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Kerbala University Discussing a PH.D Dissertation entitled” Legal Organization of the non-exchange Commercial Paper

Faculty of Law / Kerbala University has discussed the Ph.D. dissertation which is entitled “legal organization of the non- Commercial paper: A Comparative Study”.
The study, presented by Hassanein Makki Joudi, aims at addressing the legislative defect that affect the texts regulating of the non-formal commercial paper, which has been represented by the legislative deficiency, as the legislator does not indicate the types of this paper, which has been surrounded by ambiguity in the texts of the law.
The dissertation deals with the provisions related to commercial exchange papers that may apply to them and those that do not apply to them. On the other hand, only one article has been discussed in the regulation, which is Article 185 of the applicable Trade Law.
It is concluded that the Iraqi legislator in the Trade Law No. 30 of 1984 has set a general rule for the non-exchange commercial paper, and this rule has been represented by Article 185, but he does not specify the non-exchange commercial papers, rather left the field open for any paper to which the conditions of this article apply.
The researcher has suggested a number of suggestions one of them is preparation of a project to amend the commercial law.