النحو القرآني في فكر ابن مالك عبر مؤلفاته

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : زاهد حميد عبيد

اسم المشرف : أ . د . عبّاس علي إسماعيل

الكلمات المفتاحية : النحو- القرآني- ابن مالك- مؤلفات ابن مالك- القرآن الكريم

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : لغة القران وادابها

سنة نشر البحث : 2019

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث


تحاول هذه الدراسة بيان النحو القرآني عند ابن مالك في مؤلفاته ومعرفة ملامحه في كتب التفسير ومعانيه وغريبه بشكل عام وفي مؤلفات ابن مالك بشكل خاص متتبعين في ذلك فكر الدكتور عبد العال سالم مكرم في كتابه القرآن الكريم وأثره في الدراسات النحوية . وبعدها عمد الباحث الى معرفة الفوارق الخاصة بهذا المصطلح عند كل من احمد مكي الانصاري وجميل احمد ظفر واخيراً التطرق الى ماجاءت به الدكتورة هناء محمود اسماعيل من فرائد هذا العلم . تتكون هذه الدراسة من تمهيد وثلاث فصول اهتم الاول بدراسة منزلة القران الكريم بين اصول النحو السماعية , جاء الفصل الاول بعنوان المنصوبات تكلم فيه الباحث عن المفعول به والمفعول فيه والمصدر والحال وجاء الفصل الثاني مهتماً بدراسة الادوات النحوية كالجر وغيرها , اما الفصل الثالث فاهتم بدراسة مباحث نحوية اخرى كالشرط وجوابه وحذف الموصول . اما الخاتمة فكانت مهتمة بدراسة اهم ماتوصل اليه البحث ومنها ان مباحث النحو القرآني عند ابن مالك كانت متداخلة مع مباحث النحو الاخرى (النحو المألوف) لان النحو القرآني جزء من النحو العربي.

Quranic grammar in the thought of Ibn Malik through his works

The main findings of the research can be summarized as follows :
– Modern scholars did not agree on a single definition of the Qur’anic text. Some of them believe that its Qur’anic grammar includes the familiar grammar that has Qur’anic evidence plus the special grammatical rules that have been created on the basis of the Qur’an with its various readings .
Some of them see that each linguistic or non-linguistic study of the Holy Qur’an is included in the section of the Qur’anic text. A third section of the scholars mentions grammatical rules agreed upon by the grammarians .
-This is normal because the Qur’anic grammar is part of the Arabic grammar, but the familiar grammar needs some modifications to be consistent with the structures of the Quran and its evidences. The building is sound, giving it strength, bringing it upright, making it easy to learn in ease and ease, and getting rid of the interpretations and philosophies it ha .
-The grammarians were looking at the Koran and the words of the Arabs with one eye, did not distinguish between the open code is the words of the Arabs and the closed code is the word of God, and then the grammarians applied to these two sources who counted them one source of their famous theory is to rely on the much-needed common words of Arabs And the Koran, so they obey their rules on the Afshi and the Koran from the Koran and the Arabs .
– -The majority of the Hanawis had different positions of rooting the grammatical base through the Quranic text; they often took the position of the author of these texts and excluded them from their real purpose in raising the grammatical base, and the son of Malik took the lead in putting points on the letters, Of the Koranic texts violate the grammatical rules that humbled them, so that the texts became equivalent to the Poetic Poem, to prove that we have no grammatical base but have one or more of the Koran, as well as the poetic heritage .
– We noticed that he found a group of grammarians who had the effect of searching for the Qur’anic grammatical rule, and did not agree with an audience of grammarians in what they went to. Rather, they had a dissenting opinion on those who preceded them, including the son of Malik, who did not stop behind the ancients .
-Ibn Malik is once again in the grammatical base and out of the familiar of the ancient grammarians by increasing his reliance on the Qur’anic text and leaving it to interpret it, but gave the Qur’anic grammar base its right . – The son of Malik has an important impact in the statement of many of the issues that can be said that they .
– were hidden on the grammarians and did not address them finally, and enrich the Arabic grammar, the rules, that many of these rules have been referred to some investigators and grammarians such as fur and obscurity.
– – Ibn Malik highlighted issues that were not answered by his contemporaries or those who lagged behind him, from those who stood on their books, and with their Quranic evidence, and makes Ibn Malik the first to draw attention to it based on the Qur’anic text.
– We were able to view the views that the son of Malik agreed between the view of the school of Kufa and Ibn Malik’s opinion on many issues .
-The son of Malik revealed the issues buried in the stomachs of grammatical books or in the mother of grammatical books, and the modern grammarians needed them and applied them.
– We have not seen the son of the owner has adhered to the methodology of mentioning those who believe in the opinion that he adopted, and if we find that it is very few, and we had the role in returning the opinion to its origins, and mentioned by the former and supporters of the modern, relying on the Koranic and poetic evidence.
– We were careful not to overlap the Quranic text contained in the dear book between us and the Quranic readings on which the grammarians relied on rooting their rules. We found a very small percentage of the texts based on the Qur’anic readings on which Ibn Malik relied on a specific rule statement, We include it in our research, and we took the texts that were mentioned in the Holy Quran that is in our hands with the story of Hafs from Asim.
-The views of Ibn Malik al-Nahwiya the impact of those who came after him, and we found that the proportion of the Mufsin of the interpreters agreed to the son of Malik in what went to him.
-Ibn Malik was the most authoritative of the Qur’anic observant, but he built his most grammatical opinions on the basis of the Holy Quran. Hence, many of his grammatical opinions were contrary to the opinions of the majority of grammarians.
-That the so-called grammar grammar has evidence of the words of the Arabs poetry and prose, but the approach adopted by the grammarians – a steady reliance a lot of the words of the Arabs – in the development of grammatical rules make them beat the forgiveness of them, did not take them when they formulated their grammatical rules.