القِرَاءَات القُرآنِية فِي كِتَابِ إعرَاب القُرآن وَبَيَانِه لَمُحِيي الدّين دَروِيش دراسة في مستويات اللغة

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : حلا حيدر محمّد مجيد

اسم المشرف : أ.م. د. رفاه عبد الحسين مهدي الفتلاوي

الكلمات المفتاحية : الصوامت- الصوائت-المشتقات-محيي الدين درويش-اعراب

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : لغة القران وادابها

سنة نشر البحث : 2019

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

تحاول هذه الدراسة مناحي القراءات القرآنية في كتاب اعراب القرآن وبيانه لمحيي الدين درويش وبيان أثر اللهجات العربية في ظهورها وصحة هذه القراءات من عدمها وتحليل تلك القراءات وبيان اسباب ظهورها ودور كل من الصوت والصرف والاعراب والبلاغة فيها , واذا التمسنا منهج الدرويش في اعرابه وجدناه منهجاً علمياً لغوياً تحليلياً. تطرقت الباحثة ايضا الى دراسة مستويات اللغة جميعها وحاولت الاجابة عن جملة من التساؤلات ماهي القراءات القرآنية وما علاقتها بالأحرف السبعة ؟ مامنهجية الدرويش في كتابه ؟ وهل خالفت كتب الاعراب الاخرى ؟علام اعتمد الدرويش في عرض القراءات القرآنية وتوجيها صوتياً وصرفياً ونحوياً . وقد اقتضت طبيعة الدراسة على ان تتوزع على ثلاثة فصول مسبوقاً بمقدمة وتمهيد وتعقبها خاتمة , فالمقدمة بينت أهمية كتاب الدرويش ( اعراب القرآن الكريم وبيانه) واسباب اختيار الموضوع والمنهج المتبع في دراسته , اما التمهيد فقد تطرق الى التعريف بالدرويش وماهو منهجه فيه. جاء الفصل الاول بعنوان المستوى الصوتي والقراءات القرآنية المتعلقة به من : ابدال وادغام وهمز وتسكين وتحريك زيادة على التخفيف والتشديد , اما الفصل الثاني فتناولت فيه المستوى الصرفي والقراءات القرآنية المتعلقة بالاسماء والافعال المجردة والمزيدة والمشتقات. اما الفصل الثالث فقد جعل حقلاً لتناول المستوى النحوي وقراءاته المتعلقة بالاسماء والافعال والتأويل النحوي والقراءة بالرفع والنصب , والرفع والجر, والرفع والنصب والجر. وخاتمة احتوت على أهم النتائج التي توصل اليها البحث.

QURANIC READINGS IN THE BOOK OF 'Arabiazation of THE QURAN AND its data' by muhyiddin darwish. (Study in of language levels)


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon all creatures, Muhammad and his good and pure family.
: After
The Holy Quran is the first and the main source of science and knowledge, all of which is the uninhabited and deep in the depth of the interior and beautiful in the elegance of the phenomenon, the Qur’anic readings are for the science of the status and highest status and the three types.
This research includes the study of Quranic readings in the book of the expression of the Holy Quran and its manifestation of Muhyi al-Din al-Darwish according to the three levels of language: phonetic, morphological and grammatical. The book is one of the most famous scientific linguistic books among the scholars. It is one of the sources of the Holy Quran، With a comprehensive and comprehensive methodology of several topics on which the researcher draws and derives the knowledge. It includes a range of sciences، including: sound، exchange، expression and eloquence in its meaning and statement. The Quranic readings that are the subject of our study are not studied by one of the scholars and we are the first to do so، as well as its relation to the Holy Quran، which invited me to choose this topic. Research Title.
If we approach the Darwish approach in its interpretation، we find it to be a scientific، linguistic and descriptive analytical approach. We see this in the statement of Quranic readings، their clarification، the presentation methods، their guidance and their relation to their readers and readers.
He studied the expression of the Holy Quran and his statement on various previous studies، including: The rhetorical issues in the book of the interpretation of the Holy Quran and its statement to Sheikh Mohieddin Al-Darwish (T: 1402H) Presentation and study by the student Ayed bin Barki Al-Saadi، Saudi Arabia، 2009، and the morphological research in the book of the interpretation of the Koran and his statement to Muhyi al – Din al – Darwish (T: 1402 H_1982)، to the student Maryam Hassan Mohammed، University of Karbala / Faculty of Islamic Science، year: 2007.
In this research، we have touched on the three levels of language. The research has not been limited to the semantic level، because there are no readings in its content، and only in terms of vocal، grammatical and grammatical aspects .
And stopped the research on several axes made it answered questions :، namely
1. What are the Quranic readings? What is its relationship with the seven letters ?.
2. What is the methodology of Darwish in his book? Did the other books of expression contradict ?.
3. What did Darwish adopt in his introduction to the Quranic readings ?.
4. What are the methods of Darwish in presenting the Qur’anic readings and directing them in a voice، a way، and a way ?.
5. Have you relied on the Qur’anic readings to protest against the Holy Quran، Hadith، and poetry ?.
6. Did the difference in Quranic reading cause a difference in the meaning of the word ?.
7. Have you received the Koran readings of the three types in his book ?.
8. Is the Darwish relied on reading the Holy Quran or does he have another face in it ?.
The research used descriptive descriptive method to answer these questions، explaining them according to the views of the readers and interpreters.
The nature of the topic and the conduct of the research should be divided on a preface preceded by an introduction and three chapters followed by a conclusion، in addition to the tributaries of the research. The introduction showed the importance of the book of Darwish (the expression of the Holy Quran and its statement)، the reasons for choosing the subject، its plan، and the methodology used in its study. ، And the importance of his book، and what is the method of it، and the most prominent of his writings، in addition to going into the concept of Koranic readings، and the meanings of the seven letters and their relati .

onship to them، as well as the introduction of the methods of Darwish in the presentation of Quranic readings and guidance to them and protesting the Holy Quran and Hadith and poetry .
The second chapter deals with the level of morphology and Quranic readings related to nouns and abstract and plural nouns، derivatives، as well as the exchange between the letters of wrestling، and making The third chapter is a field to deal with grammatical level and its readings related to nouns and verbs، grammatical interpretation and reading by lifting and erecting، lifting، traction، lifting، positioning and traction.
These chapters are followed by a conclusion that contains the most important findings of the research and its accumulation in a number of points، and then the tributaries of the research from which he returned to derive his scientific material.
The aim of our study was to shed light on the efforts of a linguistic and literary world and to study quranic readings in to .
The rsearch was based on a collection of important quranic books led by darweish’s book (the expression of the holy quran and its statement ) ، the main source of our study، as well as other books such AL – Bayan al _tabri mosque(310: and sources in the grammar of ibn ah_sarraj (p.316) ، and al_kashaf for al_zamakshari (538)، the linguistic sounds of ibrahim anis (1397 ah)and the short cut for abd al_hadi al_fadhli and other books.
Fainly I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the research supervisor ،assistant professor dr.refah abd _hussein Mahdi al _fatlawi for her efforts in directing the research in the best possible way. If I fail ، I am only a sinner and injured، and the language of his writin ، and that the search is satisfied and acceptance، and our last call that praise be to god of the worlds .

Researcher .