المعاني المردّدة في القرآن الكريم وآليات ترجيحها بين المفسرين والفقهاء

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : شيماء حمزة جبر ثامر الجبوري

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية

سنة نشر البحث : 2019

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

ومن أبرز النقاط التي توصل لها البحث هي :

  • المعاني المرددة : لفظ مستحدث جامع للألفاظ التي تحتمل أكثر من معنى بسبب الوضع أو الاستعمال وهو يشمل المشترك كونه محتملاً لمعان عدة مختلفة وكذلك المجاز كونه مردداً بين معناه الحقيقي و المجازي؛ وكذلك شمول المعاني المرددة للتخصيص والنقل .
  • إن السبب الرئيس لتردد الفهم هو احتمال اللفظ أكثر من معنى أي وجود المعاني المرددة  كذلك قد يتعدد المعنى بسبب اختلاف القراءات أو وجود المتشابهات .
  • أن المعاني التي تدخل ضمن هذا المصطلح هي المشترك ؛ والمجاز والتخصيص؛ والنقل  والإضمار كونها ألفاظاً تعدد المعنى فيها فكان سبباً في تردد الفهم في تعيين المراد .
  • لرفع التردد وتعين المعنى المراد وبيان قصد المتكلم  كان لا بُد من إخضاع المعنى لآليات عدة ترجح المعنى المراد من بين المعاني المتعددة  وعند البحث عن هذه الآليات توصل البحث إلى أن العلماء من المفسرين والفقهاء قد جعلوا لكل معنى من هذه المعاني المرددة آلية خاصة لتعيين المعنى المراد وتحقيق الفهم منخطابات الشرع 5
  • قسمت آليات الترجيح للمعاني المرددة على أقسام عدة هي :
  • ما كان متعلقاً بذات المعنى المردد وكيفية تعين المعنى المراد منه فاللفظ المشترك له آلياته الخاصة في تعيين المعنى المراد من المعاني المرددة وكذلك للمجاز والتخصيص والإضمار والنقل  كلّ له ضوابطه الخاصة في الترجيح وقد بينها البحث .
  • ما كان متعلقاً فيما بين المعاني المرددة إذ قد يجتمع أكثر من معنى مردد في لفظ واحد . فكان لا بُدّ من وضع ضوابط خاصة لتقديم احدها على الآخر .ورفع التردد فيها . فتوصل البحث إلى أن التخصيص مقدم على جميع هذه المعاني  ثم المجاز  ثم الإضمار  ومن ثم النقل  فالاشتراك .
  • ما كان خارجاً عن المعنى إلا أنه محيط بِهِ ومؤثرٌ فيه ومبين لمراد المتكلم ؛وهذه الآليات هي : الترجيح بقول اللغوي وتأثير قوله كونة من أهل الخبرة لدى كل من المفسرين و الفقهاء وكذلك شملت هذه الآليات الترجيح بقواعداللغة العربية والتي هي مرجع كل من المفسر و الفقيه عند بيانهم للمعنى .
  • لا يخفى ما للقرائن سواء كانت متصلة أو منفصلة معينة أو صارفة من بيان مراد المتكلم وترجيح معنى اللفظ .
  • بعد تتبع آليات الترجيح تم التوصل إلى أن المفسرين أخضعوا بعض المعاني إلىقواعد خاصة لترجيح تفاسيرهم أطلق عليها (القواعد التفسيرية) فكانت هذه القواعد مبينة للمعنى موضحة للمراد من خطابات الشارع المقدس .
  • لعلم أصول الفقه الحظ الأوفر في ترجيح المعنى فكما هو معلوم لدى كل باحث أن هذا العلم هو من ادوات المفسر و الفقيه في بيانهم للمعاني لذا تضمن البحث تلك القواعد الأصولية التي وضعت لرفع التردد في المعنى وبيانه كأصالة الظهور و أصالة الحقيقة وغيرهما من القواعد التي تناولها البحث بالتفصيل وبيان كيفية الترجيح بها وتطبيقها على معاني كتاب الله (عزوجل) .

