بِناءُ الجُمَلِة فيِ الشَّواهدِ القُرْآنية ِ في شروحِ حَماسةِ أبي تمّام المطبوعة

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : زهراء محمد جواد كاظم الحسيني

اسم المشرف : أ.د. عبّاس علي إسماعيل

الكلمات المفتاحية : بناء - الجملة - الشواهد القرآنية - شروح - الحماسة

الكلية : كلية العلوم الاسلامية

الاختصاص : لغة القران وادابها

سنة نشر البحث : 2020

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

تهتم هذه الدراسة ببناء الجملة العربية في الشواهد القرآنية في شروح حماسة أبي تمام المطبوعة والمطبوعة خاصة لوجود جملة من الشروح المخطوطة لحد الآن فهذه الدراسة تهتم بكيفية بناء الجملة القرآنية وكيف استعملها الشاعر العربي القديم وأدخلها في شعره وجعلها كجزء لايتجزء منه. لاسيما ان الأخير (الشاعر) قد جعل القرآن الكريم وآياته كدُررْ يُحلي ويُزين بها شعره .
وتبعاً لمقتضيات الموضوع فقد ضم البحث على ثلاثة فصول اهتم الفصل الأول بالمنصوبات في شعر ديوان الحماسة فدرست الأفعال اللازمة والمتعدية وما يتصل بها والمفعول فيه والمفعول به . وجاء الفصل الثاني لدراسة الأدوات النحوية التي وردت في تلك الشروح , اما الفصل الثالث فقد اهتم بدراسة مباحث نحوية أُخرى منها المرفوعات وغيرها , واما الخاتمة فقد ضمت جملة من النتائج كان من أهمها ان اللغة العربية لغة مرنة من الممكن نقل الفعل المتعدي إلى اللازم والعكس صحيح اتفق شراح الحماسة مع جمهور النحويين في شروط اجراء فعل القول مجرى الظن.

Building sentence in Qur'anic evidence in the explanations of Abu Tamam's enthusiasm

Praise be to God for what he has been blessed, and he has thanks for what inspired, praise for what he offered, from the general yes that he began, and for the attainment of the bridges that he gave, and the fulfillment of those who were first of them, a large number of statistics, and distanced from the reward he provided for it, and disparity from the perception that he perpetrated, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds And the master of the people and messengers, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad and his good and pure family.
Either after:
The person familiar with Arabic literature stands before an enormous amount of remarkable achievement that abounds in the Arab blog, and stands as a remarkable testimony to the ingenuity of the Arabs and the breadth of their culture and the person in our Arab heritage, and he can find what he wants in this heritage and looking at the vastness of the sources of Arab culture and under the guidance of my supervisor professor Prof. Dr. Abbas Ali Ismail, the owner of the credit for me after God Almighty and his good guidance, our choice has been based on one of the creations of Arabs that deserve diving in the depths and an understanding of the ways of their creativity and showing them to the open to provide the Arab library with a new product that testifies to the
creativity of Arabs in the past and in the modern; The poetry in which he collected a huge literary product of the poets who preceded him until his time.
In view of the many grammatical and linguistic evidence that Abu Tammam collected in his enthusiasm, it deserved the attention of scholars, writers and linguists, and accepted them, so they went to explain it, comment on it, and explain the mysterious of it.
Hence the title of the Master’s thesis, tagged with:
(The rules for building sentences in the Qur’anic evidence contained in the commentaries of Abu Tammam’s enthusiasm).
And since the topic concerned the study of explanations of enthusiasm, the researcher was obliged to see the books that dealt with the enthusiasm of Abu Tammam, which are: –
– Refining the explanation of enthusiasm and briefly uttering it, by Muhammad al-Dimarti (d. 355 AH).
– The meanings of the verses of enthusiasm, by Abu Abdullah Al-Nimri (d. 385 AH).
– Warning to explain the problems of enthusiasm, by Ibn Jani (d. 392 AH).
– Explanation of the office of Abu Tamam’s enthusiasm, to Marzouki (d. 421 AH).
Explanation of the office of Abu Tammam’s enthusiasm, attributed to Abu Al-Ala (D 449 AH).
Explanation of the book of enthusiasm for Abu al-Qasim bin Ali al-Farisi (d. 467 AH).
Explanation of the Court of Abu Tamam’s enthusiasm, for Tabrizi (D 502 AH).
– The enthusiasm with the footnotes to the grace of God, the Rwandan (d. 571 AH).
Explanation of Abu Tamam’s enthusiasm for Al-Alam Al-Shanmtari (d. 746 AH).
This study consists of three chapters, preceded by an introduction, and appended by a conclusion. The first chapter was entitled The Syndicates in Explanations of Abu Tammam’s enthusiasm, in which I studied the necessary and transgressive verbs, and related matters, in addition to studying issues related to the object, the object in it, the case, the distinction, and the object With him, the absolute effect and preacher.
And I made the second chapter entitled: Grammar Tools in Explanations of Abu Tammam’s enthusiasm, in which I dealt with tools that consist of one syllable, and tools that consist of two syllables.
The third chapter of this study included other grammatical investigations into the explanations of Abu Tammam’s enthusiasm, in which I studied issues related to the attachments, additions and dependencies, as well as issues related to nominal conductors (connected names), and after I finished all of this I wrote a conclusion that included the most important findings of the research.
The researcher can only express my sincere thanks to everyone who really helped and said to support me in my career and overcome difficulties to complete the message.
More especially among them by mentioning (Prof. Dr. Abbas Ali Ismael over his preference to accept supervision of this work, as he was credited with bringing this research to light, so how much did I benefit from his abundant knowledge, good guidance and good opinions, so God rewarded me for me the best reward and I reward him with reward and giving).
Finally, this message is only a modest effort, and I have exerted my effort and endeavor, and if I was injured, it is thanks to God and from him.

The researcher