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Green Chemistry and its relationship to achieving sustainable development.

Hamida Idan Salman & Hawraa Salman Kadhim Proph. Dr.
Department of chemistry, college of education for pure sciences, university of Karbala, Iraq.

The push toward more chemical pathways and end products that are acceptable to biological systems is known as “green chemistry” [1]. It covers the complete chemical supply chain, including education, commercial application, and research [2]. Green Chemistry is a concept that has gained a lot of traction in recent years and is intended to have an impact on industrial practice, research, and education. It is crucial to understand that it is not a subject like organic chemistry. Green Chemistry is instead intended to have an impact on how we practice chemistry, whether it be by teaching young students, looking for a means to make an interesting molecule, performing an analytical technique, producing chemicals or chemical formulations, or creating new products [3]. The Brundtland Commission (1987) defined sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” However, the way that civilization is now living is not sustainable. The world’s population is continuing to grow, natural resources are being used up faster than they can be replenished, and a lot of hazardous compounds are being discharged into the environment. For instance, in the United States, chemicals identified on the Toxics Release Inventory (2001) were discharged both on- and off-site in 2001 in excess of six billion pounds. [4]. This presents a number of challenges for the global society in terms of balancing the competing demands of feeding, clothing, and housing a growing global population, while also effectively managing scarce resources and producing enough wealth to satisfy the reasonable economic aspirations of the societies at large. Everything must be done without endangering the eco-system of the planet. The goals are generally agreed upon, yet there is fervent disagreement [5]
There are four ways green chemistry is improving the world: enhancing paint efficiency while reducing expenses, converting waste gas into fuel and valuable chemicals, replacing CFCs in polystyrene foam sheets with naturally occurring substances or CO2 byproducts, then commercializing the technology Future: addressing the plastic pollution issue. [6] establishing a link between global chemicals management and sustainable chemistry; By justifying sustainability criteria in areas outside the purview of sound chemical administration, such as resource and energy efficiency, the use of renewable feedstock, working conditions, and the impact of chemical production on societies, the Concept of Sustainable Chemistry can assist all performers in identifying practical technical alternatives in combination and production with less dangerous chemicals. [7]

1 – World Commission on the Environment and Development (WCED), Our Common Future Oxford, Oxford University, 1987, p. 43.
2 – Quality of Life Counts: Indicators for a Strategy for Sustainable Development in the UK 2004 Update, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London, March 2004.
3- M. Lancaster, Green Chemistry, an Introductory Text, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2002.
4- Mary M. Kirchhoff, Promoting sustainability through greenchemistry. J.resconrec, 44(3),237-243, 2005.
5- Bjorn Lomborg, The Skeptical Environmentalist, Measuring the Real State of the World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001.
6- M.Esposito, T.Tse, K.Soufani, world economic forum, OCT 17,2016.
7- Ch. Blum, D. Bunke, M. Hungsberg, E. Roelofs, A. Joas, R. Joas, M. Blepp, H. Stolzenberg, The concept of sustainable chemistry: Key drivers for the transition towards sustainable development, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy: Elsevier, June 2017.