Latest News and Events

University of Kerbala Discussing a PhD Dissertation on Legal Regulation of Electronic Companies

Faculty of Law / University of Kerbala has discussed the Ph.D. dissertation which is entitled “legal regulation of electronic companies”. The study, presented by Thameer Abdel Jabbar, aims at finding out how to establish electronic company, which arose as a result of development of financial services and electronic commerce. The study concludes that Iraqi legislator does not regulate provisions of ...

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A Study at University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on Harmonious Personality and its Relationship to Life Tasks

Faculty of Education for Human Science/ University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “harmonious personality and its relationship to life tasks among university students”. The study, presented by Hadeel Mahdi Wahab, aims at identifying students’ harmonious personality, their life tasks and relationship between them. The study concludes that university students have a harmonious personality, as well ...

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University of Kerbala Organizes a Training Course on Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Immune Disorders

Faculty of Medicine / University of Kerbala has organized a training course on non-celiac gluten sensitivity, immune disorder associated with it, and histological diagnostic methods. The course is presented by Dr. Ali Fadhil, Dr. Mohammed Fawzi, and Dr. Rasha Abdel Raouf. It aims at introducing concept of non-celiac gluten sensitivity as an immune disease. The organizers provide a historical overview ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Course on Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)

Faculty of Pharmacy / University of Kerbala has organized a training course on PCR technology with participation of a group of employees. The course, in which Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abbas Rokan, Prof. Dr. Hassan Mahmoud Abu Al-Maali, and Asst. Lect. Saja Haider Fadhil delivering. It aims at identifying mechanism of PCR device. The course ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Publishes a Research in an International Journal

A lecturer from Faculty of Dentistry / University of Kerbala, Asst. Lect. Abdul Redha Muhammad, published a scientific research in DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The study, which is entitled “Vactosertib potently improves anti-tumor properties of 5-FU for colon cancer,” aims at exploring therapeutic potential of Vactosertib and its effect on process of development and growth of cancerous tumors in ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Participates in a Workshop on Digital Economy and Development

Dr. Sultan Jassim, Faculty of Administration and Economics/ University of Kerbala, participates in a virtual workshop organized by Arabic planning institute / Kuwait. The workshop aims at explaining relationship between digital economy and digital development, taking place in global economy. It discusses digital development and its impact on economic growth, so as to enhance skills in field of digital economy. ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing an M.A Thesis on Attempts to Secede from United States of America

Faculty of Education for Human Science / University of Kerbala has discussed the M.A thesis which is entitled “attempts to secede from United States of America 1789-1861. The study, presented by Hassan Adnan Hassan Ali, includes four chapters and a conclusion that deals with attempt to secede some states in United States of America. The study aims at identifying one ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Workshop on Transmission of Respiratory Diseases

Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences / University of Kerbala has organized a scientific course on transmission of respiratory diseases. The workshop aims at reviewing healthy ways to use personal protective equipment with aim of preventing respiratory diseases and achieving the best protection against germs. The workshop includes an explanation of the most important diseases that are transmitted through respiratory system ...

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A Lecturer from University of Kerbala Participates in Issuing a Book entitled Christianity in Iraq at the Turn of Islam: History and Archaeology

A lecturer from Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala, Dr. Haider Naji, participates in writing part of a book entitled “Christianity in Iraq at the Turn of Islam: History and Archaeology”. The book, which is issued by The Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO), participation of the teacher, Haider Naji, writes a research on Al-Aqiser Church in Karbala. The research, ...

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An International Journal Awards a Certificate of Reviewing for A Lecturer from University of Kerbala

Asian Journal of Environment and Ecology in London awards a certificate of excellence reviewing to Dr. Muthanna Faeq Al-Masoudi, a Lecturer at Faculty of Tourism Sciences / University of Kerbala. Dr. Al-Masoudi is known for his scientific efforts in reviewing and evaluating research published in the journal, as well as his publication of many scientific research within international Scopus databases ...

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