التنظيم القانوني لاستبدال اعضاء مجلس النواب في العراق (دراسة مقارنة )

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : سجى عدنان جعفر

اسم المشرف : حيدر سامي رشيد

الكلمات المفتاحية : مجلس النواب

الكلية : كلية القانون

الاختصاص : القانون العام

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

إن البحث في موضوع استبدال اعضاء مجلس النواب من المواضيع القانونية ، والسياسية ذات الأهمية الكبرى خاصه في الدول ذات النظام البرلماني ، اذ يعد منصب عضو مجلس النواب ، من المناصب التي تطورت بتطور فكرة الديمقراطية النيابية ، ويعدّ عضو مجلس النواب المحرك الأساس ، للسلطة التشريعية ، المتمثلة بالمؤسسة الدستورية ، والتي تضم مجموعة من الأشخاص المنتخبين من قبل الشعب ، او المعينين من اجل ممارسة الوظيفة النيابية ، طوال المدة الدستورية المحددة ، والتي تختلف اختلاف النظام القانوني في كل بلد، لذا يفترض ان يكون التمثيل في المجلس ، وفق نظام قانوني محكم ، ومتكامل ويضمن وجود هذا التمثيل بصورة كاملة ، طوال المدة القانونية ، وعليه يجب سد كل فراغ محتمل قبل النهاية القانونية ، للدورة النيابية ، وذلك وان كان الأصل بانتهاء العضوية النيابية يتمثل بانقضاء المدة القانونية لها ، إلا ان هناك بعض الحالات التي يؤدي تحققها الى انتفاء صفة العضوية ، عن النائب قبل نهاية المدة بسبب عارض من العوارض ، التي ينص عليها القانون منها ما هو ارادي ،ومنها غير ارادي وهي عموما تتأرجح بين (الاستقالة / وتغيير الانتماء السياسي / والجمع بين العضوية النيابية ووظيفة او عمل اخر / الإقالة / الوفاة / سقوط العضوية نتيجة فقدان احد شروط العضوية ) وكلها تترتب عليها أثرا .قانونياً واحدا ً، وهو فقدان جزء من التمثيل عن الإرادة الشعبية ، وينبغي .استعادته وفق ما أصطلح عليه (استبدال عضو مجلس النواب ).
وعليه تهدف هذه الرسالة الى الإحاطة بالأحكام القانونية التي تنظم موضوع استبدال عضو مجلس النواب في العراق والدول محل المقارنة (مصر / الأردن / الجزائر ) مع بيان المسوغات الارادية وغير الارادية لاستبدال عضو مجلس النواب بيان آلية وإجراءات الاستبدال لكل حالة منها .
وفي هذا السياق تمّ تقسيم الرسالة على مبحث تمهيدي وفصلين فضلاً عن المقدمة والخاتمة تم عرض مفهوم استبدال عضو مجلس النواب واهداف عملية الاستبدال، اما في الفصل الأول فقد تطرقنا الى بيان المسوغات الارادية لعميلة الاستبدال لعضو مجلس النواب ، في حين عرضنا المسوغات غير الإرادية لاستبدال عضو مجلس النواب في الفصل الثاني .
وفي خاتمة الرسالة توصلنا الى مجموعة من النتائج ، والمقترحات أهمها إن إغفال المشرع العراقي النص في قانون الاستبدال النافذ، عن تحديد المدة القانونية اللازمة للقيام بعملية الاستبدال ، قد يؤدي الى بقاء المقعد النيابي شاغراً مدة من الزمن، وهذا سيؤثر حتما في سير العمل النيابي ، وعرقلته ، او الدخول في حالة من الفراغ السياسي ، او التشريعي ، لذا نقترح على المشرع العراقي تعديل قانون الاستبدال النافذ ، لتحديد مدة زمنية كافية للقيام بعملية بالاستبدال عند شغور المقعد النيابي ، ولتكن (60) يوماً أسوة بنظيره المشرع المصري ، الذي خصص مدة 60 يوماً لشغل المقعد من تاريخ إعلان الخلو .
The searching in the replacement a member of council of representatives topic from the legal topics that have a great importance especially in the countries that govern by parliament a member position of council representative is cort from the positions that developed with the development of the idea of democracy representative The member of house of representatives is consider the primary organiser legislative power represented by the constitutional institution that contains a group of persons who elected by the society or those appointed in order to exercise the parliamentary function throughout the specified constitutional period that different like the difference the legal system in entire country, so the representation should be in the council according to a strict and integral legal system that guarantees the full existence of this representation . Therefore every possible vacuum must be filled before the legal and the parliamentary season but there are such cases that achieve it leads to expiration of membership status to the deputy before the end of the period for any reason voluntary or involuntary that law stipulate it , it should be ( resignation/ change political affiliation/ gather the parliamentary membership , jop ar another jop / impeachment/ dead / loss the membership as a result of missing one of its conditions )
All of these shall have one legal effect, its losing part of representation of the popular will and must restore accordin what it is called ( replace a member of the house of representative ) accordingly this massage aims to aware of the legal provisions that recognising a replace a member of the house of representative in iraq and the countries that have the same law ( Egypt / Algeria / Jordan ) with indicates a voluntary and involuntary justification to replace a member of the house of representative and indicates a mechanism and procedures for replacement to any case of those cases ,In this context the massage was divided to an introductory topic and tow chapters in addition to the introduction and conclusion
The concept of replacing a member of House of Representativ was introduced and the aims of the replacing ( legal and realistic) I submitted an voluntary justification to the replace a member of House of Representative in the first chapter and an involuntary in the second one At the conclusion of the thesis, I reached a set of resultsAt the conclusion of the thesis, I reached a set of results and proposals, the most important of which is that the Iraqi legislator neglected the text in the effective replacement law to specify the legal period necessary to carry out the replacement process.It may lead to the parliamentary position remaining vacant for a period of time , This will inevitably affect the progress of parliamentary work and hinger it , leads to Entering a state of political vacuum or legislativeso we suggest to an Iraqi legislator to edit an effective replacement lawIt should be (60) days like His counterpart an Egyptian legislator who Who has allocated 60 days to fill the position from the date of the announcement of the vacancy

