
Karbala University Announcing the Start of an Electronic Programme for Financial and Administrative Services

 Kerbala University has announced the launch of the first electronic programme of its kind in the university, which provides a service for inquiries about financial services and other services for the employee via mobile phones.  The president, Prof. Dr. Basim Al-Saidi, says that this is the first time at the university level that an electronic system is launched that works ...

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A Teacher from Kerbala University Participates in a Virtual Conference for Primary Health Care

Sponsored by the American National Association of Continuing Medical Education, Dr. Bahaa El-Din Abdel-Rahman Hadi Deghaim participates in the hypothetical Scientific Conference on Public Health, in the United States of America.      He states that the conference curriculum includes lectures on the latest research and treatments for type 2 diabetes, obstructive disease or chronic pulmonary narrowing of advanced cases and some ...

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Kerbala University Holding a Virtual Workshop for Radiation Protection

 The Faculty of Science at Kerbala University holds a virtual workshop via the ZOOM platform which is entitled “Radiation Protection”. many professors  have attended the workshop.     The workshop aims at demonstrating the seriousness of exposure to radiation and the most important side effects and how to prevent it.    Dr. Fadhel Khaddam Flaifil, one of the lecturers at the workshop, says ...

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An Electronic Workshop at Kerbala University about the Talented Football Player

 Under the auspices of the President of Karbala University, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nayel Al-Saidi, and the supervision  of the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, Dr. Habib Ali Taher, the Faculty has organized an electronic workshop entitled the talented player in football, through the FCC application. It has been presented by  Dr. Aziz  Karim Wannas and ...

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An Electronic Scientific Symposium at the University of Kerbala about COVID-19 Between the Iraqi and British Experience

The Faculty of Medicine at the University holds an electronic scientific seminar entitled (Sharing experiences in diagnosing and treating COVID-19 between the Iraqi and British experiments) with the participation of a number of specialists in medicine from inside and outside Iraq.     The symposium aims at explaining the medical relationship between Iraq and Britain in the face of the Coronavirus and ...

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 A teacher from the University of Karbala Presenting a Lecture about the Behaviour of Children and their Games with the Quarantine in an Electronic Seminar

The instructor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Samer Abdul Hadi gives a lecture entitled “The behaviour of children and their games with the Quarantine ” during the electronic seminar organized by the Faculty of Education for Girls at the University of Kufa via the FCC application.     The lecture aims at educating ...

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A Teacher from the University of Kerbala Publishing a New Book on Learning and Education in the Era of Information Technology

The teacher at the Faculty of Education and Sports Science at the University of Kerbala, Dr. Wissam Salah Abd Al-Hussein, with the participation of professors from the University of Baghdad and the University of Bahrain, has issued a new book entitled “Learning and Education in the Information Technology Era”.     The book includes nine chapters that deals with the latest theoretical ...

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Kerbala University Holding its First National Scientific Conference for Electronic Graduate Studies in Pure Sciences

 Under the auspices of the President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basim Khalil Nayel Al-Saidi, and the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences holds its first national scientific conference for electronic graduate studies, using the ZOOM application, the conference includes four axes, which is ...

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University of Kerbala holds its eighth international scientific conference through the Zoom program

Under the auspices of the presidency of Karbala University and the supervision of the Deanship of the College of Science, the College of Science held its eighth international scientific conference on science and technology ICAST2020 online via the Zoom program on Wednesday 15/4/2020. It was held under the slogan of “Scientific and technological progress is an indicator of countries’ prosperity ...

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Kerbala University conducting a virtual workshop on using Google forms and procedures to reduce the chances of cheating in electronic exams

Using the FCC program, the Computer Department at the College of Science held a virtual workshop entitled “The Administration and Mechanism of the Electronic Exam Using Google Form and the Measures Taken to Reduce Cheating Chances”. The workshop was offered on Tuesday 5/5/2020 with the participation of more than 700 scholars from various Iraqi universities. Programmer Dunia Jasim Muhammad, a ...

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