القرائن اللفظية وغير اللفظية دراسة أصولية تطبيقية في الفقه الاستدلالي للشيخ الايرواني العبادات اختياراً

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : تحــــسين عبـــد الزهـــرة حســـــن مــــوسى

اسم المشرف : أ . د . ناهدة جليل عبد الحسن

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية

سنة نشر البحث : 2024

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

أن القرينة في الاصطلاح الاصولي هي (ما يصاحب الخطاب ليبينه) وأنها كباقي المصطلحات العلمية متنوعة، وأن لها مكانةً مهمة في النصوص الشرعية ومدى تأثيرها على الموضوع او الحكم في المسائل الفقهية فأثرها في تحديد دلالة موضوع الحكم وصب الحكم عليه وكذلك تدخل في تطبيق المسائل الفقهية والأصولية ، وأن القرينة حجة معتبرة مبينة لمراد المتكلم من الخطاب النص الشرعي سواء إكانت لفظية او غير لفظية متصلة أو منفصلة، بدليل القرآن الكريم وفي السنة الشريفة وبحكم العقل وبأقوال العلماء، وأن وظائفها متعددة وهذا الاثر يتميز بتعدده وتنوعه بحسب المورد الذي تدخل عليه القرينة ولذا نجد تعدد الوظائف لإثر القرينة فإنه يظهر أثر القرينة في فهم النصوص عند الأصوليين من خلال الوظائف التي تؤديها القرينة في المجال الذي تؤثر، ومن هذه الوظائف هي التخصيص، والتقّييد، والبيان، والتأويل، والتأكيد، والترجيح بين النصوص المتعارضة ، وانها اُعتِمد عليها في أثبات بعض أبحاث علم الاصول كما في حجية خبر الواحد وأيضاً في حجية الظهور وكما في اثبات أصالة عدم القرينة في مقام التخاطب وكذلك في بحث انصراف الأمر عن ظهوره من الوجوب الى غيره ، وانصراف النهي عن ظهوره من الحرمة لغيره، وإفادة الترجيح بين الأدلة ، وتساهم القرينة والعمل بمؤداها بشكل واضح وجدّي وكبير في حل التعارض الظاهري بين النصوص الشرعية التي هي أدلة شرعية يستنبط منها الحكم الشرعي وأن عدم العمل بمؤداها سيؤول الى بقاء التعارض الظاهري بين تلك الأدلة مع انه لا تعارض واقعي بين النصوص الشرعية، وتطبيقات هذا البحث يدخل في أبواب متعددة من أبواب الفقه الإسلامي وكان في هذه الرسالة بعض النماذج التطبيقية لوظيفة القرينة في المسائل العبادية التوصلية والتعّبدية والمالية.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Evidences An Applied Fundamental Study in Deductive Jurisprudence of Worship Sheikh Al-Irawani Optional


The science of jurisprudence for contemporary life and how to solve many modern, contemporary issues through legal methods comes from the Holy Qur’an and the Noble Sunnah, which represent the two main sources for deducing the legal ruling, relying on textual texts in their meanings or apparent texts in which the jurist works his opinion and his jurisprudential deductions, which is a proof for the servants, and this conjunction is The great connection between the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of its Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family), which represents the greatest conjunction.
On the basis that God has a ruling on every incident, even if I skin a scratch, there is no action of the accountable people, whether movement or rest, except that God has one of the five rulings regarding it: obligation, prohibition, recommendation, abhorrence, permissibility, and any transaction over money, or a marriage contract, and the like. Except that the law has a ruling on its validity or corruption, and God Almighty has deposited all of these rulings with His Prophet, the Seal of the Prophets, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and the Prophet recognized them by revelation from God Almighty or inspiration. Then, God’s peace be upon him according to the occurrence of accidents, or the occurrence of events, or the occurrence of affliction, and its renewal. He explained the effects and phases of many of them to the people, especially to his companions who were surrounded by him, who circled the throne of his presence every day, so that they would be the ones to communicate to all Muslims on the horizons.
The jurisprudence of the jurist’s statement comes into force, and here comes the role of the science of jurisprudence, which for the jurist represents logic in relation to the rest of the sciences. It is the logic of jurisprudence. Were it not for the science of jurisprudence, jurisprudence would have remained in a state of stagnation, inactivity and lethargy, not addressing the problems of life in contemporary times. The importance of examining evidence is not hidden from those studying the science of jurisprudence. In its impact on the understanding of the evidence from which the Shari’a ruling is derived, it also includes resolving some of the Bedouin contradictions between the Shari’a evidence, and that is the presence of some evidence that is more likely for one party over another. On this basis, I chose the title of my thesis, which is the verbal and non-verbal evidence, an applied jurisprudential study, and I took the Book of Worship, with all its chapters, as a model and choice. Perhaps it will benefit some scholars and those interested in the science of fundamentals and fundamental applications to jurisprudential issues. I do not claim perfection, for perfection belongs to its owner, and whenever I write, it reflects my understanding, while I rely on the evidence.
The context has a great impact on the understanding of the text and its meaning, as the subject of the context is studied in many sciences that aim to understand its texts and clarify the meanings behind the speech, as in its study in the science of interpreting the Holy Qur’an and the extent of its impact in clarifying the verses of the Holy Qur’an because it was revealed in an eloquent Arabic language. It is no secret that One of the contain. Therefore, scholars of the Arabic language, especially scholars of rhetoric, have also been interested in studying this subject, as it has a great impact on the impact of the address, the addressed, and the addressee. Also, this importance is no less in the science of principles and its study in this science from the perspective of enumerating the evidence and naming them. Explaining its authoritativeness from its inauthenticity and its effect in deriving the legal ruling from those legal texts from the verses of the Holy Book and the hadiths of the Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) and the Imams (peace be upon them) in detailing the issues of context and studying them can yield new efforts in addition to the efforts of the previous ones who wrote and researched in this field. And also to complement the efforts of contemporaries and to complement that, the evidence has a great impact in revealing the reason for the legal ruling on which the ruling depends, whether it exists or not. If the importance of this topic follows a related importance and its connection to it, it is related to clarifying the meanings of the religious text, which is an argument for those Muslims who are charged with the rulings of the true religious text. As a matter of completing the fulfillment and excuse, so that whoever lives will live on behalf of his evidence and whoever will die will die without his evidence. Yes, not researching this topic is missing out on some rulings that are beneficial and not harmful . miracles of the Holy Qur’an is its eloquence, which its verses