
University of Kerbala Participates in the Scientific Innovations Exhibition organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports

Faculty of Engineering / University of Kerbala has participated in a number of innovative projects. The faculty participates in Scientific Innovations Exhibition, which has been held by Scientific Care Department in the halls of the National Center for Sports Talent. It has been attended by Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Laith Shaker Rashid Al-Qarawi, as a representative of ...

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Minister of Education Confirms permanent follow-up of citizens’ Affairs and Scientific Requirements in Formulation of Decisions

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kadhim Abdel Sahib, affirms his permanent follow-up, interaction and positive interaction with the requests of citizens and the adoption of legal frameworks that guarantee rights and take into account equality. This came during his inspection visit to a number of the ministry’s departments, including the legal department and the private ...

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University of Kerbala Participates in conference of the Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies

Strategic Studies Center / University of Kerbala has participated in conference held by the Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies which is entitled (historical development of education in Iraq and challenges of its consolidation after 2003) in conjunction with the International Day of Education, and it has been held under the slogan: (Education is the basis for building peace and achieving ...

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University of Kerbala Participates in Exhibition of scientific innovations at Ministry of Youth and Sports

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology / University of Kerbala has participated in the 4th scientific innovation exhibition, which has been held by Ministry of Youth and Sports – Department of Scientific Care in the halls of the National Center for Sports Talent at Ministry of Youth and Sports. The participants in the graduation project for fourth-year students – ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Workshop on First Aid

Faculty of Pharmacy / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with the Iraqi Red Crescent Society in Karbala, has organized a workshop on first aid with the participation of employees and students. It includes theoretical lectures and practical applications on how to take the necessary measures in event of any emergency situation such as (fainting, suffocation, fire, drowning, fractures, and others) ...

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A Researcher from University of Kerbala Participates in Al- Faw Economic Forum

The researcher who is one of the staff members of Strategic Studies Center / University of Kerbala, Dr. Firas Al-Saffar, has participated in the activities of Al- Faw Economic Forum, Basra, which has been set up by Ishtar Foundation in cooperation with the Iraqi Academics Syndicate. Dr. Al-Saffar says that the purpose of holding the forum is to clarify the ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Scientific Symposium on the Emerging Corona Virus “Omicron”

Faculty of Dentistry / University of Kerbala, in cooperation with health center in AL-Muadhafeen Campus, has organized a scientific symposium on omicron mutator, methods of prevention and how to prevent its spread, with the participation of a number of teaching staff members. The symposium includes a statement of types of mutations for Covid 19 disease, an explanation of the risks ...

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University of Kerbala Organizing a Scientific Symposium at on Holding Conferences with the Support of IEEE

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology/ University of Kerbala has held a scientific symposium on the mechanism of holding conferences with scientific support from the IEEE Foundation, with the participation of a number of specialists and researchers. The symposium has been delivered by the representative of Iraq branch of the IEEE and professor at University of Babylon, Prof. Dr. ...

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Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences /University of Kerbala Follows up and Supervises the Application of Laboratory Quality Standards

Under the supervision of Dean of Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman is following up the process of applying quality standards of laboratories. Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman is accompanied by Director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Division, Dr. Riyad Delfi Ali, head of the Laboratory Quality Unit, Dr. Qoyd Sahban Yousef, and ...

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