التوجيه النحوي في قراءة عيسى بن عمر(ت149هـ)

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : مسلم جواد كاظم

اسم المشرف : أ. د. عبّاس علي إمساعيل

الكلمات المفتاحية : التوجيه - قرأ- الادوات - الاسماء- الافعال

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : لغة القران وادابها

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

لقد سعيتُ في هذه الرسالة إلى دراسة التوجيه النحوي في قراءة عيسى بن عمر ت 149هـ ، وتتكون هذه الدراسة من مقدمة ، وثلاثة فصول ، تتلوها خاتمة .
وخصّصت الفصل الأول لدراسة الأسماء في قراءة عيسى بن عمر ؛ فدرست فيه الأسماء المرفوعة ، والأسماء المنصوبة ، والأسماء المجرورة في قراءته.
وجعلت الفصل الثاني بعنوان قراءة الأفعال ، تحدّثت فيه عن الأفعال الماضية ، والأفعال المضارعة في هذه القراءة.
وعني الفصل الثالث بدراسة ( الأدوات ) في قراءة عيسى ، تحدّثت فيه عن طريقته في قراءة (إنّ) مكسورة الهمزة , و( أنّ ) مفتوحة الهمزة , و( أنّ) بين التخفيف والتشديد ,فضلًا عن طريقته في قراءة (لام) الأمر ، و(لات ) , و(لا ) نافية , و( لكنْ ) , ( لما ) ، وهمزة الاستفهام وحرف الشرط ، وطريقة تعامله مع ألف (ما) الاستفهامية حين يدخل عليها حرف الجرّ .
وختمت الدراسة بالنتائج التي توصلت إليها , ثم تلتها قائمة من الكتب التي أفادت البحث وأغنته , فتوزعت تلك الكتب بين كتب التفسير ، وكتب القراءات ، وكتب معاني القرآن وإعرابه وغريبه ، فضلًا عن كتب النحو القديمة ، والدراسات الحديثة التي استعان بها الباحث ، ومن هذه الدراسات بعض الأطاريح والرسائل الجامعية .
وقد اتّخذت من المنهج الوصفي التعليلي إجراءً منهجيًّا , أتوكأ عليه في هذه الدراسة ؛ إذ لا غنى للباحث عنه ، إذا ما أراد لبحثه أن تتحقق فيه سمات البحث اللغوي الناضج من دقة وعلميّة وموضوعية .
ويقوم المنهج التدويني لهذه الدراسة على تتبع قراءة عيسى بن عمر ، واستقرائها في كتب القراءات ، وكتب الاحتجاج للقراءات ، وكتب التفسير, وجمعها , لتكون عيّنات المدوّنة, ثم حصر ماله صلّة بالنحو . وبعد جمع تلك القراءات التي تشكل مادة البحث جاءت مرحلة تفحصها وإطالة النظر فيها , ثم تصنيفها وترتيبها , وأخيرًا توزيعها على فصول بحسب موضوعات النحو , متناولًا إيّاها بالتخريج والتحليل بعد مقابلتها بالقراءة المشهورة , وتوجيه كلّ منها محاولًا الإفادة من جهود القدماء وأقوالهم وآرائهم .

Grammatical guidance In Reading Eissa Ben Omar (d.149 AH)

