اثر المنظومة المعرفية لعلوم القران في تعدد قراءات النص القرآني

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : ساجد صباح ميّس العسكري

اسم المشرف : الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور فاضل مدب متعب

الكلمات المفتاحية : علوم القرآن- تعدد-النص القرآني- القراءة الحداثية- التاريخية

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية

سنة نشر البحث : 2016

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث


لقد أنزل المولى سبحانه وتعالى القرآن الكريم هداية للناس وتبيان لكل شيء ودستوراً عاماً شاملاً لكل الحياة وملائماً لبني البشر منذ نزوله وإلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها. لقد أمرنا سبحانه وتعالى أن نتدبر في هذا الكتاب المقدس ونقف على حقيقة ماورد فيه من منظومات معرفية تتنوع بين أخلاقية وفقهية وعقدية ولاشك أن سبر أغوار هذه المنظومات يوقفنا على حقيقة الأثر الواضح والبيّن لعلوم القرآن في تعدد قراءات النص القراني .
انطلاقاً من حقيقة أن القرآن الكريم لم يكن لزمان دون زمان ولا لقومٍ دون قوم بل هو كتاب الإنسانية الخالد الذي منحته السماء قدرة استيعاب واحتواء كل حاجيات البشرية منذ نزوله وإلى آخر الدنيا . ولقد انفرط عقد هذه الدراسة على فصول أربعة يسبقها تمهيد بتعريف مصطلحات عنوان البحث . وكان الفصل الأول في علوم القران بين التأصيل والالتقاط , اما الفصل الثاني فكان في تعدد القراءات وجدلية التجديد في التفسير, فيما كان الفصل الثالث في أثر علوم القرآن في تعدد قراءات الموروث التفسيري ,أما الفصل الرابع والأخير فكان في أثر علوم القرآن في القراءات الحداثية . وخاتمة الرسالة في نتائج وتوصيات توصل إليها الباحث ثم المصادر التي اعتمد عليها الباحث في كتابة رسالته.

The impact of the cognitive system of Qur’anic sciences on the multiple readings of the Qur’anic texts

After the prementioned Display in this study theoretically and practically,
the following extracts appear during this research, which I do not consider
them discoveries and theories, but they are scientific conclusions consist of
results and suggestions:
First, The results :
1- the cognitive tributaries for sciences of Koran are multiple, but the
level of dependence on those sources follows the importance of the
tributarie and its authority in the reasoning, but by the total number of
those tributaries the Quranic sciences was established, which monitored by
the researcher, according to the induction of Quranic sciences, the most
important tributary of the foundation is the Koran for being definitely
puplished, and broader source in the establishing is the Sunnah, as it
.clarifies and confirmes the Holy Quran.
2- The projective vision was clearly appeared in the writings of
Orientalists and Expatriates, and some Islamists, so, the Orientalists and
Expatriates follow the questioning approach to what is incised, especially
their Questioning about the historical facts which associated with the
history of Koran, and bringing down the Western material view on the
point was in those projections is the Revelation, and most important
koranic revelation and its topics, so, they interpreted the revelation with
interpretations which make the Quranic text makeas it is a human text
submitted to the temporal and spatial conditions, and their goal beyond
that is to remove the holiness side and to say that the Koran is a human
text and to refer to the possibility of its distortion.
3- The selectively vision relied on phishing some slanders against that
contained in the books of Islamic heritage as books of texts and Hadiths,
and interpretation, so, they provide suspicions in ordr to challenge the
Qur’an . the most important suspicion was the distortion of Koran,
depending on the novels of decrease the Koran, the collection of the
contradictory and conflicting korans, and the novels of copies the
. recitation and the novels of the seven letters and others.
4- The term “multiple readings” has two meanings: first, the multiplicity
from weastern point of view which is the possibility of multiunderstandings from single text, and considering all of them acceptable
with the impossibility of combining them for being contrary and
incongruity between each other, and the second: the multiplicity of
readings from Islamic point of view, which is the multiplicity of
understanding and interpretation gor the single text according to long
levels not incongruity as if the single concept has more than a applicable
instance, and the Applications of this concept are too much in the theory of
.Al jarrey and tadbeeq, and the Quranic bellies
5- The relationship between the contemporary and modernist reading is a
general and especial absolute , so the contemporary relationship more
genral instead of being fundamentalist or Incontinent. If the contemporary
readings are subjected to the conditions and regulations that are consistent
with the spirit of Islam and its basic elements , they will be fundamentalist
as the social direction in the interpretation, the chart trend, and elsewhere,
and if the reading is not subjected to the conditions and regulations, they
will be Incontinent be such as the reading of some Modernists.
6- Not all the contemporary readings are unacceptable, but the rejected
readings are those which associated with the philosophy of modernism
which is based on the projections of Western philosophies on the quranic
text, so the fundamentalist reading is between two contrary sides, between
the the classical reading which is led by the Salafis who do not accept any
renewal in the understanding materials, and between the Modernist reading
which is led by the Incontinent Modernists movement which cancel any
old material. Among the most important moderinist fundamentalist reading
is the objective interpretation which Alsayed Mohammad Baqer Alsader
refered to.
7- The scienists and thinkers of Islam were divided into two teams in their
position of the multiplicity of readings theory, some supported it and
considered it one of the necessities of renewal in the interpretation and as a
form of interpretative attempt, while some of them refused the multiplicity
in the sense of modrenism and did not refuse multiplicity in the
fundamentalist sense, and had an opinion in the dealing with the term for
being it has many allusions lead to freedom from the methodological
limitations, but this rejection does not constitute a rejection of the idea of
diversity, but it is a difference in the concept, and there is not problem with
the terminology, where the multiplicity of readings like any new term is
faced by rejection first, and after that the idea becomes clear, it becomes a
.familiar term among scientists.
8- Sciences of Koran have an impact in theforensic sciences as being a
key to understanding the Quranic text, and the Qur’anic text is the first
source of all forensic science as Fugah, theology and jurisprudence and

