
   Kerbala University  Making a Smart Medical Interactive bed for Patients with Corona Works by voice command called (Sumer)

As part of efforts to reduce infection for patients with a rapidly infecting and spreading Coronavirus through direct or indirect contact with the affected person, a research team from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala is able to manufacture an intelligent interactive bed for Corona patients using voice commands called (Sumer)  The team consists of Dr. Haider ...

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   Kerbala University Holding an E-Workshop on Correction  Automated and the Development of Multiple Questions for Electronic Tests

  The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala holds an electronic workshop through the FCC application entitled “Automatic Correction and Multiple Questions for Electronic Tests”  with the participation of 320 professors from various Iraqi universities.   The workshop is attended by Dr. Samer Abdel Hadi, Assist. Lect. Muhammad Hussein Haider, aims at clarifying and ...

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    A Workshop at the University of Karbala on Developing a Physics Curriculum

 The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala holds a workshop entitled “Developing a physics curriculum taught in the Department of Mathematics“, using the zoom application. It has been delivered by Dr. Ahmed Khairallah Shahid  and with the participation of a number of researchers and specialists.     The workshop aims at making the student think deeply about his ...

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A Seminar at the University of Kerbala on the Obstacles to Academic Writing and Ways of  Bridging them

 With the participation of a number of researchers, specialists and graduate students, the Faculty of Engineering at Kerbala University holds a seminar entitled (Academic Writing Contraindications and Ways of  Bridging them) using the Google meet application.       The workshop aims at introducing the barriers of academic writing, which cause the researcher to refrain from academic production and the delay in academic ...

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   A Scientific Study at Karbala University Discussing  Structural behaviour of Pressed Concrete Box Beams

 The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Kerbala discusses in a scientific study the structural behaviour of self-pressed concrete box beams with openings in place via an electronic application.       The study, submitted by the student, Saif Ali Hassan, aims at identifying the behaviour of hollow cords made of self-stacking concrete containing non-reinforced or reinforced on-site slots using reinforced carbon ...

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A Teacher from the University of Kerbala Publishes a Scientific Research about the types of Bacteria for the white fly insect in one of the international journals

The instructor Ali Abdul-Hussein Karim from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Kerbala  has published a scientific research on the molecular classification, genetic makeup and coexistence of bacteria for the white fly insect transmitting plant viruses in Iraq in the Journal of Applied Entomology, as the first comprehensive global study on the community of this lesion in Iraq     The ...

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Karbala University Holding a Workshop on Electronic Exams

 With the participation of a number of specialists, the Faculty of Agriculture at Kerbala University holds an electronic workshop entitled (ways  of mastering the electronic exams on the Moodle educational platform).  The workshop, presented by assist. Lect. Ali Abdel Redha Haidar, aims at defining the concept of testing, as the concept of tests is out of date, different from what ...

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Study on SARS-coV-2 Virus at Karbala University

A research team consisting of Dr. Muhammad Jawad Al-Jassani from Al-Karkh University for Science and Dr. Zahra Ali Ali Kamaz from the University of Kerbala are able to conduct a study on the SARS-coV-2 virus using Bioinformatics techniques where the team is able to find new effective vehicles in inhibiting  correlation of the virus with receptors as well as inhibition of the ...

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The College of Veterinary Medicine discusses a Master thesis via the e-learning platform in the first experiment to discuss postgraduate students in the college

The College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Karbala, at eight in the morning, on Monday 20/4/2020, discussed an electronic master’s thesis and tagged ((the protective effect of valaiboic acid on the cardiovascular system in male rabbits that are exposed to monosodium sodium glutamate) to the student (Iman Muhammad Heel) This discussion comes In the presence of the Scientific Assistant of ...

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Head of the Animal Production Department at the College of Agriculture University of Karbala, has participated in a number of hypothetical workshops

Participation Haifa Ali Awahd, Head of the Animal Production Department at the College of Agriculture / University of Karbala, has a number of hypothetical workshops in attendance, as these included the following addresses: The reliability of pub lishing research in discreet scientific journals A workshop using Google Drive to store and share files on 11/4/2020  

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