البحثُ التَّفسيريّ عند الشَّهيد الثَّاني

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : عبد الكريم مجيد عطيه عبود

اسم المشرف : الأستاذ المساعد الدكتورة إقبال وافي نجم

الكلمات المفتاحية : علوم القرآن- الشهيد الثاني- المعاملات- العبادات-القراءات

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية

سنة نشر البحث : 2018

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

اهتمت هذه الدراسة ببيان البحث التفسيري عند الشهيد الثاني وحاولت بيان أهم الأسس التي سار عليها عندما حاول سبر أغوار النص القرآني مستلهماً كل ذلك من علم التفسير الذي عُدَ من أشرف العلوم وأرفعها شأناً لأنه يتعامل مع كتاب الله عز وجل الكتاب المعجز المقدس , فضلاً عن ما يوفره التفسير في تبيان ما أشكل على الناس في دينهم ودنياهم وتفسير وتوضيح ما ابهم عليه من كلامه تعالى. وتبعاً لمقتضيات الموضوع فقد ضم على تمهيد وثلاثة فصول اهتم التمهيد بدراسة البحث التفسيري ومن ثم اهتمام بحياة الشهيد الثاني وشخصيته العامة , وجاء الفصل الأول بعنوان علوم القرآن عند الشهيد الثاني بمبحثين اهتم الأول بالتعريف بعلوم القرآن والثاني ما أورده الشهيد الثاني في علوم القرآن في موسوعته . اختص الفصل الثاني بدراسة البحث التفسيري في العقائد عند الشهيد الثاني وكان الفصل الثالث في البحث التفسيري في التشريعات عند الشهيد الثاني , اما الخاتمة فقد استنتج الباحث ان الشهيد الثاني لم يفسر القرآن الكريم تفسيراً منفرداً سواء أكان فقهياً أم غير فقهياً وانما فسر آيات الذكر الحكيم التي تتضمن الأحكام .

Explanatory research at the Al-Shahid Al-Thani

Abstract :-
There is no doubt that the knowledge of the interpretation of the Koran for the sake of science, and the highest issue, and called it a measure, as the subject of the word of God Almighty, miraculous systems and rhetoric and cleverness, and the Koran is the word of God, the house on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), And the benefits of many people, you are happy in this world and the Hereafter, save them from painful punishment, and must be clear of these benefits, and explained to the meaning of God Almighty of the words of the dear, and interpreting the verses Karim, to clear the meaning and meaning of people, and the first tasked with this task is the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family) Where he was the first interpreters of the Koran.
And after him the people of his household (peace on them) who stand to show what is shaped on people, and explain and clarify what he inspired them from the words of Almighty, led by the Commander of the Believers (Ali bin Abi Talib) (peace on him) The first to explain and clarify and show what formed on the people of The book of Allah after His Messenger, the Secretary (peace be upon him and his family), who knows the interpretation and download, and I know the people of all Quran sciences, after the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family).
And after that the pure extension of the imams of the infallible (peace on them) who responded to the statement and revealed what the father of the verses blessed, and clarify the totality of the concepts and puzzles, and on their approach walked the first of the interpreters and others, and the impact of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) in the interpretation of the book, was the first brick For the emergence of interpretation.
The second martyr, Zayd al-Din ibn Nur al-Din Ali al-Amali, may God be pleased with him, although he did not explain the Qur’an individually in a special book, but it is a methodological approach to jurisprudence. He explained the legal rulings that his predecessor had developed from the scholars of the sciences, because he was a diligent, diligent scholar, unique in his time, and supported that he was a fatwa for each of the sects on his doctrine and explaining them to the people so that they would know the meaning of Allah Almighty in his dear words. God has deposited it in the minds of humans, and this by explaining the verses of the provisions of legitimacy and interpretation.
This is what called for the extraction of the Koranic texts interpreted by the second martyr in the context of his comprehensive study, and the writing of this research, which is characterized by “the interpretative research of the second martyr.” After the careful and thorough study carried out by the researcher for this encyclopedia, which consists of thirty parts, Part of these parts, and the extraction of verses related to the topics that include the doctrinal provisions, and the provisions of legitimacy, And the explanation of the second martyr, The research also followed up on the second martyr of the Qur’an, which was scattered here and there in the folds of his comprehensive book, in the context of the interpretative research of the second martyr, and research in the stomachs of other sources and references related to the subject and extraction of relevant information.