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Kerbala University Holding a Virtual Workshop for Radiation Protection

 The Faculty of Science at Kerbala University holds a virtual workshop via the ZOOM platform which is entitled “Radiation Protection”. many professors  have attended the workshop.

    The workshop aims at demonstrating the seriousness of exposure to radiation and the most important side effects and how to prevent it.

   Dr. Fadhel Khaddam Flaifil, one of the lecturers at the workshop, says that  a set of concepts, ideas and scientific facts has been presented so as to explain the meaning of  radiation and its effects in addition to the scientific methods used to prevent it, because of the widespread use of different ionizing radiation in the medical, industrial, agricultural and other fields and the accompanying applications of these effects side to human life.

  The core message of the workshop have been distributed on Ionizing radiation is its definition, sources, and methods of measurement, the most important effects resulting from medical applications of x-rays, non-ionizing radiation, effects from microwave applications, radiation exposure and its types, ultraviolet radiation and its effect on humans  radiation protection methods.