‌‌‌In this study, I dealt with the grammatical aspect of Issa bin Omar’s
reading, and divided it into three chapters. As for the first chapter, one of
the conclusions I reached is that Issa bin Omar recited some of the names
with the nominative in the beginning, and in the reading of the majority
of the readers it came with accusations of work, or as a moral assertion
Ther are names that Jesus recited with the nominative as a name for
Kaan, or one of her sisters, and it came in the audience’s reading as
saying that it was a news for Kaan or one of her sisters, and he also
recited some of the names with the nominative.
However, it is a predicate for a subject, and it came in the reading of the
audience denoting that it was a predicate, an absolute object, an object in
it, an adverb, or an alternative. Some of the names may be read with the
nominative as a predicate of a subject, and the majority of the readers
read them by dragging on the addition or substitution
It was also narrated on the authority of Jesus that he recited some nouns
with the nominative on the participle or instead of accusing them as the
accusative, or the distinction, as he read some of the nouns with the
nominative as an adjective instead of the preposition on the addition in
the audience reading. Before it, it was, according to the drawing of the
Qur’an, wrapped in a position, or erected on praise, or drawn with
sympathy on a lowered one
The research also found that Jesus read some of the names with
accusative, and it came in the reading of the audience of readers raised as
a subject, a predicate, a subject, or a deputy subject. Likewise, he recited
some of the nouns with the conquest without intending that they are a
gender-negative noun, and it came in the public reading with the
nominative as an action verb that is not
And Isa bin Omar read the name with the opening without intending
instead of the nominative on the beginning or the name (no) working
An action that is not, and he may recite some nouns with accusative
accusative verbs, and draw in the scriptures of the Qur’an drawn with
sympathy for what precedes them. And he dealt with the intermittent
letters as being erected with an implied verb, and in the audience’s
reading came letters that have no place in the parsing, as he read some
nouns with accusative accusation, or praise, or preoccupation,
circumstantial, infinitive, exception, or emphasis, or Kindness, and in the
reading of the audience it was raised as a subject, or a predicate, or an
epithet, or a substitute, or an adverb, or it was read by the majority of the
readers as a subjunctive, or an adjective. Jesus may recite the name as a
subjunctive in addition to what follows it, or drag it as an epithet, or make
it dependent on what precedes it, and it comes in the reading of the
audience as raised, or accusative, and Jesus may depart from the rules of
the usual grammar; He resorts to disbursing the last name of a thousand
elongated feminine
It became clear to me from studying the reading of the past tenses in the
second chapter that he read some of the past tenses in the passive form
instead of the active voice in the public reading, and the opposite may
happen; The past is read in the active voice instead of the passive form
He also read some transitive verbs that are not connected to the
accusative pronoun, and in the audience reading they were based on the
accusative pronoun, as well as treating some verbs as the necessary verb,
and in the audience reading came a transitive verb, and he read some
verbs in the past tense, and they came in the reading of the audience in
the form of the subject or infinitive And the subject of the defamation
verb read an apparent noun instead of using a hidden pronoun in the
audience reading
He also read the past verb on the news, and it came in the audience
reading in the form of exclamation, and he read the past verb with its
attribution to the singular pronoun or the singular subject instead of
assigning it to the dual pronoun, or the plural, as he read the verb of the
condition present and the verb answer the condition in the past, and he
read by attributing the past verb to Subject instead of assigning it to the
‌‌‌And I concluded from studying the present verbs in the reading of Isa
bin Omar that he read some of the present verbs in Ta’ Al-Khattab
instead of the audience reading the P’a Al-Ghaybah, and the opposite
may happen so that he reads the present verb P’a Al-Ghaybah instead of
the Ta’a discourse, and he read some of the present tense verbs in the
Ghiba instead of the Noun of greatness in the audience’s reading. And he
also read the sons of grandeur instead of the ta’ al-Khattab in the
audience reading, and he also read by attributing the present to the
singular pronoun, and the audience reading was by attributing the verb to
the plural pronoun
He also read the present tense verb with ta’ on feminine instead of
reading the audience with ya’ on remembrance, and he read the present
verb derived from the quatrain, while it was in the script of the Qur’an
derived from a five-factor
I also noticed that Jesus read some of the present tense verbs with the
construction of the passive instead of the audience reading on the
construction of the subject, and the opposite may happen, so he reads the
present verb on the construction of the subject instead of reading it on the
construction of the subject
Jesus recited some of the verbs with the nominative, and the recitation of
the masses came to be mentioned, and the opposite may happen; The verb
is read by accusative while the majority of the readers read it with
‌‌‌And Jesus recited some of the present tense verbs with accusative while
the majority of grammarians read them with accusative, and the verb may
be affirmative in both readings, but its derivation in the reading of Jesus
differs from its derivation in the public reading
‌‌‌And it became clear to me from the study of the third chapter (The
Tools) that Jesus recited the hamzah (In) with the stress in some places,
and in other places, in contrast to the recitation of the masses, and he also
read the hamza (An) with the conquest and the Iskan Noun, and the
majority of the readers read it with the fraction, and he also read the
hamza (that) by reducing it while the audience of readers made it tight
His reading was by emphasizing the nun in (but) instead of reducing it
according to the drawing of the Qur’an, and neglecting (but) if it was
reduced and obligatory, and Jesus used to break the lam of the matter
after the waw instead of housing it in the audience reading
And he used (lat) in his reading as a preposition, while the majority of
readers dealt with it as a tool that does the work of (not), and Jesus read
by making (no) to deny gender, and the majority of readers deal with it as
He also read by emphasizing the meme in (Lama) instead of reducing it
in the audience reading, and made the interrogative hamza and the letter
of the firm condition according to the drawing of the Qur’an an
interrogative name set on the adverb, and he did not see who was harmed
by inserting the preposition on the interrogative (what) and not deleting
its thousand, and came a reading The audience is based on the well known rule agreed upon by the grammarians; They deleted a thousand
(what) interrogative to reduce