
Importance of (Eyring-Powell) Fluid as Non-Newtonian Fluid

Assist Professor Dr. Hussein Ali Mohammed College of Education for Pure Sciences Recently, many studies have been focused on the problem of non-Newtonian fluids due to their wide applications in industries. This type of fluid can be found in many daily materials such as coal oil slurries, shampoos, paints, clay coatings and suspensions, cosmetic products, grease, custard, animal blood and ...

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Potato Mop-top virus, a destructive virus should be prevented from entering Iraq

Assistant Professor Dr. Adnan A. Lahuf Agriculture College/University of Kerbala Potato Mop-top virus, a destructive virus should be prevented from entering Iraq Assistant Professor Dr Adnan Abdaljeleel Lahuf Plant Protection Department/Agriculture College/University of Kerbalal There are plenty of devastating plant viruses affecting various plant hosts in Iraq. However, there are a lot have not entered to our country yet. ...

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What is the biofilm of microbs?

By: Ayser Ashour Khalaf, university of Kerbala, collage of education for pure science, Department of biology E.mail: Many studies about biofilm of microbes bacteria and fungi ,that considerd one of the most virulence factors which in turns increased resistant for antibiotics and the last consisderd very big problems now days. Therefore this article highlighted for understanding what is biofilm, ...

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Ghabar Mites ….. Or ….. Ghabar spiders ….. that infects the date palm fruit in the Iraq ?

Written by: Assistant Professor Taha Mousa Mohammed Mansour AL-Sweedi University of Karbala – College of Agriculture – Department of Plant Protection The palm tree Phoenix dactylifera L., which is one of the most important plants belonging to the Palmaceae family in Iraq and in all places of its cultivation in the world, is exposed to many pathological and insect pests, ...

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Favism – Allergy to eating pests and treatments to reduce its risk

م. م. أحمد عبد الأمير حسين كلية الزراعة / جامعة كربلاء Favism disease: It is a term indicating the occurrence of acute lytic anemia after ingestion of pests or when inhaling pollen dust for the pollen flower at the time of pollination and it is considered a common disease that spreads all over the world, as statistics indicate that about ...

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Teachers’ Code Switching in an EFL Classrooms

Assist. Prof Wasan Noori Fadhil College of Education- English Department According to Bullock and Toribo code switching (hereafter CS) is defined as” the ability on the part of bilinguals to alternate effortlessly between their two languages” (1). This definition means that CS is utilized only by people who master two or more different languages. This phenomenon was developed by Poplack ...

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Investor Behavior in Global Financial Markets

Assistant Professor Kamal K. Jawad Al-Shammari Assistant lecturer Jihad Faisal Jihad([1]) University of Karbala / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Banking and Financial Sciences   Numerous academic studies have confirmed that investors often tend to abandon their personal opinions and rely on trading procedures followed by their peers, especially in light of uncertainty in financial markets, and ...

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Meat is considered an important food source in human nutrition, because it contains important nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and salts. Meat is distinguished by containing amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are not found in adequate quantities except in meat.(1) Animals are the only source of legally analyzed meat, whether these meat is domesticated or wild. When the ...

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Enhance the body’s immunity against Covid-19

Dr. Haifa Ali Awahd /Karbala University-Agriculture College The immune system is a complex system consisting of organs, tissues, and cells that distinguish and destroy foreign bodies that attack the body; Such as viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells. And immunity is very important not only for the prevention of disease, but also for the success of treatment and recovery from disease ...

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Pistachio Tree

Pistachio Tree Of the perennial fruitful trees, some of which can live for up to three hundred years, Withstands high temperatures and needs 500 mm of rain annually, usually cultivated for its fruitful, As the tree begins production at the age of 10 years lightly and at the age of 15 years well and reach its full growth and production ...

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