المعطيات القرآنية ودورها في معالجة الإشكاليات المعاصرة دراسة تفسيرية

اطروحة دكتوراه

اسم الباحث : أحمد عباس إهميل اعطيه البيضاني

اسم المشرف : أ.د. صبحي عودة العادلي

الكلمات المفتاحية : معطيات- القرآن- الدور- معالجة- الاشكاليات المعاصرة

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية

سنة نشر البحث : 2023

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين وافضل الصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين محمد وآله الطاهرين وبعد :
لا يخفى على ذي لب أنَّ القرآن الكريم زاخر بالمعارف الإلهية التي أثبتت صحتها على مرور الأزمان لاسيما في عصرنا الراهن، فلا لا يقتصر على زمان النص وحده بل يتعداه إلى جميع الأزمنة، فهو صالح لكل العصور، ومن ذلك وجهت سهام النقد من المستشرقين وغيرهم إلى قلب الدين الإسلامي وشريعته الصافية، حتى درسوا هذا الدين لا لغاية إلا بهدف اللغط فيه والنيل منه، والقاء الإشكاليات والشبهات المعاصرة على جميع المستويات كالعقائدية والمصدرية والإجتماعية وغيرها ، وكل ذلك من أجل بث روح التشكيك ونزع القداسة من القرآن الكريم ، فلجأوا إلى قراءة النص القرآني وفق قواعد معينة ومحددة.
ويفترض البحث أنَّ هذه الإشكاليات المعاصرة على أختلافها وتنوعها والغايات القابعة خلفها ، عالجها القرآن الكريم وفق رؤى عصرية منفردة ، ولا سيما إذا علمنا أنَّ بعض هذه الإشكاليات قديمة صقلت بقوالب جديدة ، فكان لزاما ً علينا والحال هذا استنطاق القرآن الكريم تجاه هذه المستحدثات العصرية، وهنا نتساءل هل كان القرآن الكريم في طليعة المتصدين لتلك الإشكاليات وبيان مضارها على المجتمع الإسلامي وغير ذلك؟ .
ولذا فأن الباحث عنى بدراسة الموضوع ب:” المعطيات القرآنية ودورها في معالجة الإشكاليات المعاصرة- دراسة تفسيرية” التي اشتملت على مقدمة وتمهيد وأربعة فصول وخاتمة ، وقف فيها على أهم الإشكاليات المعاصرة وكيفية علاجها وفق الرؤى القرآنية التي تناسب مقتضيات العصر، مع بيان القلم المأجور الذي جاء بها ثم خرج بمجموعة من التوصيات والنتائج التي توصل إليها خدمة للدين الإسلامي ودستوره الخالد.

Rp- Quranic data and their role in addressing contemporary problems - an interpretive study -.pdf

At the conclusion of this research related to contemporary problems, it was necessary for us to record some of the results that we believe are worthy of attention and attention, including:
𝟭-Contemporary problems existed at the time of the Prophet (PBUH), but they were refined with good templates according to a modern vision, aimed at questioning the Islamic religion, and this is what we have seen from the problem of contemporary atheism.
𝟮- The problematic identified the strengths of the Islamic religion, and started planning to hit it and spread their poison around it, including the personality of the Prophet, the Leader, and relied on some weak narrations from the other side to accuse the Prophet (PBUH) of being obsessed with sexuality, and his love for women, as is the case in accusing him of loving Zainab bint Jahsh, the wife of his stepson Zayd ibn al-Harithah. The Holy Qur’an had a method for dealing with this problem, and the same is the problem of the Prophet’s (PBUH) violation of legislation.
𝟯- Some contemporaries, such as Dawkins and others, tried to rely on unproven theories such as the theory of the cosmic explosion, and the theory of evolution in strengthening their views that there is no creator of the universe, so scientific theories were the means to deny the existence of God Almighty.

𝟰 – The orientalists and others neglected the original sources in the Islamic religion, and sought to be content with late sources in most cases, or whose authenticity was not proven in codifying their problems.
𝟱- Those with problems did not understand the real reasons for some legislation, as is the case in the marriage of the pretenders. Rather, it was legislated to eliminate some pre-Islamic habits that judge not to marry the wives of the pretenders, and this act needs a highly acceptable personality like the personality of the Prophet (PBUH) to remove and contain That problem, in addition to that, is that the Prophet (PBUH) did not marry them out of sexual instinct; Because most of them are old.
𝟔- The wrong understanding of some theorists of the modernist trend towards some legislation, especially with regard to the obligation of zakat, and they did not understand the purpose of the legislation of these duties, so we see that they did not understand the obligation of zakat and did not understand the secret of these legislation and its basic purpose such as purification and purification and the material dimension of it, so their opinions were contrary to what was approved by the Qur’an Karim and the Sunnah to say that it is desirable for this duty.
𝟕- The Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet were creative in deterring such contemporary problems, and this insightful therapeutic view was not limited to a specific time, but rather it
transcends it to the Day of Resurrection, in order to stand in general towards the owners of these problems, and to disrupt the satanic role they are, and this treatment was one of the most important and prominent treatments.
𝟖- It became clear that the orientalists, through their study of the Islamic religion, did not intend to highlight the bright aspects of Islamic legislation and its validity for all times, but rather their goals were to spread a spirit of skepticism in the souls of Muslims, in order to distance them from this religion, and not to deal with it as the best of religions.