
4th International Conference on Engineering Sciences (ICES)

The College of Engineering at the University of Kerbala, Iraq, in cooperation with the Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, is pleased to invite you to participate in its 4th International Conference on Engineering Sciences ICES2020. The conference will be held on 5th – 6th December 2020 to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of engineering sciences to an ...

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Choosing of a Teacher from the University of Kerbala as a Member of the Editorial Board in an American Journal

Dr. Salam Jaafar Al-Asadi, an instructor at the Faculty of Tourist Sciences at Kerbala University, has been chosen as a member of the editorial board of the American Journal of International Humanities Studies, with an Impact factor (1.162). The journal editorial board includes professors from various universities of the world from America, Britain, Italy, Palestine, Australia, Spain, Lebanon, Egypt, South ...

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A Scientific Symposium at the University of Kerbala entitled Viral Hepatitis

The Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has held a scientific symposium entitled “Viral Hepatitis”, through the online platform using the Zoom program presented by Dr. Alaa Hussein Mahdi, and the Assist. Lect. Zulfiqar Abbas Muteeb. The aim of the symposium is to introduce viral hepatitis and learn about its types and which types are ...

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A Lecture by two Teachers from the University of Kerbala Presenting a Scientific Workshop Discussing Ways of Developing Children’s Creativity

The two instructors at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Samer Abdul Hadi Al-Shammari and Assist. Prof. Muhammad Hussein Haider, have deliverd a lecture at the electronic workshop organized by the Baden Academic entitled “to make our children creative” through the FCC program and with the participation of more than 3640 university ...

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Kerbala University Organizing an Electronic Workshop on the Efficiency and Competencies of Teaching

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala has organized an electronic workshop entitled “Teaching Efficiency and Teaching and Teaching Competencies (with competencies) through the electronic FCC platform, in which Dr. Zuhair Saleh Majhool, Dr. Khalil Hamid Muhammad Ali and Assistant Professor Linda Mahmoud Dawood have deliverd the lecture, and with the participation of a ...

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An Instructor from Kerbala University giving a Lecture on Building Kinetic Programs for Badminton Skills in an Electronic Workshop

The lecturer at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Wissam Salah Abd Al-Hussein Numan has given an electronic lecture during the workshop organized by the Arab Federation for Badminton through the electronic zoom program entitled Building motor programs for badminton skills for new learners and with the participation of a large number ...

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  The University of Kerbala Holding a Workshop on Locating Robots during the Transport of Heavy Objects

 The Department of Computer at the Faculty of Science holds a virtual workshop via the ZOOM platform entitled “On the Effectiveness of Optic-flow sensor Odometry in Cooperative Transport” in which a group of  the teaching staff members are present.    Dr. Muhannad Haider Muhammad explains that the experiments he conducts to evaluate the performance of the sensor that he developed and added ...

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Kerbala University Discussing a Scientific Study entitled (The Role of Arab and Muslim Geographers in the Study of Changes in Urban Conditions)

 The Faculty of Education for Human Science at the University of Kerbala discusses of the M.A. thesis (The role of Arab and Muslim geographers in the study of changes in urban conditions).    The thesis, presented by the student (Haider Hassan Kattafa Al-Yasiri), aims at studying the textile system of cities in general and the importance of weaving according to different ...

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Teaching Staff from the University of Kerbala Obtaining Membership of Bdan Academy

Teachers at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Rafid Al-Muhanna, Dr. Haider Salman Mohsen, and Dr. Ibtagha Muhammad Qasim  have obtained membership of the Bdan Academy.       The Administrative Affairs Associate of the Faculty, Dr. Rafid Al-Muhanna says that this institution includes a number of academic personalities from different Arab and foreign countries and is ...

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A Workshop at Kerbala University on Strategic Planning in Education

The Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Kerbala holds a workshop entitled (Strategic Planning in Education) and on the electronic platform FCC. It has been delivered by  Assist. Lect. Ammar Fadil Tuhma, with the presence of all professors and employees of the Faculty.      The workshop aims at clarifying the concept of strategic planning science and its uses in various ...

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