المبـاحـث الصـوتيّـة والصـرفـيـّة فـي كتــاب الإتقان في عـلـوم الـقرآن للسيـوطي(ت 911هــ)

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : منتظـر محسـن يـعقـوب الياسـري

اسم المشرف : الأستاذ الدكتور عباس علي إسماعيل

الكلمات المفتاحية : المباحث- الصوت- الصرف-الاتقان-السيوطي

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : لغة القران وادابها

سنة نشر البحث : 2019

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث


تبحر هذه الدراسة في سبر اغوار المباحث الصوتية والصرفية في كتاب الاتقان في علوم القرآن للسيوطي ومعرفة التداخل الحاصل بين الصوت والصرف وكيف وجه صاحب الاتقان كل ذلك في تفسيره الخاص بعلوم القرآن , فضلاً عن محاولة دراسة مسائل تتصل بموضوعات هذا الكتاب , كنزول القرآن , أوقاته, السند, المتواتر, طريقة أداء الفاظ القرآن . وجاءت هذه الدراسة على أربعة فصول تسبقها مقدمة وتلحقها خاتمة. كان الفصل الاول مهتماً بدراسة الاصوات الصامتة كالادغام والابدال والهمز . وجاء الفصل الثاني بدراسة الاصوات الصائتة كالإمالة والمد والقصر . ودرس الباحث في الفصل الثالث المباحث المشتركة بين الاصوات الصامتة والاصوات الصائتة . اما الفصل الرابع فقد اهتم بدراسة القلب المكاني وصيغ المبالغة . اما الخاتمة فقد تضمنت اهم ماتوصل اليه البحث ومنها ان السيوطي قد ربط في كثير من الاحيان بين الصوت والصرف وعالجهما للإنسجام التام بين العلمين.

The Phonetic and Morphological Subsections in Al-Siutti's book Al-Itqan fiIloom Al-Quran ( 911)


I sought in this letter to study the sound and morphological literature in the book of mastery of Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, and I have seen that al-Suyuti often linked between the issues of exchange and sound and treatment and the perfect harmony between the two sciences, which made him distinguished scientists who were separated between the two scientists, In some of the linguistic issues, and he had some good views
In the phenomenon of libel, I saw that the ancient Arab scholars had taken into account in their definition of diction and pronunciation of some of them, taking into consideration the purpose of imposing his way of pronunciation and the section of the Siouti to the large and small imposition, and explained the concept of each, and this division of the readers, Al-Suyuti also forced the imams to be similar and contradictory and homogeneous, and this is another division of the readers, and Al-Suyuti to impose the analogy and to represent him to him in several examples, as is known as the implication of the analogy Yen
and the difference between al-Suwati and Hamzah, making Hamzah is the original, and divided the thousand on soft and mobile strikes, Al-Suyuti pointed out that the Arabs may vary in achieving the Hamz; because Hamzah is the heaviest of the letters, so we see that the people of Hijaz The most uncomfortable places to shake. The modernists have been counting down Hamza kind of sound evolution J, and it is referred to some tribes, it is the Arabs who concludes the facilitation, and the author said that the agreement Hamzatin in the conquest is what readers have read the facilitator and who replaces them and some of them achieve
Al-Suyuti and the phenomenon of follow-up, The people of Najj, Tamim, Asad, and Qais, have lost their allegiance, and the imam is a picture of the pronunciation of the thousand and is divided. On two parts, severe and medium
Al-Suyuti pointed to the difference of scientists in the tilt and opening In which the origin of those who said the conquest is the origin and the branch, and some of them said that the conquest and hope are the origin of their situation, and suggested Al-Suyuti originality of the opening and stated several reasons for the tilt
And al-Suyuti that the benefit of the tilt due to ease of speech, In terms of the harmony of the votes with the adjacent, as well as shortening the effort of the speaker, and so did not depart from the opinion of linguists who preceded him
Al-Suyuti mentioned the phenomenon of tide and minors, and the difference between the terms as the tide was called an increase line Crafts, and the palace is to leave the increase of character and keep the tide natural and attributed the reasons for the tide to verbal factors Morality
and Al-Suyuti on the subject of the exits of characters and their descriptions, and walked on the approach of the ancients in dividing these exits, but it contradicted Seboyeh number of exits letters, then the outlets seventeen exit, and Siboyh made it sixteen exit, but the modern ones eleven And the difference between the exit of the tidal and non-tidal waves, as the Waw of the cavity and non-tidal of the lips, and the exit of the tidal of the Jaw, either non-tidal From the middle of the palate with the Jim and the Shin, and Siboyh did not distinguish between the Taoist and non-tidal and also did not distinguish between Al-Mediya and non-Medea
and dealt with the attributes of sounds and the fullest, and divided into distinctive qualities and improved recipes, but th