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University of Kerbala discussing, an M.A. Thesis about the study of isolation and diagnosis of the bacteria causing coronary tuberculosis on eucalyptus seedlings

The study of isolation and diagnosis of the bacteria causing coronary tuberculosis on Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn has taken place in the great hall of the Faculty of Agriculture – University of Kerbala. In a number of nurseries for some of the central Euphrates provinces and methods of combating them, the thesis presented by the student (Jassim Abdul Hurr Sajad, from ...

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A Teacher from Kerbala University Issues a new book on mental processes and information processing

Dr. Wissam Salah Abdul-Hussein, the instructor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Kerbala University, with the participation of professors from Diyala University and Basra University, has issued a new book entitled “Mental Operations and Information Processing”. The book includes 10 chapters that include information processing, memory, sensation and perception, their role in mental processes and attention, ...

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A Teacher from Kerbala University Presenting an Electronic Workshop organized by the Omani Badminton Committee in the Sultanate of Oman

The teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Wissam Salah, presents a lecture on badminton skills and building movement programs in the electronic workshop organized by the Omani Badminton Committee in the Authority of Oman, with the participation of a large number of university professors and those who are interested in ...

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A Research Team from Kerbala Publishing a paper in a European journal indexed within Scopus

A research team from Kerbala University and in cooperation with researchers from inside and outside Iraq has published a scientific paper entitled Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in 1 M H2SO4 using new Azo Schiff compound: Electrochemical, gravimetric, adsorption, surface and DFT studies. The team consists of Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, from the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, University ...

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University of Kerbala Looking for treating two-way damaged concrete slabs using carbon fiber reinforced plastic

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala has discussed an M.A. thesis entitled (Treating damaged concrete slabs two-way by using carbon fiber reinforced plastic). The thesis presented by the student Safa Adel Mutak aims at identifying ways to treat damaged slab concrete. The thesis deals with the bidirectional behaviour of the damaged concrete slabs and its treatment with ...

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 University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis  about the Effect of Specific Exercises with specific distances on developing the ability of basketball players

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kerbala  has discussed the effect of complex exercises with specific distances on developing the ability to repeat speed, explosive ability and accuracy of some types of shooting for basketball players under 18 years age.    The study, presented by the student Laith Basem Jassim, aims at preparing complex exercises ...

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Kerbala University Discussing an M.A. Thesis on Investigation of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of gold nanostructures

The Faculty of Science at the University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled “Investigation of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of the prepared gold nanostructures.”     The thesis , submitted by student Noor Zaid Abdulaziz, from the Department of Physics, aims at studying the physical properties of gold nanostructures and their uses in various fields, and testing their ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a Scientific Study  about The Impact of Strategic Thinking on the Quality of Service in the holy Shrines

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed a doctoral dissertation on the effect of strategic thinking on the quality of service at the holy shrines through strategic alignment : an applied study in the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine.     The study, presented by researcher Afdhal Abbas Al-Shami, aims at testing the effect of the relationship ...

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An M.A. Thesis  at the University of Kerbala Discussing the effectiveness of a mentoring program with special exercises in orientation towards competition in football

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kerbala  has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled ((Effectiveness of an instructive program with special exercises in orientation towards competition and offensive play situations for players of specialized schools in the Middle Euphrates in football)).   The thesis , presented by the student Sarmad Abdel Redha, aims at building a ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A. Thesis  on the fabrication and characterization of thin films for gas sensor applications

The Faculty of Science at Kerbala University  has discussed the M.A. thesis entitled ” Fabrication and characterization of (NiO) 1-x (ZnO) x thin films for gas sensor applications”.       The thesis has been submitted by the student Amir Jawad Fadhl from the Physics Department. It aims at preparing thin films of 1-x (ZnO) x (NiO) materials on glass and silicon using PLD. ...

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