الشاهد القرآني في كتاب معاني النحو لفاضل السامرائي دراسة في دلالة المرفوعات ونواسخ الابتداء

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : سعد عبدالسادة شبلاوي

اسم المشرف : الأستاذ الدكتور مؤيد جاسم محمد

الكلمات المفتاحية : الشاهد-النحو-نواسخ-الابتداء-معاني-السامرائي

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : لغة القران وادابها

سنة نشر البحث : 2021

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث


يهدف الموضوع إلى دراسة الشاهد القرآني في كتاب معاني النحو دراسة نحوية دلالية؛ لإثراء المكتبة العربية.
قسمته على ثلاث فصول، سبقتها مقدمة وتمهيد، وأعقبتها بخاتمة وقائمة للمصادر والمراجع وملخص باللغة الأنجليزية.
حمل التمهيد عنوان تعريف بالسامرائي وكتابه معاني النحو، أما الفصل الأول فقد كان بعنوان المسند إليه، ضم مبحثين، الأول بعنوان المبتدأ، والآخر بعنوان الفاعل ونائبه.
والفصل الثاني وضع تحت عنوان المسند، وضم مبحثين أيضا، الأول منه تكلم عن الخبر، أما الآخر بعنوان الفعل المضارع.
أما الفصل الثالث فحمل عنوان نواسخ الابتداء والتوابع، وقد قسم على مبحثين، الأول بعنوان نواسخ الابتداء، والآخر التوابع.
وأبرز ما توصلت إليه الدراسة هو: إن كتاب معاني النحو يركز في دراسته على فهم معاني الجمل المركبة , اذ يرى أنَّ لكل تركيب بنائي معنىً خاصاً وهالةً محددة, يتغير معناها ومقصودها بتغير مبناها اللفظي زيادة ونقيصة.

The Qur’anic witness in the book Meanings of Grammar by Fadel Al-Samarrai A study in the significance of the predicates and the beginnings of the predicate


The summary is in English
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of all creation, Muhammad and his pure family. Then: The Noble Qur’an is a religious message that carries God’s teachings and rulings, revealed by God to His Noble Messenger – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family – in a clear Arabic tongue. To take care of understanding its provisions and laws, and some of them limited the research in its methods and eloquence, and some of them devoted the research to its language and its grammatical dimension, and he was one of the most prominent of those researchers in the era The hadith of Dr. Fadel Salih al-Samarrai, the owner of scientific efforts, who saw in it a linguistic richness, so he decided to serve the Book of God _ the Almighty – discovering its secrets and its great dimensions as he enriched our Arabic library with his creativity and his distinguished gift from those studies and serious research through his inimitable career that extended to nearly half of A century in which his efforts were distributed in various areas between linguistic studies, rhetorical and grammatical studies, investigation and other literary writings.
What prompted me to choose the title is the importance of the Qur’anic witness in establishing the grammatical issue, strengthening it and fixing it.
The research was organized into three chapters preceded by an introduction and a preamble, as the preamble included the definition of Al-Samarrai and his book Meanings of Syntax, and I titled the first chapter with the title of the predicate and included two sections, the first entitled: (Al-Mubtada), and the second entitled: (The Actor and his Deputy), and the second chapter was entitled: (Al-Musnad) ) It is also two topics, the first is entitled: (Present Verb) and the second is entitled (News), while the third chapter was It is tagged with (The Nawasikh al-Initiah and the Followers) and I made it into two sections, the first of them is (The Nawasikh al-Ibtiya’) and the second of them is entitled (The Followers).
chapters with a conclusion in which I summarized the most important results of the study and followed that up with an index of the sources and references that I relied on in the research and study. The crop is one of the places where it shines, as this forced me to make a great effort in order to obtain it to produce the research in this way, in which I do not claim perfection, since perfection is for God alone, and I am a receptive ear to everyone who straightens crookedness or fills in it a deficiency. Of which : – The impact of meaning on the grammatical repetition of Dr. Fadel Saleh Al-Samarrai in his book Meaning ofGrammar(PhDthesisatTikrit University_College of Education for Human Sciences by researcher Fahd Khalaf Ali_fortheacademicyear2020-2021AD) The opinions of Dr. Fadel Al-Samarrai in his book Meanings of Grammar (Master’s thesis at the University of Baghdad – College of Islamic Sciences by researcher Muzaffar Abdul Romi Al Dhaheri – for the academic year 2004-2005 AD)
_ The Qur’anic grammar of Dr. Fadel Al-Samarrai (Master’s thesis at the University of Al-Muthanna_College of Education for Human Sciences by researcher Hanan Fadel Jubeir_for the academic year 2018-2019)
_ The indications of submission and delay in the Holy Qur’an at Fadel Al-Samarrai (a research published in Al-Badr magazine for the year 2016 AD by researcher Samira Shadly)
_ Syntax and meaning for Fadel Al-Samarrai (research published in the Arabic Language Journal for the year 2017 AD by researcher Osman Naseem)
_ The meaning and grammatical judgment of Fadel Al-Samarrai in his book Meanings of Grammar (a research published in the Journal of the College of Arabic Language in Mansoura for the year 2019 AD by researcher Muhammad Al-Sayyid Abdo)
_ Grammar and semantics in the book Meanings of Grammar by Fadel Al-Samarrai (research published in the Journal of the College of Arabic Language for the year 2017 AD by researcher Izdihar Abdul Rahman Al-Sayed)
The researcher followed a descriptive approach in his study.
At the conclusion of this introduction, I cannot, after thanking God Almighty, but to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who provided me with assistance and a helping hand, especially our professor, Dr. Muayyad Jassem Al-Khafaji, who kindly kindly supervised this research, and adopted it, for I found in it science, morals and knowledge together, as it gave me time And effort, he has a great thanks for the advice and guidance he gave me. Department of Arabic Language in the College of Islamic Sciences. If I am right, it is from God alone, and praise be to God for that.