
University of Kerbala occupies an Advanced Positions on Iraqi universities within the UI GreenMetric Ranking

The University of Kerbala has ranked 17 Iraqis according to the UI GreenMetric ranking of the state of Indonesia, which is concerned with the classification of international universities that work on improving the environmental aspect and providing a suitable environment for its students. University President Pr. Dr. Basem Al-Saedi says that Kerbala University has achieved the 17th rank at the ...

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Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala have an umbilical hernia operation

A number of students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kerbala residing in the veterinary clinic in Al-Husayniyah district successfully have operated on a cow with an umbilical hernia in one of the cattle breeding fields in the district. Dr. Abbas Khudair says that the operation has been performed successfully, explaining that the steps of the ...

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Kerbala University Organizing a Training Course on Ways of managing the Electronic Classroom

Under the patronage of the President of Kerbala University, Prof. Dr. Basem Nayel Al-Saedi, and under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Assist. Prof. Dr. Dergham Karim Kazem Al-Mousawi, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Kerbala has organized a training course entitled (How to manage an electronic classroom, raise lectures, record student ...

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Kerbala University Holding its 4th International Conference for Agricultural Sciences

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. Basem Khalil Al-Saedi and the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Thamer Al-Janabi, the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Kerbala holds its fourth international conference under the slogan: (With scientific research we guarantee food security) This has been done with ...

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University of Kerbala introducing the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Kerbala University has announced the establishing of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology for the academic year 2020-2021. The university president, Pro. Dr. Basem Al-Saedi, says that the university creates this year the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, with its two divisions (Computer Science and Information Technology), in order to fulfill the physical and human development ...

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A Workshop at Kerbala University on the self-report of Educational laboratories

 The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the Presidency of the University of Kerbala and based on the ministerial requirements for writing a self-report for educational laboratories, the department  holds a workshop on self-report for educational laboratories according to the requirements of the “GLP” Good Teaching Laboratory, with the participation of officials of the Quality Assurance Division in ...

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A Teacher from Kerbala University Issues a new book on mental processes and information processing

Dr. Wissam Salah Abdul-Hussein, the instructor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Kerbala University, with the participation of professors from Diyala University and Basra University, has issued a new book entitled “Mental Operations and Information Processing”. The book includes 10 chapters that include information processing, memory, sensation and perception, their role in mental processes and attention, ...

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University of Kerbala Discussing a Scientific Study  about The Impact of Strategic Thinking on the Quality of Service in the holy Shrines

The Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Kerbala has discussed a doctoral dissertation on the effect of strategic thinking on the quality of service at the holy shrines through strategic alignment : an applied study in the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine.     The study, presented by researcher Afdhal Abbas Al-Shami, aims at testing the effect of the relationship ...

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A Teacher from Kerbala University Participates in the Digital Media Education Forum

Dr. Haider Shalal Mutab, a teacher at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Kerbala participates in the first Iraqi scientific forum for digital media education, which has been held by the Iraqi Public Relations Association (IBRA), which is entitled (Digital Media Education as a Societal Necessity), with the participation of a number of government universities and private ...

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