Legal regulation for replacing a members of the House of Representatives (A comparative study )

The searching in the replacement a member of council of representatives topic from the legal topics that have a great importance especially in the countries that govern by parliament a member position of council representative is cort from the positions that developed with the development of the idea of democracy representative The member of house of representatives is consider the primary organiser legislative power represented by the constitutional institution that contains a group of persons who elected by the society or those appointed in order to exercise the parliamentary function throughout the specified constitutional period that different like the difference the legal system in entire country, so the representation should be in the council according to a strict and integral legal system that guarantees the full existence of this representation . Therefore every possible vacuum must be filled before the legal and the parliamentary season but there are such cases that achieve it leads to expiration of membership status to the deputy before the end of the period for any reason voluntary or involuntary that law stipulate it , it should be ( resignation/ change political affiliation/ gather the parliamentary membership , jop ar another jop / impeachment/ dead / loss the membership as a result of missing one of its conditions )
All of these shall have one legal effect, its losing part of representation of the popular will and must restore accordin what it is called ( replace a member of the house of representative ) accordingly this massage aims to aware of the legal provisions that recognising a replace a member of the house of representative in iraq and the countries that have the same law ( Egypt / Algeria / Jordan ) with indicates a voluntary and involuntary justification to replace a member of the house of representative and indicates a mechanism and procedures for replacement to any case of those cases ,In this context the massage was divided to an introductory topic and tow chapters in addition to the introduction and conclusion
The concept of replacing a member of House of Representativ was introduced and the aims of the replacing ( legal and realistic) I submitted an voluntary justification to the replace a member of House of Representative in the first chapter and an involuntary in the second one At the conclusion of the thesis, I reached a set of resultsAt the conclusion of the thesis, I reached a set of results and proposals, the most important of which is that the Iraqi legislator neglected the text in the effective replacement law to specify the legal period necessary to carry out the replacement process.It may lead to the parliamentary position remaining vacant for a period of time , This will inevitably affect the progress of parliamentary work and hinger it , leads to Entering a state of political vacuum or legislativeso we suggest to an Iraqi legislator to edit an effective replacement lawIt should be (60) days like His counterpart an Egyptian legislator who Who has allocated 60 days to fill the position from the date of the announcement of the vacancy