An International Journal chooses a teacher from the University of Karbala as a Scientific Reviewer of its Research

  The Journal of  Economic Reviews and Entrepreneurship in Poland  Issued by the Faculty of Economics and International Relations at the Krakow University of Economics  has chosen Dr. Hamid Mohsen…

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A Workshop at the University of Kerbala entitled (Citizen between Sterilization and Health under crisis of Coronavirus)

    Using the FCC online application, the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has  hold a workshop entitled (the citizen between sterilization and health in…

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The College of Veterinary Medicine discusses a Master thesis via the e-learning platform in the first experiment to discuss postgraduate students in the college

The College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Karbala, at eight in the morning, on Monday 20/4/2020, discussed an electronic master’s thesis and tagged ((the protective effect of valaiboic acid on…

Continue ReadingThe College of Veterinary Medicine discusses a Master thesis via the e-learning platform in the first experiment to discuss postgraduate students in the college

Head of the Animal Production Department at the College of Agriculture University of Karbala, has participated in a number of hypothetical workshops

Participation Haifa Ali Awahd, Head of the Animal Production Department at the College of Agriculture / University of Karbala, has a number of hypothetical workshops in attendance, as these included…

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The University of Kerbala Produces a Wide Range of Disinfectant and Sterile Materials to Prevent Coronavirus

Under the supervision of the President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nayel Al-Saidi, and the Dean of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan…

Continue ReadingThe University of Kerbala Produces a Wide Range of Disinfectant and Sterile Materials to Prevent Coronavirus