اسم الباحث : نورس جبار كشاش عباس
اسم المشرف : أ.د .ضرغام كريم الموسوي أ.م.د انتظار جواد كاظم
الكلمات المفتاحية :
الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية
الاختصاص : الشريعة والعلوم الإسلامية
سنة نشر البحث : 2024
تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث
يُشير البحث إلى أن عقل الإنسان عبارة عن برنامج متكون من ما اودع فيه من امكانات مع معارف تكونت عبر تجاربه في الحياة ، وهذا البرنامج بحاجه إلى إعادة ضبط وتوجيه ؛ كون الإنسان بمقتضى محدودياته الذاتية ليس بمقدوره أن يُنظم لنفسه برنامجاً شاملاً لتنظيم حياته ، إذ يحتاج الى مرشد يرشده ويبرمج عقله وسلوكه نحو المسار الصحيح ، ومن افضل من القرآن مرشداً ! ، إذ أن القرآن الكريم قد تكفّل بذلك ، فكانت الرسالة تنطلق من أن القرآن الكريم كتاب سماوي معجز ، نزل لهداية الناس ليخرجهم من الظلمات الى النور ، عن طريق اصلاح عقولهم وتهذيب نفوسهم وتطمين قلوبهم وتنظيم سلوكهم ، وطبعاً هذا يحتاج الى برنامج ، فلا يكون مجرد تصرف ساذج ، وهذا القرآن الشاخص بين أيدينا قد جمع لنا مقومات النهوض بالنفس والسلوك وهو ما يعرف اليوم باسم الارشاد النفسي والتربوي.
فهناك منهج قرآني للنهوض بالنفس عبر بنائها البناء الصحيح وجعلها نفسية سوية قادرة على مواجهة الحياة.
كما أن القرآن تكفل ببناء السلوك عبر معطيات الآيات الأخلاقية التي نظمت علاقة الانسان بأخيه الانسان فجاء بمنهج قويم في تقويم السلوك.
The Qur’anic approach and its impact on psychological and educational guidance)Semantic breadth in the prohibition style as an example)
Abstract :
The research indicates that the human mind is a program consisting of the capabilities deposited in it and knowledge formed through his experiences in life, and this program needs to be re-adjusted and redirected. The fact that a person, due to his personal limitations, is not able to organize for himself a comprehensive program to organize his life, as he needs a guide to guide him and program his mind and behavior towards the right path, and who is a better guide than the Qur’an! , Because the Holy Qur’an took care of this, the message was based on the fact that the Holy Qur’an is a miraculous heavenly book, which was revealed to guide people and bring them out of darkness into light, by reforming their minds, refining their souls, reassuring their hearts, and regulating their behavior. Of course, this requires a program, so it should not be just naive behavior. This Qur’an in our hands has collected for us the elements for the advancement of the soul and behavior, which is what is known today as psychological and educational guidance.
There is a Qur’anic approach to advancing the soul by building it correctly and making it psychologically sound and capable of facing life.
The Qur’an also entrusted the construction of behavior through the data of the moral verses that regulated man’s relationship with his fellow man, so it brought a sound approach to evaluating behavior.
Search plan:
The thesis was divided into three chapters. The first chapter explained the introductory framework of the research concepts. The first section studied the phenomenon of semantic breadth. The second section studied prohibition and its formulation. The third section studied the concept of psychological guidance. The fourth section studied the concept of educational guidance. Fifth: Dealing with the concept of the title in a complex manner.
The second chapter was entitled The Qur’anic Method in Reporting on Psychological Counseling and Its Applications. The first section: The Qur’anic method of reinforcement. The second section: The method of tolerance in the Holy Qur’an. The third section: The method of advice in the Holy Qur’an. The fourth section: The method of self-control in the Holy Qur’an. Fifth: Applications of psychological counseling in the form of prohibitions in the Holy Qur’an. F
The third and final chapter was entitled: The Qur’anic method in determining educational guidance and its applications. The first section: The style of the story in the Holy Qur’an, the second section: The style of modeling in the Holy Qur’an, the third section: The style of proverbs in the Holy Qur’an, and the fourth section: The theoretical framework of the study ( Behavior patterns applications(