Trilled meanings in Holy Quran and the criteria of priority between Interpreters and Jurisprudeuts

The Arabic language has attracted the attention of scientists and researchers as it is the language of the Holy Qura’an, distinguished by the miracles of its words and the vastness of its meaning. If the sea was a medium to count its words to be implemented, it is a certain inexhaustible resource that is echoed by the pioneers of thought and legends.

This research deals with some of these great meanings which the human mind can not grasp because of the eloquence and miracles of the challenge of God Almighty by the Arabs, and in addition to this challenge to come like him, is the Almighty to master his verses and understand the vocabulary, and this understanding is not on the level One is rather uneven on h (B) Human capabilities and their awareness, in addition to the nature of the Arabic language in which the Quran was revealed, which was characterized by capacity and pluralism. This pluralism of the meaning of the Arabic language was a major reason for the frequency of understanding the speaker. And the weighting mechanisms between the interpreters and jurists.) Intensified meanings are those words that are more meaningful because of the situation or use. When a person speaks a word, the speaker has a meaning of this word that achieves his intention, so that he understands the meaning of the word, but some words bear more than the meaning of the clitoris.

For example, when mentioning this word, the caller hesitates in determining what is meant by the eye or the eye of thewater or the eye of the sun. . And that this pluralism of the meaning sometimes be because of the situation: that is, there are several meanings of the word and all these meanings are really the same as the former eye. And sometimes it is because of the use and is located in the metaphor and its sections as the use of the word lion and intended by the courageous man metaphorically, or that the word is known in a sense other than the meaning of the most used in the second meaning and abandons the first is intended to convey the word of prayer and its special worship. Or the object of speech is something that indicates the existence of a deleted meaning wanted by the speaker mentioned the evidence as in the verse (and ask the village) and the intended family. These meanings, by their multiplicity, were a reason for the hesitant understanding of the addressee to determine the intended meaning. There are many reasons for hesitation in understanding the meaning of the Holy Quran in addition to the existence of these meanings. There are other reasons in which the commentators and jurists participated, such as the number of readings and the existence of similarities, as well as the influence of belief and doctrine in interpreting Quranic meanings. All these reasons called for frequency to understand the meaning that is reality by the recipient and not by the imbalance in the meanings of the Koran.

In order to raise this frequency and clarify the meaning intended to achieve the slave ordered by the Almighty to the fullest, put special controls to raise this frequency and assume the meaning of the meaning of other meanings, and has divided these controls into two parts:

  • Internal weighting mechanisms: which were related to the same meanings reluctant, whether the common multiple meanings and one of them, or metaphor used and more used or more famous than the fact that it is better. Or what was the rest of the other types of metaphor addressed by the research and the most likely among them. As well as the internal weights between these meanings with each other and how one is weighted on the other.
  • The mechanisms of external weighting: It is meant by all that surrounds the meaning and affects it as the language of the language that determines the meaning of the meanings of multiple and this is what we find a lot when the interpreters and jurists are citing the words of the language as an expert and use his books as a reference to indicate the most likely. As well as the grammar of the most important external exigencies affecting the meaning as it is known that to express its impact in changing the meaning of the word in terms of lifting or monument or traction, In addition to this, there may be several clues that contain words that show the speaker’s intent and the meaning of the meaning as the existence of a certain presumption of this meaning, or the sarcophagus. These clues are sometimes connected to speech and others separate from each other, and each of them shows the correct meaning. The scholars did not overlook the importance of these meanings and raise the frequency in which they developed number of explanatory rules for the weighting of the meaning and statement, and since the science of theology is closely related to the science of interpretation and jurisprudence, we find that the fundamentalists devoted special words to the words and set the rules of weighting to indicate the meaning intended when the multiple meanings in the common and other meanings The reluctant. With these mechanisms we reach an understanding of these meanings and raise the frequency and compliance with the orders of God Almighty in the full face of praise and success.