sciences of Hadiths , etc., and the relationship between the Quranic
sciences and forensic sciences does not summarize the impact, but a
mutual relationship is effect and affected, so we could note a reflection to
.that relationship in the applications of those sciences.
9- The commentators interpret verses of traits according to the
interpretive tools, and to extent of Streptococcus tendencies in which they
affected; so we find different readings for those who interpret the verses of
the qualities and between those who authorized their knowledge to God,
even though both parties may belong to one verbal school, so those who
interpret the verses of the qualities carry them on metaphor and metonymy
and did not carry it on their form; because the Quran was revealed in the
language of the Arabs ,and the Arabic language requires that the text
should be understood by its linguistic system, so the one who interprets
the Koran according to the linguistic system can be noted interpret the
text, and prefer the matters that do not interfere with what is proven by the
.hyperbolic mind.
10- The interpretation was present at the Quranic texts that attribute the
guilt and sin of the prophets , all the groubs has practiced the interpretation
and any group by its building in regards to the infallibility of the prophets;
so varied readings according to differing interpretations, and even in a
band one verbal find a difference in the interpretation and the multiplicity
.of readings in directing meaning in line with their faith in the infallibility
11- Quranic sciences and a clear impact in the verses of the provisions
they represent the keys to understanding the text reflected its impact on the
multiplicity of readings of jurisprudence and the different methods of

deduction, according to the system of cognitive science Koran when the
interpreter or the jurist, so we find the difference between the scholars of
one denomination to the different methods of deduction and the different
.understanding of the science of the Quran
12- of the important things that was used by the Takfiri groups in the
understanding of the text and its interpretation is hiring the wrong
understanding of the Quranic sciences, Vozvo duplicator and copied and
arbitrator and of Like in the verses of the fighting, the ruling and make the
other provisions of Icheranoa for their actions in the killing and other
13- readings of the most important modernist applications are historical
and religious reading of the text in general and in particular the Quranic
text Chicken Modernists have much; because it is in line with the goals in
the Koran and say Bbharih limitations, Saying Patarreh Quranic text
.needed to say Bbharith Quranic text
14- reading historical owners relied heavily on the science of the Quran to
demonstrate what they went to him, because a lot of the science of the
Quran as reasons linked to reality and back down, and it shall be linked to
the reality of the text according to their claim
15- of the most important things that turned out to be the text that was
associated with reality through the language of the text and some of the
external issues as reasons to go down and back and others, but it can be
understood to be free from wear of time and place of the fact that he was able
to reproduce reality Vtgerd for privacy temporal and spatial, were his issues
.often real, it was valid for every time and place

16- models and evidence on the historic text when modernists is a sign of
tribute, borders and Oham women and others, and the purists do not see a
historical text in those texts and each sentenced philosophy of its own, and
change the subject or not achieved does not mean that the provision
particularly by time the descent of the text, when what has been achieved
.Thread achieved his judgment accordingly
:Second: suggestions
1- interest in studies about such allocation of special studies of Orientalism
and alienation research centers, and the Islamization of knowledge in Iraqi
universities and research centers, thus Such work can not be done by
someone with a message or a thesis but needs a group of specialists in the
.areas mentioned
2- In the course of the study show that many of the detectives and topics
need to be an independent study, even significantly enrich and discuss the
dimensions of various aspects of, and most important of these topics are: the
sources of cognitive science Koran, the impact of Quranic sciences in
theology or the impact of Quranic sciences in the multiplicity of readings in
the verses of faith, the wrong employment of Quranic sciences at the takfiri