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A Workshop at University of Kerbala on Mechanism of Evaluating Teaching and Employees Staff

Faculty of Dentistry / University of Kerbala has organized a workshop on the mechanism of evaluating teaching and employees staff for the academic year 2020-2021. It has been attended by Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Muhannad Salah Abdel-Sattar, and Head of Department of Quality Assurance and, Dr. Muhammad Nima Ahmed, and a group of faculty staff.
The workshops included an explanation of the axes and details of the annual evaluation form of teaching staff for the year 2020-2021, as well as a discussion of the axes in detail and clarification of the required documentation and most important developments that occurred on each axis.
The Director of Quality Assurance Division, Asst. Lect., Russell Natiq Al-Turkish says that the aim of the workshop is to introduce a mechanism for evaluating the performance of teaching and employees staff for the year 2020-2021.