill after passing the knowledge side for the academic year 2020-2021. The training has carried out with a ...

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Kerbala University discussing an MA. Thesis entitled The Legal Regulation of the Prime Minister’s Resignation

Faculty of Law/Kerbala University has discussed the MA. thesis which is entitled “The Legal Regulation of the Prime Minister’s Resignation : A Comparative Study” The thesis, presented by Hashem Ali Hassan, aims at addressing one of the most important legal problems facing the regulation of public authorities, The thesis deals with some comparative constitutions that discuss the issue of resignation, ...

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The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kadhim Abdel-Saheb Grants Kerbala University a Letter of Thanks and Appreciation for the Academic and Professional Performance

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kadhim Abdel-Saheb grants a letter of thanks and appreciation to the employees of Kerbala University. He says that the appreciation letter is due to what has been thanks recorded by the university’s employees, including lecturers, administrators and technicians, in taking responsibility for the academic year 2020/2021, completing the duties ...

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Kerbala University Offers Condolences to the Islamic World on the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)

Kerbala University commemorates the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him). It offers condolences to the Islamic world on the anniversary of his martyrdom. The University, represented by its students, professors and employees, expresses its sincere condolences to the Islamic world on the anniversary of martyrdom of Imam Hussein and in memory of the painful incident ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an MA Thesis entitled” Statistical Methods for selecting the Optimal Locations for Schools in the holy province of Karbala Using (GIS)”

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at Kerbala University has discussed an MA. thesis which is entitled “statistical methods for selecting the optimal locations for schools in the holy province of Karbala using (GIS)”. The study, which has been presented by Wael Abdul-Hussein Kadhim, The study aims at identfying the educational reality of the institutions so as to know the ...

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