القصد وأثرهُ في العبادات والمعاملات – دراسة موضوعية لنماذج تطبيقية

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : ساره ضياء عبود شعيب

اسم المشرف : الاستاذ الدكتور صبحي عودة العادلي

الكلمات المفتاحية : القصد- العبادات- المعاملات- الصلاة - النية

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية

سنة نشر البحث : 2016

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

لقد حدد الله سبحانه وتعالى المفاهيم التي يمكن من خلالها أن يصل الإنسان إلى رضاه سبحانه وتعالى وذلك من خلال اشكال العبادة المتنوعة والمتعددة التي يشكل القصد والنية محورية مهمة في تسهيل وصول تلك العبادات إلى ساحة رضا الله سبحانه وتعالى ولذلك يكون الاخلاص محوراً رئيسياً في صياغة القصد والنية اللتان تنعقد عليهما أفعال العبادة , فالصلاة والصيام والحج والزكاة وغيرها من العبادات الفقهية وغير الفقهية يلعب القصد دوراً مهماً في تكوين صورة هذه العبادات . من هنا استلزمت الدراسة أن تكون في فصول ثلاثة يسبقها مبحث تمهيدي في تعريفات القصد والنية والأثر والعبادات والمعاملات ونحوها , فيما كان الفصل الأول في القصد في الطهارة المائية والترابية , وتناول الفصل الثاني القصد في الايقاعات من النذر والأيمان كأنموذج لها, فيما كان الفصل الثالث في القصد في الصوم والإعتكاف والعبادات المالية المشتركة. يعقب ذلك النتائج التي توصلت إليها الباحثة والتي تشكل خلاصة ماوضعت الباحثة يديها عليها.ثم مصادر البحث التي تنوعت بين مصادر متقدمة ومصادر متأخرة ومصادر معاصرة لتكون بجملتها الفرشة المنهجية والبحثية التي اعتمدت عليها الباحثة في صياغة هذه الرسالة.

the intent and it's impact in worship and transactions objective study applied to models

Conclusion The most important results
Praise be to God who helped me that notify other words in this research Ragia him to the Almighty that I have been able in which to obtain satisfaction with the Almighty and be a benefit to students and El Abidine both, and I’ve included this research several conclusions had to be recorded as follows:
1- The intention is the intention, and the more general ones, Vicmlha Kqsd work bladders to God, and other Kqsd the same body of work.
2- .faith are all acts of worship, including physical, financial, and shared alike.
3- faith in worship, be on the face that calls for a reaction, is not considered a notification in which to Tadhirh and the inability to achieve.
4- Gel what constitutes the intention of worship is meant worship with bagpipes to God Almighty, and the intended purpose of worship is appointed and excellence, Vtaanha the sense of being purity, or prayer, or fasting, or retreats, or zakat, or five, or pilgrimage, or Umrah or jihad the distinguished Ktmiaz purity and light or to wash or tayammum, prayer afternoon or an age or a Friday, and zakat for money or instinct, and so the rest of the acts of worship that needs to distinguish, and does not count in the other nickname of facial considerations (duty or scar) and the number and performance, yes is the intention of eliminating reserve performance as someone who prayed to spend the afternoon to death in the back of another day, so the intention as follows:
5- Inadvertently worship (and set it apart) + drawing closer to God Almighty
6- . intended to travel his eloquent impact on my worship prayer and fasting for the traveler as Baksdh short and fast, Fbalgosd statement Qassed travel and whether or not the resident and others, and of the provisions of the traveler to obedience or disobedience, all built upon the jurisprudence and entail each case effects.
7- worships multiple business Dead Kgsl, and fasting for the holy month of Ramadan and the atonement, and i’tikaaf and fasting days, and Hajj and Umrah, it is necessary to combine the intention of each working day, or the intention of everyone precaution.
8- Conditions of worship to be in charge of intending her intention not valid worship of minors and the insane and a drunkard and others lost all intent, yes recommended for the boy that the worship of the door of the training and in the pilgrimage takes guardian intention rather than the mad and the boy does not Tdzihma Hojjatoleslam, The Infidel it obligatory acts of worship, but it is not valid for infidels contrary to the intention of loyalty and Bagpipes
9- Do not take place Ihram for Hajj and Umrah once-intentioned, but also needs to meet, and the rule of al-Akhras here Heart by contract, any orientation to talbiyah and intent of the heart, because the original verdict is the intention with the word out.
10- faith in the financial worship be compared to or subsequent to isolate the money owed.
11- The Zakat has two sides: the first Ebadi, related owed by the taxpayer before God Almighty, and bagpipes to the Almighty, and it is in charge entitlement reward to obey him and his work, and the second Mali, related to the right of God and deserving in taxpayer money, which is the third party funds in the possession of the taxpayer, and compliance slave in Zakat achieve clearance and the maturity of the reward, and the infidel and omission, takes the ruling of them Zakat and take is the intention, so the clearance of Finance for two only, and not the necessity for entitlement to the reward for them, for lack of sincerity of compliance and bagpipes them to God, and this does not effect the not to be considered Zakat of worship.
12- The intent of the terms of the contractor, then held for those who do not inadvertently to him, come out of the account held by: minors and the insane and Alhazl and a drunkard and Sahi and Algt sleeper and Amomy to lose the intent of Capricorn when these individuals, and the impeller is not correct to take place, but the reason for that is the loss of satisfaction The choice is not the intent.
13- decade in general and the marriage contract, in particular, have a contract my heart continued to deliberately esoteric, lacking the tool shown, this tool is the verbal version of the contract, because the contract is between two parties must know both the intent the other, so intent cardiac correlated with verbal formula to take place as does not meet either one without the other, and tunes like him do not take place unless the inextricable link between cardiac intent with the verbal formula
14- .The intent of the terms of the tunes is not correct, or the right of the vow of not intentionally him in the meaning of the word, is not considered in the rhythm of minors and the insane and a drunkard and Abednego Ghadhban outrage and Sahi, also not considered in the rhythm of the representation or education.
15- inadvertently vow Text: intentionally vow right word Majesty drawing closer to God.