جريمة الرشوة في القطاع الخاص المتعلقة بالقطاع العام (دراسة مقارنة)

رسالة ماجستير

اسم الباحث : يوسف محمد باقر العيداني

اسم المشرف : الأستاذ الدكتور عادل كاظم سعود

الكلمات المفتاحية :

الكلية : كلية القانون

الاختصاص : القانون العام

سنة نشر البحث : 2022

تحميل الملف : اضغط هنا لتحميل البحث

لم تُعد جريمة الرشوة مقتصرة على نطاق الوظيفة العامة، بل إمتدت إلى مرافق القطاع الخاص، بفعل إزدياد تدخل الأخير في إشباع حاجات الأفراد، ومنافسته في تقديم الخدمات للجمهور، ويُعد إنتشار جريمة الرشوة سواء أكانت في القطاع العام أو القطاع الخاص مؤشراً خطيراً يدعو إلى القلق؛ بسبب إهتزاز منظومة القيم داخل المجتمع، وإنحراف قواعد الأخلاق، وبفعل إنتشار جريمة الرشوة في القطاع الخاص وإقتناعاً من القائمين على وضع إتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة الفساد وأطرافها، بأن الفساد لم يُعد شأناً محلياً، بل هو ظاهرة دولية تمس كل أشخاص القانون الدولي، لذا فأن مسؤولية مكافحته تقع على عاتق جميع الدول الأطراف في الإتفاقية، فقد إتجهت الدول الأعضاء إلى تجريم هذا النوع من الرشوة في إتفاقيات دولية ملزمة.
وبالفعل جرم المشرع العراقي الرشوة في القطاع الخاص تنفيذاً للإلتزامات الدولية المترتبة عليه، بعد إنضمامه عام 2007 إلى اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة الفساد التي أقرت عام 2003، إضافة إلى تحقيق مستوى عالٍ من المواءمة مع منظومة التشريعات الدولية، على الرغم من أن هذه الإتفاقية لم تلزم الدول الأطراف بتجريم الرشوة في القطاع الخاص بل جعلته أختيارياً، بخلاف الإتفاقية العربية لمكافحة الفساد لعام 2010 التي ألزمت الدول الأطراف بالتجريم.
وما يُلاحظ على تجريم المشرع العراقي لهذه الجريمة، هو أقتصاره على الرشوة في القطاع الخاص في الأعمال المتعلقة بالقطاع العام، سواء أكان وطنياً أم أجنبياً، مما يعني أن الرشوة المرتكبة في القطاع الخاص البحت مباحة، ولا تُشكل أي مساءلة جزائية لمرتكبيها، ويبدو أن هذا التجريم جاء لأهمية أعمال هذا القطاع من حيث تعلقه بالقطاع العام، ومن أجل إخضاع العاملين في القطاع الخاص إلى نص التجريم الوارد بقانون العقوبات، فقد عدهم المشرع مكلفين بخدمة عامة، ولم يورد عقوبة خاصة بهم.
وعلى الرغم من أن قانون هيئة النزاهة الإتحادية والكسب غير المشروع المعدل يختص بعمل الهيأة، إلا أن المشرع أقحم هذه الجريمة فيه نظراً لخطورة مرتكبيها على القطاع العاملين فيه، فهي من حيث آثارها لا تختلف كثيراً عن الرشوة المرتكبة من قبل الموظف، من حيث إساءة الثقة الممنوحة لهم، وزعزعة ثقة الأفراد المتعاملين مع هذا القطاع، وفقدان العدالة في تلقي أفراد المجتمع للخدمات وإشباعها، إذ تختلف طريقة الحصول على هذه الخدمات بحسب قدرة الأفراد على دفع العطية وشراء ذمم مستلميها

The Crime of bribery in the private sector related to the public sector (comparative study)

The crime of bribery is no longer confined to the scope of employment in the public sector, Rather it leaked to the private sector facilities as a result of the increased intervention of the latter in satisfying the needs of individuals, competition in providing services to the public. And after the spread of the crime of bribery, whether in the public sector or the private sector, assertions indicator that causes concern. This is due to the vibration of the value system within the members of society. And deviation from the rules of morality. As result of the spread of the crime of bribery in the private sector and the conviction of those responsible for drawing up the united nations convention against corruption and its parties. Corruption is no longer a local matter, but rather an international phenomenon that affects all international communities. Therefore the responsibility to combat it lies with all states party to the agreement. Member states have tended to criminalize this type of bribery in binding international agreements. Indeed, the Iraqi legislator has criminalized bribery in the private sector in implementation of the international obligations arising from it as a result of its accession to the united nations convention against corruption in 2007 in addition to achieving a high level of harmonization with the system of international legislation although this agreement didn’t, obligate the states parties to criminalize bribery in the private sector ,but rather made it optional and this is in contrast to the Arab Anti corruption convention of 2010 ,where the states parties are obligated to criminalize but what is noted is that the Iraqi legislator criminalizes this crime is limited to bribery in the private sector in the work related to the public sector whether national or foreign which means that bribery committed in the private sector research is permissible and doesn’t constitute any legal accountability for its perpetrators .In order to subject workers in the private sector to the criminalization text of the penal code he considered them to be entrusted with a public service and did not provide a punishment specific to them although the integrity and illicit gain law is concerned with the work of the authority the legislator included this crime in it due to the danger of its perpetrators to the sector working in it does not differ much from the bribery committed by the employee in terms of abuse of trust granted to them destabilization of the confidence of individuals dealing with this sector and loss of justice in receiving and satisfying services, Because of the seriousness of the crime under study, the Iraqi legislator worked on delegating the investigation and investigation to the integrity commission, represented by its directorates and investigative offices in the governorates, similar to other corruption cases, nothing that the integrity commission employees are in the process of investigating and investigating this crime so they are subject to the oversight of the investigating judge in charge of cases integrity and a member of the public prosecution specialized in integrity issues as well.The seizure records have a major role in convicting the bribed worker and imposing punishment on him by affecting the emotional conviction of the courde while it is to address, Law enforcement bodies bear the burden of legality of evidence necessary to prove the crime of bribery in the private sector.
Accordingly we call on the Iraq legislator to criminalize bribery in the private sector that is not related to the public sector ( purely ) in order to remedy the legislative deficiency that has occurred and to achieve a high level of harmonization with the international system . The work of the authority and its competence.
In addition to the fact that the competence to investigate and investigate corruption cases, including the crime of bribery in the private sector, is restricted to the integrity commission and not others. The investigative offices in this commission include qualified investigators as a result of the accumulated and field experience. They are indirect contact with the perpetrators and they are more familiar with the evidence that must be available to influence the conviction of the court, whether it is The investigation court or the trial court and it is in the process of deciding the latter to convict and sentence the offender. We also call on the Iraqi legislator to provide the necessary immunity to the investigators and workers of the integrity commission for not being held accountable while they are in the process of carry out the tasks entrusted to them, especially when they are indirect contact with the bribe–takers and usually they lure the perpetrators to arrest them for the red flag.
In addition to amending the effective Federal integrity and lllicit profit law and providing for the possibility of appeal by the integrity commission in all corruption cases , whether the investigation was conducted by it or not due to the privacy of corruption cases that the integrity commission deals with and through its investigative offices in the governorates , including the crime of bribery in the private sector The national and foreign nationals related to their business in the public sector, which are supposed to be briefed on everything that would make the provisions and decisions issued in them conform to the law.
We also call on the Iraqi legislator to impose penalties on the legal personality by ruling it with a fine and placing it on the blacklist, that is depriving it of entering or contracting with ministries and other government department